Qin Official

Chapter 24 What’s the use of practicing queue?

(For the leader of the alliance, "Duke Gong"... No, it's "I sit under the Bodhisattva" to add more?, by the way, please give me a recommendation vote)

Hearing what Dongmen Bao said, Heifu was stunned.

"Writing a war is not about charging in goose-stepping. Practicing formations all day long is useless!"

During the military training in high school in his previous life, Heifu also complained like this. It wasn't until he got older, entered the police academy, and truly experienced military camp life that this thought slowly disappeared. At this time, when I heard Dongmen Bao mentioned it, I suddenly felt familiar.

"Has Brother Leopard ever been on the battlefield?" He was silent for a long time and asked slowly.

Dongmen Bao shook his head and said: "No, I have served three times, but I have never been called into battle." It can be seen that he is very eager to make meritorious service in the battle.

Now Heifu felt relieved. Although he had never been on the battlefield, he had heard about it in his past life and had watched a lot of documentaries about the war. There was enough stuff in his stomach to blow off.

Heifu smiled and asked Dongmen Bao to sit down on a log and said to him: "March and fight are very different from fighting alone. On the battlefield, it is a big scene with thousands or tens of thousands of people. The momentum is like a tidal wave. No matter how high one's martial arts skills are, he can't display his skills in the crowd. There are spears, swords and halberds from all directions, and random arrows are raining down. The usual tricks in fighting cannot be used at all. use."

Seeing that Dongmen Bao still didn't believe it, Heifu asked him to imagine such a scene:

They are a group of rangers with high martial arts skills. They just entered the battlefield in a mess, preparing to fight with their own bravery and ruthlessness.

At this time, the Chinese army issued an order to advance slowly, which was conveyed with golden drums and flags. As a result, the rangers didn't know what to do, some charged forward, and some stayed there in confusion. As a result, those who broke away from the large army and charged forward were shot to death by the arrows from the opposite side; those who stood behind were beheaded by the military judge; and those who were left wanted to move forward in a hurry, but found that they were blocked by their own people. The way forward has been blocked, and in doing so, it has disrupted our own formation...

Even if you finally fight against the enemy, because they fight individually, they will be divided by well-trained enemy troops. One person has to fight several or dozens of people at the same time, and in the end he will be chopped into meat paste. Even if they survived, they would probably face the impact of the roaring four-horse chariots and the galloping cavalry.

Well, these people are called Qi Martial Arts. Back then, King Qi Min hired these "martial arts masters" who came from the Linzi city to fight. As a result, they were defeated in every battle and almost destroyed the powerful Qi State.

Therefore, many years ago, when Lao Xunzi was commenting on the strength of the armies of various countries, he listed Qi Wushu, the strongest individual in martial arts, as the worst army and the one who would destroy the country.

After finishing the scene, Dongmen Bao couldn't help but sweat profusely. He imagined that when he went to the battlefield, he could chop off more than a dozen heads like melons and vegetables with his own bravery. So it wasn't that easy?

Heifu smiled again and said: "Therefore, how can soldiers win? To rule is to win! Good discipline is the difference between a mob and an elite division. And the training of these ranks is exactly what Sun Wu and Wu Qi, two masters of the art of war, have painstakingly studied Come out, do you know who these two people are?"

Dongmen Bao shook his head. Although these two people were once famous in the Chu region, times have changed and the years are too long. How can ordinary people in the countryside know about them. Heifu had no choice but to educate him about the deeds of Sun and Wu...

"People often say, there is a man who has raised 70,000 people, but who can't be matched by the world? It's called Wu Qi. There's a person who can raise 30,000 people, but there's no one in the world who can compare with him? It's called Wu Zi! Now you know, how powerful these two are. Come on!"

"Sun Wu is really a hero! I just wish I couldn't serve under his command!" Dongmen Leopard opened his eyes wide, obviously still immersed in his grandson's killing of King Wu's beloved concubine, and how he defeated the Chu State with tens of thousands of troops and fought thousands of miles; Wu Qi killed his wife to seek general, Guarding Xihe, and finally participating in Chu's reform, he died in the story of random arrows.

Heifu said: "At that time, Wu Qi used the well-trained Wei soldiers to defeat the Qin State. Later, the Qin State also used Wu Qi's military training methods in the army. These trainings may seem boring, but when they are completed, , if hundreds or thousands of people can do what Wu Qi said about sitting and lying in an orderly manner, marching in an orderly manner, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, and the left and right divisions obey the command of the central army like arms, and they can fight independently even if they are in separate formations. In that case, He is the most unrivaled warrior in the world wherever he goes!"

"Hei Fu knows so much!" Dongmen Leopard was full of admiration. If he just said it verbally but was not convinced on the first day of arm-wrestling, then after what he said just now, he really admired Hei Fu to the ground.

But he looked suspicious again: "Heifu, you are only serving for the first time and have never been on the battlefield. Why do you know this?"

"This...actually my late father told me. He went to the battlefield many times." Heifu took the cheap dad out to block the gun again.

"This is really unreasonable!"

Dongmen Bao beat his thigh angrily and said, "Heifu has a good father who taught you everything he saw and heard on the battlefield. My father was often called into battle, but he came home after every battle. , all he could do was look for a drink with a sullen face and say nothing, and then beat me hard after drinking! In the end, he accidentally slipped and fell into the river after being drunk and drowned. Gotta be destitute!”

It seems that this reckless and impulsive Dongmen Leopard also has his own story, but Heifu just patted him on the shoulder and did not delve into it.

