"Xiaoxiao, we are here!"

Jin Xuan put down the prey in his hands, and happily waved to Mi Xiaoxiao who was looking for Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo in the crowd.

"It seems that you have achieved a good harvest this time!" Mi Xiaoxiao walked to Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo, pointing at the large pile of prey.

Originally, she was thinking of going back to prepare a sumptuous dinner for Jin Xuan and the others, but when she got home, she realized that the food at home seemed a bit insufficient.

At this time, I heard shouts from the bottom of the cave, thinking that Jin Xuan and the others had returned, so Mi Xiaoxiao went down the cave to look for them.

"Well, today a big wild boar was caught in the trap Xiaoxiao set up." Jin Xuan looked at the wild boar, and then proudly looked at the little female beside him.

"Wild boar?"

In modern times, it is very good to be able to eat domestic pigs raised in the countryside, but it may be more difficult to eat real wild boar.

"Well, this wild boar is relatively big, so we should be able to get a small piece of meat."

Shi Nuo looked at the wild boar, and thought for a while to accept Mi Xiaoxiao's words.

"Oh, that's it!" It's better than nothing, and besides the dozens of people in the tribe, it's good for them to get a share.

"There are a lot of prey caught today, everyone can come and get a piece of food for their own family!"

At this time, Otto stood at the place where the food was usually distributed, and greeted the people below him.

"Today's prey is a lot! There is also a big wild boar!" Ai Luo looked at the prey piled up in front of her and exclaimed happily.

It has been a long time since their tribe caught a prey as big as today's wild boar.

However, it seems that since Xiaoxiao came to their tribe, they have never been hungry, and the hunters always return with a full load.

Is Xiaoxiao the lucky god of their tribe? Thinking about it, Ai Luo unconsciously glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao who was between Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo.

"Just a little?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the wild pork in her hand, not knowing what to say.

By visual inspection, the wild pork in this hand is less than half a catty...

"It's okay Xiaoxiao, we still have these." Jin Xuan raised a bear and rabbit in his hand and said.

Does Xiao’s favorite wild pork? That's why you think there's a little less wild boar meat?

Hmm... It seems that he will have to think of ways to bring back more wild pork for Xiaoxiao in the future.

"Yes, let's go, let's go back."

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo, anyway, the food was enough for them all.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, shall we have barbecue tonight?" Xiaoxiao's grilled meat was so delicious that he couldn't wait.

"No, I'm going to make another delicious meal tonight." Mi Xiaoxiao vetoed Jin Xuan's proposal. If it's barbecue, it would be a waste of such good wild pork.

"Little female, your trap is really powerful!" At this time, Dasen suddenly passed in front of Mi Xiaoxiao and the others.

"Thank you for the compliment, Dasen, where are you going?"

Her traps only played a small role, and the key lies in these hunting orcs.

"Oh, the leader asked me to bury these things." Dasen lifted the things in his hand and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and said.

"This is... a pig in the water?!" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the thing in Dasen's hand in surprise, this pig in the water is a good thing.

"Pigs into the water? The little female is talking about the internal organs of these wild boars?" Dasen looked at Mi Xiaoxiao suspiciously. Why is the little female looking at this thing like this?

This thing is not only unclean, but also easy to get sick if you eat it, but if it rots here, it will smell very bad, so the leader asked him to deal with it and bury it.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, Dasen, these are good things, don't bury them!"

Mi Xiaoxiao stuffed the meat in her hand to Shi Nuo, and watched the pig in Da Sen's hand go into the water with joy.

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