The ancestral witches covered their heads and screamed in pain.

Why is there a barrier here?


The Security Demon God woke up from his sleep and was a little confused. Why was there a Demon God who bumped into the Security Avenue that automatically appeared when he fished?

There are so many dishes.

Walking out of the security room, the security devil was stunned. After a while,

"Hey, it's not a demon. This aura is the descendant of the boss?"

"Ahem, hello, Uncle Security. We are the Twelve Ancestral Witches, transformed by the original essence and blood of God the Father. We just saw this hotel and want to enter and have a look!"

"I know, you go in!"


Chapter 105 Demon God Meeting

The security devil shouted into the store,

"Service, we have a guest!"

"I'm coming!"

The Demon God of Service walked out and was a little surprised when he saw the Twelve Ancestral Witches. He quickly calmed down and smiled forward.

"Ancestral witches, are you here to eat?"

The Twelve Ancestral Witches hesitated. Can they afford the Chaos Demon God's hotel?

"Don't worry, there's no charge! Come with me, there's a private room over here!"

After the Demon God of Service finished speaking, he led the ancestral wizards towards a private room called 'Honghuang'.

If you don’t want money, what do you want?

No matter, let’s gain some experience first.

The ancestral witches followed the Demon God of Service into the private room of 'Ancient Wilderness'.

After entering, the Twelve Ancestral Witches discovered that this was a miniature version of the prehistoric world.

"You guys take a seat first. There are three thousand avenue drinks here. If you want to drink them, just have an idea!"

The serving devil smiled and said, without letting the Twelve Ancestral Witches take orders, he said,

"I just bought a batch of goods a million years ago. There are a few items that are particularly suitable for you. I'll ask the old chef to process them for you!"

Then exit the room.

"Is this the place where Father God and the others eat? It's so high-end!"

Gonggong's face was full of novelty. He stretched out his hand, and a bottle of blue drink appeared in his hand, with a straw inserted, feeling cold.



Gonggong let out a cry of relief, his mind became clear, and the realization of the Great Way of Water also appeared in his mind over and over again.

Strengthen your foundation.

"This is not a drink, it is cultivation!"

After saying that, Gonggong had an idea, and with the blessing of the "Honghuang" private room, this bottle of drink became an unlimited refill mode!

"Hey, interesting!" Zhu Rong sat on a magma seat, and the power of the Avenue of Fire covered him, allowing Zhu Rong to find the feeling he had when he was pregnant!

His thoughts moved slightly, and this force pressed on his shoulders. Massage it.

A large bucket of magma was inserted into a tube, and Zhu Rong drank it in large gulps.

Hou Tu looked at the drink in his left hand, then turned to look at the drink in his right hand.

Finally we drank together.

The Avenue of Earth and the Avenue of Reincarnation emerged, covering her.

The other ancestral witches also fell into this happiness.

After the service devil walked out of the private room, he went to the kitchen and shouted,

"Old Chef, do you still have the body of the ancestral witch that the Water Demon God brought back last time?"

A head stuck out from the kitchen door, and the Kitchen Demon replied,

"Yes, that thing is not eaten by the devil, so it has been kept!"

"The descendants of the boss, the Twelve Ancestral Witches are here, and you did it for them!"

"Hey, the descendant of the boss, I have to show some real skills!"

"As you wish, I'm leaving! The Supreme Demon Gods are having a meeting, and I have to entertain them!

When you’re done, remember to send it to the ‘Honghuang’ private room! "

After saying that, the Service Demon walked towards the last room in the row.

"Some juniors come here once in a while, and I've done everything for them. Anyway, they will only save more in the end!"

The Demon God of Kitchen walked into the warehouse muttering. The beads are arranged neatly.

Chu Zhidao looked towards the last row. Catch twelve Chaos Orbs.

The soul swept away, and huge monsters floated in the air.

There are bone spurs all over the body, a python head and a body...

"More than three hundred!" The Demon God of Kitchen thought for a while,

"Stew soup, stir-fry, barbecue... well, that's it!"

After saying that, a giant six-legged, four-winged faceless bird lay on the chopping board that was billions of miles long.

The Kitchen Demon picked up the kitchen knife and started doing it.

In a private room, the Supreme Demon God and some high-level Demon Gods gathered together.

The person who initiated this gathering was the Time Demon, Hour!

The purpose is, the alliance behind the online game system!

The demonic gods of time, cause and effect, and wisdom provide strategies.

If you feel it is inappropriate to refer to other demon gods, please give your opinion!

Among the demons, the water demon was in low spirits and was feeling dizzy.

It's not just him, but most of the demon gods are like this. The strategy is basically no big deal, and they don't need to express their opinions.

Come to the meeting, it’s just a process!

Listening to the speeches of several supreme demon gods, the Water Demon God yawned and picked up the drink on the side, ready to take a sip to refresh himself!

Suddenly, the Water Demon was a little confused, why didn't he get a drink?

Could it be that his membership has expired?

Upon closer inspection, the Water Demon discovered the mystery. His exclusive drink had gone to another private room!


This is the low-level demon who secretly drinks this demon’s exclusive drink!

The Water Demon became interested, took a closer look, and couldn't help shouting.


Suddenly, hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at the Water Demon.

The Demon God of Wisdom who was arranging the battle plan came, and finally a Demon God expressed his opinion.

Wisdom looked at the Water Demon God.

"Lao Shui, if you have any ideas, let us know!"

Looking at the wise eyes of the Wisdom Demon God, the Water Demon God smiled awkwardly, spread his hands,

"Zhi Zhi, I have no objection to your arrangement. I just had a drink and found that it was occupied. The boss's descendants were dining in the 'Ancient' private room! So..."

After the Water Demon God finished speaking, the other Demon Gods looked back, thinking they had some objections, but this is the result!

At this time, Shichen seemed to remember something and looked at the reincarnation next to the cause and effect.

"Reincarnation, they are looking for you!"

"Find me?"

"Yes, prehistoric times need a complete reincarnation, and you need to take action!"

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