Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 321 Peace no longer exists

"Shameless!" Yuan Yao yelled at the back.

"What you said makes sense," Xu Huo rubbed his chin, "I'm just a little surprised, since your goals are so lofty, why don't you come to discuss with me directly, but find someone to kill me... I understand, Because you are a group of stinky rats hiding in the gutter, using the guise of righteousness to cover up your mercenary face."

Hou Song's pale face turned red due to excessive blood loss, "How can a selfish and short-sighted person like you understand our ideals? We want to quickly establish a strong player country and strive for more in the game for District 014. chance of survival, is that wrong?"

"You mean that because I have evolved a second time, I should sacrifice myself to pave the way for you people." Xu Huo gradually suppressed his smile, "If you are a cult, you are a cult. Why make yourself so high."

He glanced into the bucket, and Hou Song's severed limb had stopped bleeding.

"Your recovery ability is very strong. Why don't I hand you over to the Special Defense Department for research, maybe it will benefit all players in the future."

"Sima Xiaoer."

Hearing his yelling, Sima Xiaoer, who had been hiding all the time, jumped out and walked over a few steps, "Don't worry, Brother Xu, that's what the First Research Institute is for, Hou Song... I will hand over the experimental samples to Team Leader Wu personally, and I guarantee that any Nobody can find him."

Hou Song looked at the two of them in astonishment, "What do you want to do? Do you want to dissect me?"

"Didn't you say it? Contribute to District 014. If the recovery ability of all players is improved because of you, your name will definitely be written in the merit book, and then you will become a hero for all mankind." !" Sima Xiaoer shook his hand up and down, "Congratulations!"

"Get out!" Hou Song shook off his hand and shouted excitedly: "The Special Defense Department only serves the powerful and powerful, why should I step in for those fat people?!"

Sima Xiaoer slapped him backhanded, "Aren't you so happy when you fucking ask others to sacrifice? If you make sacrifices, you quit!"

"Kill him." Xu Huo handed him a dagger, "There is no reason to talk to this kind of person."

Sima Xiaoer hesitated to take it, "After all, he belongs to Team Leader Liao..."

"No one will know." Xu Huo smiled slightly, "None of us have been here tonight."

Sima Xiaoer looked hesitant, Hou Song took the opportunity to say: "Sima Xiaoer, you can't kill me, I told Team Leader Liao before I came, you can't afford this responsibility!"

Sima Xiaoer was obviously more shaken, but at this time a bullet flew from nowhere and pierced Hou Song's forehead, and some blood spattered, and he fell back into the bucket with his eyes wide open.

"Who?!" Yan Jiayu and the others searched for a place to hide while alerting their surroundings.

Xu Huo looked up at the building not far ahead, "I heard that you were seriously injured, but I didn't expect you to come out."

"You encouraged my people to kill my colleagues who are also pioneer players, and I have to get up too." Nie Xuan came out in a wheelchair, nodded to the person behind him, and the player quickly walked over and took out a normal-sized His handbag was put on Hou Song's head, and the body disappeared together with the plastic bucket.

Then he went to install the corpses in the factory.

"Just let my people do the aftermath." Nie Xuan raised his chin toward Xu Huo, "Look for a place to chat?"

Xu Huo followed good example and asked Yan Jiayu and the others to go back first. On Nie Xuan's side, Sima Xiaoer and the others didn't follow, and the two went to the nearby river.

There was no one around, Nie Xuan looked at the lights on the other side of the river, and said: "This time, only one-third of the players from the Tingcheng Special Defense Department who entered the fog zone returned, and the whereabouts of the rest are unknown."

"Sorry." Xu Huo didn't search around at that time, but only rescued the people who appeared in the hospital. He didn't know where the other players were.

"After the game starts, people around me will often die. The friends who were talking dirty jokes together yesterday may have died quietly today. How they died, where they died, and where the body went." Nie Xuan sighed. : "Maybe people who die quietly like this tomorrow will become you and me."

Xu Huo turned his head to look at him, "Aren't you still alive?"

His eyes moved to the opponent's feet, "It's evolved a second time."

Talking to the little girl in the amusement park, he guessed that Nie Xuan must be carrying props with space attributes or something else to be repelled by the fog space. When he met him, he found that Nie Xuan's right foot had energy fluctuations. Nothing in it is the same.

"A blessing in disguise." Nie Xuan touched his leg and didn't intend to go into details, and said, "I've heard Sima Xiaoer talk about the Huacheng side, but there are many things he doesn't know. You are the member of the Players Association. Call someone from the Special Defense Department."

Xu Huo didn't respond, and Nie Xuan didn't seem to want a definite answer, so he said to himself: "Speeding up the process of becoming a player is not all good things, careerists, fence-sitters, foreign forces and self-born sect members, what are you talking about?" People dare to come out, and in just two or three months, peace will no longer exist."

With the rise of players, the country will inevitably lose part of its control. This process will inevitably be accompanied by chaos, first within the country, and then between countries. Now everyone is busy accumulating strength or repairing trauma, and has no energy to turn their attention to other countries. , but this day will come sooner or later.

Xu Huo handed him a cigarette, and this time Nie Xuan took it, and the two stood and sat facing the river, smoking.

"Maybe there will be no such leisurely time in the future." Nie Xuan said with a smile.

"There is hope in life, and there is no need to be so pessimistic. When did human beings not survive the catastrophe?" Xu Huo said casually, "There is a day when the world will be destroyed. The best way is to pack up and leave to keep the fire. Maybe you can Create a new civilization."

Nie Xuan turned to look at him, "You really have a good idea."

The cigarette butt flickered on and off, then flew into the river and made a small sound.

Xu Huo turned around in the darkness, his whole body was completely covered by the darkness, leaving only a not so obvious shadow. When he raised his hand, a metal lighter was thrown at Nie Xuan.

"I plan to move to live across from the Special Defense Department."

Nie Xuan lit the lighter, and the flame reflected his stern face. Instead of the high-spirited fighting spirit on the first-trial train, it was replaced by a deep look.

"Okay." He said blankly, then closed the lighter and put it in his pocket, turned the wheelchair and drove into the darkness.

Xu Huo stood behind. A patrol car passed by on the other side of the river. The lights shone on the river, and the sparkling light reflected on him, creating a bright edge.

"Hey, who's there?" A flashlight came over.

Xu Huo waved to the other side before leaving calmly.

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