Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 255 How dare you stay

"On July 20th in the summer of the same year before you were admitted to the hospital, there was a city-wide power outage. In fact, it was not only a power outage, but precision instruments were shut down in several surrounding provinces, and several major accidents were also caused. The scope is too large, and it is impossible to draw conclusions based on the level of technology at the time, so this matter will be closed."

"Ten years ago, when you were seventeen years old, the same thing happened again, but the scope was much smaller. At that time, the researchers believed that the fluctuations in the matter in the universe affected the instruments, and some detection instruments did capture different Normal energy fluctuations."

Team Leader Wu paused for a moment, "These two incidents could not be explained before, but from the current point of view..."

"There are other civilizations...or the players have invaded Area 014." Xu Huo accepted his words, and quickly browsed through the information, "The location of Area 014 is at the E27 wormhole point, and there should be other wormholes in front of it." Point, there are civilizations that created the game, and there are players who entered the game a long time ago, so it is not impossible for someone to travel through the vast universe and find one or two lower civilizations descending."

After listening to Yang Chao's words yesterday, he already had a guess, and this information further confirmed his thoughts.

In addition, the second closed file report occurred before the other four children disappeared or died. He was sure that someone in the Seventeenth Hospital was deliberately cultivating him and the other four children. The "missing" or "dead" person, the price he paid was Xu Zhi's death!

The wine bottle shattered in response, Xu Huo shook his hand, pulled out the piece of glass stuck in his palm and threw it into the trash can without changing his face.

"I also checked the list of patients in the Seventeenth Hospital." Team Leader Wu said, "The four children who were admitted to the hospital with you... are also very strange."

In order to win over Xu Huo, Team Leader Wu worked hard on his past. It is impossible for him not to notice such a big change with the children he treated at the same time. In the sealed files of the police, the whole family and relatives almost died. In the rare case, the investigators had already suspected the child who had been admitted to the hospital, but suffered from no evidence. Even a police officer who died unexpectedly after the incident mentioned that the child had admitted it himself.

A boy under the age of 18 dared to provoke the investigators after committing such appalling crimes without any flaws. This can no longer be measured by ordinary crimes.

The situation was similar for the other two children.

Therefore, Team Leader Wu felt that Xu Huo was even more valuable. The child who also went to that weird No. 17 Hospital, although his performance in those ten years was not as good as other children, was more real. The stand is good.

"Twenty years ago, a hospital appeared inexplicably, and five children were admitted to the hospital. Ten years ago, these five children disappeared or died one after another except you." Jiang Qiao said: "I think it's a bit like an experiment. Good foundation, come and accept the results ten years ago.”

"Since the Seventeenth Hospital has spent a lot of trouble, it is actually not so hard to guess whether the other four people died in real or fake death. As an experimental subject, Mr. Xu, you are the only one left behind. Maybe you are the only one left in the Seventeenth Hospital's eyes. Failure."

"Failed product..." Xu Huo chewed these three words, suddenly laughed, and said in an unclear way: "Failed product, okay..."

Team leader Wu kicked Jiang Qiao in private, signaling her not to irritate others.

However, Jiang Qiao continued: "As far as I know, your brother Xu Zhi has a very high IQ. Have you ever thought that his death may have been faked? Don't you want to find him?"

"Xu Zhi is dead." Xu Huo looked serious, his eyes full of haze, "I did a DNA test before he was cremated, unless someone prepared a clone in advance."

But that is almost impossible, because he is the child who was chosen to be raised. If the doctor who appeared in the dream came back, he would also come to him.

There was something wrong with his memory, as Jiang Qiao said, he might be a failure, but since he survived, why did Xu Zhi die?

"You should cooperate with us." Jiang Qiao said: "Xu Zhi's death is not that simple. The Seventeenth Hospital may come from the game, if not at least it is related to the game. If you want to know the truth and avenge Xu Zhi, you should cooperate with Te Ministry of Defense cooperation."

"How much game world can you explore by yourself? If you join the Special Defense Department, I can promise on your behalf that any clues about the Seventeenth Hospital that the Special Defense Department finds in the game will be provided to you free of charge."

Xu Huo was not moved. This time he said clearly: "I will not join the Special Defense Department."

Human nature is the most untrustworthy thing, not to mention that he has to do it himself.

"I will stay in Tingcheng in the future, and I won't come to Beijing for anything special." He said: "What happened last night, the Special Defense Department should reflect on it. You treat evolutionists as beasts that must be collared. Then these beasts The first person to die when he breaks free from the collar is the person on the leash."

"You can't say that." Team leader Wu was quite annoyed at his reluctance, especially when the two sides had cooperated before, "If we don't control it, some people will definitely make trouble..."

Xu Huo looked at him coldly, "Control the evolutionary? What ability do you have to control the evolutionary?"

Team Leader Wu choked, and his face turned red, but Xu Huo didn't save face for the Special Defense Department at all, "It will be a matter of time before you are replaced by players, unless you can kill all the evolutionaries, you can neither do it nor dare."

"The small number of players means that the game area has no vitality. Sooner or later, the game area without vitality will be controlled by the forces in other divisions. It is just one of the endings to become a breeding farm. You think civilizations that can expand the game area across space will bring The billions of ordinary people here are treated as guests of friendly exchanges?"

Team Leader Wu and Jiang Qiao both looked a little ugly, after a while Jiang Qiao said: "The relationship between the Special Defense Department and the players is not antagonistic, we are all for the 014 area to survive in the game, you don't have to treat us With such deep hostility.”

"I have no hostility towards you." Xu Huo said, "If you take it as hostility by default if you don't agree to join the special defense department, I didn't say anything."

"Of course not!" Team Leader Wu couldn't understand his change of attitude, but he also showed the toughness he should have, "We just hope that you can talk to the Special Defense Department next time before you do anything. What happened last night Even if I'm on your side, can other people from the Special Defense Department stand on your side? Don't forget, the Special Defense Department is also cultivating players, as you said, at a certain time, we can't stop the players."

"I understand." Xu Huo glanced out of the window. Apart from the armed men who were guarding the hotel last night, two groups came successively during the conversation.

"I apologize for causing trouble to the special defense department. My attitude remains the same as before, and the special defense department does not need to waste manpower and material resources to monitor me." Turning back, he said, "Please convey my thoughts to you."

After finishing speaking, the person and props disappeared into the air together.

Team leader Wu and Jiang Qiao looked at each other in surprise, and the latter said, "Isn't this a dungeon?"

"It's obviously a prop." Team leader Wu was so angry that his teeth hurt.

At this time, Jiang Qiao's phone rang, and as soon as she got through, she heard Team Leader Song's loud voice, "Where is the person? Why is he missing?"

"Xu Huo has the space to move props, you didn't expect it." Jiang Qiao sneered, "How could others dare to stay here without a backup."

The update is finished today, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket~^_^

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