Players please close your eyes

Chapter 464 465 Only today did you know that I am me

Chapter 464 465. Only today do you know who I am

"Your Majesty, Hexi has had good harvests every year. The rice warehouses in the fields can no longer hold it, and the people are swimming in the rice piles!"

"Your Majesty, good news has come from the Eastern Front. Our army has won a great victory. The other party has proposed peace talks and is willing to pay compensation of 500 million taels of silver, as well as various rare antiques, and countless silks and silks!"

"Your Majesty, please see, these are 300 beautiful women carefully selected from all over the country this month, waiting for your Majesty's blessing!"

"The people of the world are willing to build temples for Your Majesty and regard Him as a living saint. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to give it to you!"

Bei Luoxi's consciousness was confused by the words of the ministers around him. He seemed to see himself as a wise and powerful man, famous for generations, making the world surrender, having all the people kneel down, possessing countless money, countless beauties, and leaving his name in history. One emperor through the ages.

"Very good, very good."

Beiluoxi couldn't help but feel happy, and with a wave of his hand, he offered amnesty to the whole world.

"Your Majesty, please ask for medicine to enable the whole group to return to the court."

At this time, a eunuch came up.

"Recruit them quickly."

Bei Luoxi leaned forward and saw Xu Fu and others kneeling respectfully in front of the court, holding a delicate and small glass vase in their hands.

"Your Majesty, this is the elixir of immortality left by the immortal. Please take a look at it."

Xu Fu raised his hands and handed the medicine to Bei Luoxi.

Bei Luoxi picked up the medicine bottle, poured a few pills out of it, and put it in the palm of his hand. A fresh fragrance hit his face. Just smelling it made people feel refreshed, as if they were several years younger.

"Good medicine, good medicine!"

Bei Luoxi couldn't wait to swallow the pill in his palm, but just when he raised his head and raised his hand, his arm was blocked by someone on the side.


He turned his head and saw Kiriyama in eunuch uniform.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Bei Luoxi asked, his hand continued to exert force, but Wushan held it tightly.

"How about you stop looking at what you're eating?"

Wushan said coldly, without any respect for the emperor.

"What else could it be? Isn't this the elixir of immortality?"

Bei Luoxi looked in front of him. Only then did he realize that what he was about to put into his mouth was not some elixir of immortality, but his own fingers.

If Wushan hadn't stopped him, Bei Luoxi would have chewed off his own finger and swallowed it as a "miracle medicine".

Bei Luoxi took a closer look and found that he was not sitting on a dragon chair, but sitting on the steps.

The surrounding soldiers were either crying, fussing, or shouting, as if they were all in hallucinations. Some even picked up weapons and waved them around, slashing their companions.

"This is an illusion. With this, you can resist it to a certain extent."

Wushan put a piece of paper with the words "Gucheng" written on it into Bei Luoxi's hand. As soon as he touched the paper, he felt a burning and stinging sensation, and his whole body suddenly sobered up a lot.

"To find the source of this illusion"

Wushan stood up with a groan, only to find that the surrounding scenery changed and he came to the streets of the old city. The gongs and drums were noisy, people had cheerful smiles on their faces, firecrackers were going off, and the whole city was immersed in a joyful atmosphere.

"Victory, we are victorious!"

Wushan saw the people shouting.

Then, a group of people came in from the city gate. Wushan saw that they were his former comrades. They were riding horses and sitting in cars. Their uniforms were neat and majestic. The newspapers scattered everywhere read about victory of war and peace. With the arrival of the war, ordinary people finally ushered in the hard-won peace.

Everything is so beautiful.

Because of this, Kiriyama knew this was false.

He touched his pocket, and the burning tingling sensation made him wake up. Everything disappeared, and Wushan returned to the stairs again.

Putting aside ordinary people like Bei Luoxi, the Chosen Ones are very resistant to the effects of mental hallucinations. After all, everyone has been contaminated by the Chosen Ones game, and normal levels of mental interference are almost non-existent.

And now, Wushan itself has been affected, which shows that the remaining pollution here is still quite serious.

Of course, Kiriyama easily got rid of it on his own.

He turned his head and looked at Qianyun.

"Looking at what I did, you thought I would be affected?"

Qian Yun asked back, then pulled Hui Jiang who was about to run toward the stairs and knocked him unconscious with a fist. The civil servant immediately collapsed to the ground, motionless.

"It's more convenient to make these people faint than to wake them up."

She was referring to what Kiriyama had just done.


Kiriyama thought for a while and found that Qianyun's simple and crude method was indeed better.

He took out a few pieces of paper with writing on them and pasted them on the soldiers who were immersed in hallucinations. These people immediately stopped talking and fainted on the ground.

At this time, Wushan saw that Xu Fu was also mumbling to himself.

"Your Majesty, I asked for medicine, I asked for medicine!"

In his hallucination, it seemed that he had successfully obtained the elixir, brought glory to his ancestors, and became famous in the world.

Wushan sighed and could only say that people's cognition cannot surpass the era in which they live. Xu Fu, who grew up in such a feudal dynasty and had never been exposed to the baptism of knowledge from other foreign lands, naturally would not have thought that he could surpass his ministers. As a person, his biggest wish is to help the emperor get the elixir of life.

Just like the greatest wish of the ancient farmers was to eat rice every meal, they imagined the life of the emperor, which was to have meat every meal in addition to rice.

Wushan immediately put the piece of paper in his hand on Xu Fu's head. He rolled his eyes and fell down with a plop.

On the other side, Qiao Mu also saw hallucinations.

He came to an amusement park, and soon Qiao Mu discovered that the staff at the amusement park was himself.

Not only that, but the visitors to the amusement park are also himself.

Even those dolls look like Qiao Mu.

"This is Qiao Mu who is sending balloons."

"This is Qiao Mu, the cone seller."

"This is the couple Qiao Mu."

"This is Qiao Mu pushing a stroller."

On the TV, Qiao Mu, who is wearing a suit, is broadcasting the news. The news is that the movie "The Legend of Qiao Mu" starring Qiao Mu will premiere at the Qiao Mu Grand Theater. At that time, the famous director Qiao Mu and screenwriter Qiao Mu will be present.

The whole world is a huge Qiao Mu.

Maybe if you look carefully, you can see Jie Qiaomu, Mou Qiaomu, and Shen Qiaomu.

In a world where there is only Qiao Mu, there is no need to worry about anyone going against you. After all, we are all the same.

"Hello, I'm Qiao Mu."

"What a coincidence, it turns out you are also Qiao Mu!"

"It would be fine if you were Qiao Mu."

"Qiao Mu actually came to play Qiao Mu himself. This is really an eye-opener for me, Qiao Mu!"

Conversations like this happen in every corner of Qiao Mu's universe.

“It’s really great!”

Qiao Mu clapped his hands and returned to reality from the hallucination.

"What do you see?"

Qianyun asked curiously.

"I see me."

Qiao Mu told the truth, and then knocked out Nanzhou with a fist, who was about to compose a set of epic poems that made people sing and cry. At the end of the story, he decided to kill himself to save the world.

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