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Chapter 482 483 No such person found

Chapter 482 483. No such person found

Not only this place, but also all the haunted and mysterious locations have traces of those figures.

Some of these people were beating the mirror, trying to break it, some were pressed under the bed, unable to move, and some were hung from the ceiling with their legs kicking around. It was like a hellish scene.

Qiao Mu had heard a joke about hell before. It was said that in ancient times, foreigners came to promote Catholicism and vividly described the tragic scenes of hell. Only when something happened later and these missionaries were caught by the Jin Yiwei and imprisoned did they know what was recorded in the book. Hell is simply heaven on earth.

"Xiao Ai, analyze the identities of these people."

Qiao Mu ordered. He knew that most of these people were victims of abnormality. Because they were dragged into deep pollution, ordinary people could not see it under normal circumstances. However, they were not completely alienated, so the two brothers went to explore the spirits. At that time, we encountered many strange situations.

"Okay, Master."

After less than a minute, Xiao Ai gave the answer.

Qiao Mu took a look and found something was wrong.

Because these people are not innocent ordinary people who are trapped, but God's chosen ones with extraordinary abilities.

They seem to belong to a mysterious organization that has always been working here, responsible for handling abnormal events, and maintaining liaison with similar agencies in other countries and regions.

“Isn’t this just like Northern Heavy Industries?”

Qiao Mu felt suspicious, so he directly searched the database for the Chosen Organization responsible for this area.

But what is even more confusing is that the database shows that there is no Chosen Organization responsible for this area.

"Something's wrong."

Qiao Mu thought for a while and continued searching in the database.

This time, he discovered that not only this area, but also the places where it was obvious that the Chosen One was in charge before had no jurisdiction. Even when Qiao Mu entered names such as Hedao Culture and Abandoned Capital Group, The database actually indicated that this object could not be found.


Qiao Mu thought of this characteristic again.

Although it is strange that the concept of antimeme itself does not have antimemetic properties, under the current situation, Qiao Mu really has no way not to connect the two.

He continued to search in the database and entered the words "Northern Heavy Industries".

[Sorry, the item you are looking for does not exist]

Immediately, words like this popped up in the database.

"It's broken. I no longer exist."

Qiao Mu murmured.

He continued to search and found that not only himself, but also Zhou Mingke, Su Hong, Du Ruo, and Bai Lian could not find this person in the database.

If Qiao Mu didn't have a very clear self-awareness, then he would definitely start to wonder if everything he had experienced before was a dream.

"The antimemetic properties eliminated all the Chosen Ones, causing these Chosen One institutions to be erased from public awareness?"

Qiao Mu thought about it, but soon he realized another thing, that is, he was still able to recognize these existences.

If it is really an anomaly with powerful antimemetic characteristics, then Qiao Mu will definitely have a cognitive bias towards himself. To put it simply, he will be unable to recognize the existence of himself and others, let alone find Zhou Ming Kesu. If they become popular, Qiao Mu will simply forget about these people.

However, now, he could recall these people clearly and could see the struggling guys in the video of the two brothers.

Ordinary people cannot see it.

This can only mean one thing.

That is, the reason why these people disappeared from the public consciousness was not because of any antimemetic characteristics, but because they entered a deeper abyss.

"This is a strike against the Chosen One."

Qiao Mu thought hard.

"The anomaly made the Chosen Ones all over the world recognize it in some way, and then dragged it into the deep layers. What anomaly is so powerful?"

Each of these Chosen Ones has experienced many battles and has seen many storms and waves. It is impossible for them to be confused by abnormalities so easily. Even if one or two are careless, other Chosen Ones will quickly realize the problem and deal with it in a targeted manner. , otherwise those anomalies would have wiped out human beings hundreds of times in the past.

Moreover, the huge arms stretched across the sky, the multi-legged centipedes on the heads of the people playing on the TV, and when Qiao Mu was browsing the news just now, he could see many weird monsters swimming above the heads of ordinary people. These are Not common in the past.

"Either these anomalies are new growth during this time, or they are emerging."

After all, the chosen ones were collectively dragged down, so Qiao Mu thought it was very reasonable for the abnormality to rise.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu immediately searched for some movies and games produced by various Chosen organizations that he had remembered before.

It turned out that these movies, novels, and games were all missing. Where they were supposed to exist, other works appeared to occupy the magpie's nest.

"I see."

Qiao Mu immediately understood where those monsters came from.

To put it simply, there are many anomalies that have adopted the method of anchoring public awareness to reduce their harm, and the anchoring method is various cultural and entertainment film and television works. This is not only the case in modern times, in ancient times, those myths and legends themselves were popular. part of cognitive anchoring.

And now, as the Chosen Ones are dragged into the depths, all the anchors of public cognition disappear as they are erased from the cognition of ordinary people. As a result, the history of thousands of years in the past , those things that were anchored lost the cognitive anchoring that originally pulled them, thus increasing their depth and becoming more bizarre and unpredictable.

"That's not the most pressing issue."

As we all know, anomalies can only affect existence at corresponding depths. Those monsters in myths and legends have now entered deeper depths. No matter how powerful they are, they are just anomalies that affect deeper areas.

Of course, many chosen ones can also recognize them. These existences have become stronger, which is not a good thing for the chosen ones, but at least they will not harm the public.

The most dangerous ones are the monsters mutated by the Chosen Ones.

Because Qiao Mu already knows that the characteristics of the chosen ones will cause them to be recognized by superficial beings even if they are extremely seriously contaminated.

In the long history, let’s not discuss those Chosen Ones who actively seek power and become abnormal. Over the years, just those Chosen Ones who have been polluted and corroded in order to protect ordinary people and finally fell into the abyss. Know how many there are.

These are anomalies that will actually harm ordinary people.

Moreover, the anchoring of public cognition relies on the model of sharing pollution among everyone, and then the dead people are annihilated with the pollution, and the new people share the pollution equally. Even so, the overall pollution level of mankind has been much deeper than in the past. Less, now if we start over again, it is difficult to guarantee that we can continue to anchor.

"let me see."

Qiao Mu immediately asked Xiao Ai to set the search in the direction of myths and legends from various places.

After a moment, he saw a message.

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