The energy cube contains a large number of nutrients that are beneficial to Pokémon, and each Pokémon has its own energy cube. Only in this way can the body that is overdrawn by forced evolution be replenished.

Of course, ready-made energy cubes are expensive. Although Xiaoxia is from Hualan Gym, she doesn’t have much travel expenses on hand, which is why she is so entangled.

"I am also responsible for this matter. If it weren't for Squirtle, the horned goldfish would not have forcibly evolved into the goldfish king. Leave this energy cube to me."

Long Ye knew Xiaoxia's difficulties, so he simply took over the responsibility and gave her a step down.

The main reason was that Long Ye's love for Pokémon couldn't bear to let the Goldfish King overtax his body like this. He had to give it to her anyway. The Pokémon prepared energy cubes, and the rewarded Alliance Coin, Dr. Omu, had already been put into Tatsuno's card. He didn't have much expenses on his usual travels, it was just daily travel expenses. It only cost more than 10,000 yuan, but there was still a lot left.

Xiaoxia knew that Long Ye was trying to help her and took all the responsibility on herself.

The two of them came to the store and their affection for Long Ye soared. Tatsuno bought some raw materials for energy cubes suitable for the Angora family.

Tatsuno did not buy the finished products because he planned to make them himself. In the five years he spent with Dr. Ohki, he had already honed the skills of making energy cubes. It is cheaper and more effective than general energy cubes.

At the same time, he also bought five forced exercisers, which are gravity devices. After wearing them, the gravity of Pokémon will change, thus improving his body. Strength, after taking it off, the body's various values will be improved to varying degrees.

These things are not cheap. After Tatsuno paid, there was a little more than 800,000 in the card, which cost a full 180,000. Many, mainly because the gravity device was too expensive. Without counter-offering, it cost 30,000 yuan, so

Tatsuno released his Pokémon one by one and gave them to the Pokémon except Kirulian. They all have gravity devices. This is not because Tatsuno favors one over the other, but because Chirulian is going in the direction of special attack. The main attack should be on mental strength, and the gravity device does not work.






After Long Ye turned on the switch of the gravity device, the Lizard King and the Charmander all found that their bodies were heavy and it was very difficult to move. Bibi Bird even fell directly to the ground.

"Tatsuno, this thing is so powerful!"

Xiaoxia couldn't believe her eyes. How powerful could a small black box tied to her body be?

Long Ye finally didn't feel the pain anymore. Although these five gravity devices are a bit expensive, they are really powerful. It was great value for money, and then Tatsuno jumped the gravity to the range that the forest lizards could accept and left here.

After coming out of the store, Tatsuno and Xiaoxia went straight to the port, where they would take a boat to the other side of the sea. , heading towards Jinhuang City, where the next gym is located.

"Tatsuno, we are so lucky to have encountered a free ship ticket, and it is a luxury liner like the St. Ann!"Xiaoxia walked on the ladder leading to the deck of the San Annuo and showed a bright smile.

That's right!

Tatsuno and Xiaoxia finally boarded the San Annuo, which was controlled by the Rockets.

Originally, Tatsuno wanted to change

The ordinary passenger ship left here, but the system issued a mission at this time, asking Tatsuno to stop the Rockets' actions, and the price offered was an extremely high one hundred points, which made Tatsuno excited!

It would be easier to find the tickets.

In this operation, the Rockets spent a lot of money and found many ordinary members to give the tickets to the traveling trainers for free.

Tatsuno and Xiaoxia also got the tickets as soon as they entered.

Inside the San Annuo, Tatsuno finally understood what luxury was, the elegant decoration, the courteous waiters, and the dazzling array of high-end ingredients.......

What a waste!

Because Team Rocket's targets are all traveling trainers, Pokémon battles are even more essential. More than a dozen small battle arenas are already filled with trainers.

"OK, I'm going to fight!"

Because the gap between Xiaoxia and Tatsuno is getting bigger and bigger, she refuses to admit defeat and is full of fighting spirit and comes to one of the battlefields to fight. This is quite different from the animation.

Tatsuno sees Xiaoxia going to fight. Feeling that he was also itching, he also found a battleground and started fighting. As for the mission, he had already forgotten about it.

Although there were many trainers here, their strength was average, and no particularly strong opponents appeared. Even if Tatsuno's Bibi Bird faced them with a gravity device, he could kill them instantly. Unknowingly, he had won 23 consecutive victories.

"That Bibi bird is awesome"

"These champions are really strong!"

"I will definitely not be their opponent!"


The trainers watching the battle were all talking about it, but because of the strong strength shown by Tatsuno, no trainer dared to challenge him. There were several other champions in the same situation as Tatsuno.

After staying for a while, a champion next to Longye walked up to him and said,"I am Jero from Nibi City, do you want to come and have a fight?"


Tatsuno has long noticed Jero next to him. His Big Mouth is pretty good and has defeated many trainers. It is a good opponent.

Neither of them has changed their Pokémon. They are still using Bibi Bird and Big Mouth. Bird, and this battle between dragons and tigers also attracted many trainers to watch, and there was a lot of discussion below.

"They are both very powerful, who do you think will win?"

"I think the golden bird will win, it's super fast!"

"Nonsense, the Toucan is so powerful, even my Bulbasaur is no match for it!"


Tatsuno and Jero didn't pay attention to the discussion below. Instead, they stared into each other's eyes, sparks of fighting bursting out.

"Bibi Bird, moves at high speed to approach the opponent"

"Big-billed bird, violent storm!"

The two issued the order almost at the same time. These two Pokémon are also natural rivals. They often compete for territory in the forest, so the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and they use all their strength.

The bird's wings danced and started to flap. The strong wind rushed towards Bibi Bird. Bibi Bird was fearless and walked against the wind, but was stagnant in the attack of the fierce wind.

Originally, it would not be a problem for Bibi Bird to break through the strong storm wind of Toucan, but because of this. Due to the gravity device, Bibi Bird's speed has dropped a lot, and it has to use greater force to resist gravity. There is no way to break through the fierce wind of the Toucan.


Bibi Bird was weaker than its"enemy", which made it fall into a deep unwillingness, and its body actually emitted a white light at this time.......

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