"What is the commander...the corps commander..."

The stammering words sounded, and when he turned around, it was Xiao Tao who also got up. Heifu greeted him, and Xiao Tao smiled innocently. This child is a typical young farm boy, simple and loyal, but a little timid.

At this time, the sun had fully risen. Dongmen Bao changed his disdain for training and took the initiative to wake up the rest of the people. With the urging of this evil star, everyone got up much faster than yesterday.

Heifu nodded slightly. It seemed that besides Ji Ying, he had a good helper, so he took them to the school ground and announced his training plan.

"Today's training starts with comparing heads and lining up!"

Heifu discovered that the Qin State's obsessive-compulsive disorder about meticulous laws did not seem to be transmitted to the army. The army's ranks were not based on height, but on titles and ages. Those with titles stood in front, and those without titles stood in front. In the back, among the soldiers, the older ones stood in front and the younger ones stood in the back.

This also resulted in people standing unevenly, which greatly affected the viewing experience.

Heifu had carefully asked General Chen Bai yesterday whether adjusting the queue sorting method was not a violation of military regulations, right? General Chen Bai said that ranking according to title is a legal requirement, but ranking according to age is just a convention and is not written into military regulations. Anyway, there are only two princes among them, one is in front and the other is in the back. The rest are waiting, and Hei Fu can arrange it as he likes.

So Heifu boldly began to adjust the queue.

"Hey, you stand behind me...why? Of course it's because you are the shortest. Don't be sad. Maybe you can grow taller if you eat more meat."

"Mou, I know you want to be next to your cousin, but you are eight feet tall, so you have to stand at the back and in front of Dongmen Leopard."

"Xiao Tao..." After searching around, Heifu found that Xiao Tao was already standing behind Zhi. This kid, despite his stuttering and dullness, was actually quite smart.

"Ji Ying, yes, I'm talking about you. Don't look around and stay behind Xiao Tao."

"Uncle Chao, you usually take second place according to your age, but now you can only aggrieved and stand in the middle."

"Ping, yes, no, you three stand behind Uncle Chao."

In this way, their order is from low to high, which is much more pleasing to the eye.

After adjusting the queue, Heifu, who also has mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, nodded with satisfaction, and then entered the second session of the day.


"Learn to stand?"

Just when the training content was announced, Ji Ying almost laughed out loud: "Brother Heifu, isn't it just standing? I'll be able to do it after I'm three years old, why do I still need to learn?... Hey, why are you hitting me?"

Heifu raised the bamboo stick in his hand and slapped Ji Ying, who was smiling playfully: "You are not allowed to interrupt before I finish speaking. In addition, it is forbidden to joke, fight, and look around in the queue."

After Heifu convinced the Dongmen Leopard on the first day, he established his prestige, and he had already promised that he would treat this matter strictly. Anyone who disobeys orders will be given three strikes for the first offense, ten strikes for the second offense, and ten strikes for the third offense according to military regulations. If you commit a second offense, you can be "flogged", that is, beaten to death!

When Ji Ying saw that Hei Fu was getting serious, he wisely shut up. The others looked at Dongmen Bao and found that he was uncharacteristically obeying Yu Heifu, so naturally they did not dare to make a mistake.

Just listen to Heifu say: "I have heard a saying, a real man must stand upright and act righteously in order to survive in this world!"

As he spoke, he faced everyone, made a standard standing posture, and said: "Stand like a pine! Like me, it is a straight pine on the top of the mountain!"

Everyone stared at Heifu and found that he was indeed standing upright, as energetic as a green pine.

Heifu then pointed at the crooked postures of Ji Ying and others: "And you, you are like crooked pine trees protruding from the mountainside! They sway when the wind blows, what a mess!"

Everyone looked at each other. Although they didn’t think there was anything wrong with standing like this, no one had any objections. Under Heifu’s demonstration and correction, they began to learn to stand up straight again...

"The heels are together and the toes are pointed outwards, that's right."

"Stand your legs straight and close together, tuck your lower abdomen slightly, hold your chest out, and your shoulders should be flat, not one high and one low."

"The arms are drooping and straight, and the fingers are naturally slightly curved together, sticking to the seam of the trousers... The forehead is wrong, it's the side of the lower skirt."

"Well, your head should be upright, your neck should be straight, and your mouth should be closed. Ji Ying, don't keep grinning at me!"

"Look forward with your eyes straight, no, you don't know what looking straight is? Come on, look into my eyes..."

So, before the whole morning meal, the other Shis began to follow their commanders and corps commanders to start a confused and messy training. The whole school ground was filled with shouts and shouts. It was very lively, but Heifu and his Guishi stood still. Start to stand up in a military posture.

General Bin Bai was also watching the watchman training on the earth platform. When one of his subordinates saw this, he said: "General Bai, that Hei Fu is standing there for a long time, or is being lazy. Do you want to go over and give me an order?" Fan?"

"No need."

General Bin shook his head and sneered:

"He probably knows how difficult it is to train soldiers, and this is not an easy job! Just let him do it! I will take the county soldiers to Yunmengze to hunt down thieves tomorrow, and I don't have time to care about such trivial matters. Just wait for him On the tenth day of the competition, I will make a fool of myself in front of everyone! After this, the entire Anlu County will know that the so-called strong man Heifu who captured thieves is just a talkative guy! When the time comes, I will ride a horse Walk in front and watch him dance a full circle around Anlu County!"

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