Qi Meng Xuanji

Chapter 103: Concubine Election Conference

Do you have such a weak one's prestige and others' aspirations?

Not being able to go out these few days is not a problem for people like Xuanji who are used to being accustomed to the house. It's just that he can't see the handsome uncle and feels a little regretful. Unknowingly, he has resumed the erosive life of waking up and sleeping for a long time.

Prince Xi did not want to expose Xuanji too much before the event was finalized, so he did not arrange any social activities after the palace banquet. He also declined the visit of the family's daughters on the grounds that she was weak and still needed to rest. Xuanji was also happy to relax. .

This day, I was testing the water absorption of different plant materials in my room. I wanted to get an upgraded version of feminine hygiene products. I suddenly heard that the maid came to report that there were important guests in the palace tonight and asked her to prepare for a banquet.

This is not the most bizarre. What is even more bizarre is that Xu Yun actually came to pass the message in person, saying that he hoped that the princess would be low-key tonight and never make some special actions in front of the guests, but he was vague about the reasons.

Xuanji was too lazy to ask, let the maid go into the palace after dressing and dressing at will. Only after entering the palace, I found out that it was wrong. The banquets turned out to be the unmarried women of the royal and relatives Yunying.

Xuanji was led to a more remote corner by the maid. She didn’t know anyone who was seated in the same room, but she looked kinder. From a distance, she saw Ning Zhu sitting in the most prominent seat, but the cousin looked at Xuanji’s eyes. Sharp as a knife, with a look of resentment, Xuanji was strange, sitting in the corner by herself did not provoke her, did she suffer from the fire or the menopause was advanced?

When she rolled her eyes, she saw Wan Rulan sitting on the other seat opposite Ning Zhu, the capital of Shuang Jiao faintly confronted, but Wan Rulan looked gentle and kind, but occasionally raised her eyes with cold light.

Wan Rulan didn’t attend the last palace banquet because he was unwell. Later, I saw it several times at the Prime Minister Wan. Her father Wan Suli and Wan Suhe were half brothers, but they weren’t a direct daughter. Gao Juexian, the middle official of the court, is not as good as Wan Suhe in the prime minister’s mansion. Wan Rulan is indeed a lady of everyone, but her heart is very high. Although she is polite and polite to Xuanji on the surface, she is very repulsive to this cousin in her heart. A Princess Ningzhu's identity overwhelmed her, and another Princess Ningyue was better than Ningzhu. Even the uncle, who had always been indifferent to everyone, looked at her differently. How could she have no idea?

Xuanji is not a fool. Of course you can tell who likes her and who hates her, so I usually try to avoid contact with Wan Rulan. I didn’t expect to sit in the corner today, and the two beauties still want to pierce her with their eyes. The hole is really innocent.

Looking at the eyes of the women who were sitting with me, all of them flickered, as if waiting to watch the play, they seemed thoughtful.

Xuanji sighed secretly, these years are really poisoning women, a good girl is locked in the house, every day there is no other pastime except in the den.

The banquet was hosted by Queen Ningguo in order to welcome Princess Chengguo Ronghua, the sister of the monarch Chengguo, and this time she went to Ningguo with her husband and son-in-law.

The two countries are equal in national strength and are also threatened by the Yue State. They made an agreement for safety a few years ago. When Princess Ronghua came this time, everyone knew that she was actually here to pick a wife for Prince Chengguo.

The sons and daughters of Guojun Ning are already married and have not established a prince. No matter which granddaughter is sent out, it will affect the original balance of power of the three kings. After thinking about it, Jing and Di thought about it and decided by the other party and their relatives.

In the current situation, being married is just the icing on the cake. In fact, no matter how the relatives get married, it will not affect the relationship between the two countries.

Chengguo is naturally happy that someone can choose. The three princes in Ningguo who are vying for the crown prince dare not wait to take it lightly. Once their daughter is selected, it is equivalent to having Chengguo’s support. In addition to Prince Xi, the other two princes secretly geared up.


Prince Xi only left Xuanji a daughter, this daughter may also be a "goddess", of course he is not willing to send it out to make others cheaper. But the other two princes who had vaguely guessed that Prince Xi was thinking, did not want to marry Xuanji.

If Xuanji is really a goddess, she can't be cheap to others and leave her in Ningguo. If she can't be controlled, she can be assassinated to avoid future troubles.

So tonight's palace banquet became such a situation, Xuanji was placed in the most inconspicuous corner, and the daughters of the other two princes sat in the most conspicuous position.

In addition to Princess Ningzhu from Prince Mu's family, Princess Ninglu from Prince Xiang's family also arrived, but the little girl, although pretty and pretty, is far less attractive than the two beautiful and charming capitals of Beijing, and she is not very conspicuous when sitting in the front seat.

The reason why Wan Rulan was able to sit on an equal footing with Princess Ningzhu was completely dependent on the arrangement of the queen. The Queen of Ning is also from the Wan family. Prime Minister Wan has completely figured it out since he almost stood on the wrong side and suffered heavy injuries more than ten years ago. People are not as good as relying on themselves. As long as they are strong enough, no matter who the three princes come to power, they can be as stable as Mount Tai. Now there is an opportunity to be the head of the country, and naturally I don't want to miss it.

The Empress Wan's own son unfortunately died, and the confessed son Prince Xiang couldn't believe it, so she also hoped that her niece could become the queen of a country, so as to increase her strength and find a way out if necessary.

A palace banquet with only female family members is also undercurrent. The young girls are dignified and quiet. In the huge palace, only the laughter of Princess Ronghua and the polite response of the Empress Wan.

After finally getting to the intermission, the Queen Wan enthused the girls to admire the moon and flowers in the imperial garden, and then return to the banquet to drink wine with poetry after the moon reaches the sky.

Xuanji slipped out of the palace among a bunch of girls. After looking back, she just saw Wan Rulan, Ning Zhu, and Ning Lu talking with Princess Ronghua, and she couldn't help but sympathize with them.

Usually these princess ladies are all dear and precious gods, but today they are forced to sit here for the power and interests of their father and brother, and they are forced to sit here and laugh, and are chosen as objects. No wonder Wan Rulan and Ning Zhu are angry and resentful. .

The moonlight in the imperial garden was like silver, and Xuan Ji didn't want to talk with the ladies. After evasively walking to the rockery, she found a narrow stone ladder to climb to the top of the rockery.

For a moment, Xuanji lifted up her skirt and walked up. The top of the rockery was quite flat, and there was a small pavilion in the middle. Sitting in the pavilion, you could watch the moon from afar, and it was difficult for people near the rockery to see the people in the pavilion. For such a good place, Xuanji immediately took up the land as the king.

It's a pity that within a moment of silence, I heard a few sparrows come down from the rockery - several princess ladies who had been invited unexpectedly chose this rockery as the venue for the gossip enlarged meeting.

The maids and maids who led the way did not expect that some of the ladies would climb onto the rockery. They just looked around, saw no one walking nearby, and reported back to their master, and exchanged gossip information with peace of mind.

There are too many updates, and there are still many words to write in my brain. There is a report waiting to be written tomorrow, oooooo.

I want to boss Zhao too

Remember that, please do a good thing that day!

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