Players please close your eyes

Chapter 389 389 Dumping

Chapter 389 389. Dumping

Sun Yiqi, the boss of Quartz Network, found it strange to hear that all his project team members were so pessimistic.

"Wait a minute, didn't you say that there are no competing products on this track? As long as we can make it, we can harvest players?"

Sun Yiqi didn’t start out by making games, but by monetizing games on the Internet. He may not necessarily understand games, but he understands the Internet. Online and mobile games are themselves things to pass the time. Just like short videos, there is no threshold. As long as professional people If you do professional things, you can always make some money.

But now, these professional teams were still discussing empowerment, promoters, closed loops, precipitation, and ecology the day before, but today they suddenly told themselves that the project is no longer working and that if they continue to work on it, they will only lose money.

It's like sitting on the train eating hot pot and singing songs. In a blink of an eye, your butt is on the tree and it doesn't hurt anymore.

Who can accept it?

"That's right. We didn't expect that a game would suddenly appear."

The chief planner looked embarrassed. Their previous thoughts and market research results also indicated that this project would not only become a popular game for everyone, but would at least shine in the vertical field of simulation management. It would not be difficult to maintain a stable income, but it would not be possible. Thinking of it, a "My Civilization Simulator" came out halfway.

Originally, this kind of stand-alone game was not competitive enough with their multi-terminal online games.

Although many players will say that it is better to play XX than to play XX, in fact, in most cases, ordinary players are still willing to try new things. A single player can be played by ordinary people for hundreds of hours, and with social networking It's an online game, but you can continue to play it for a long time. If there is PVP, you can even play it for ten years without getting tired of it.

Qiao Mu remembered that when he was still in school, he would watch others playing Red Alert and CS in elementary school. When he grew up, the small Internet cafes turned into high-end Internet cafes. In the middle of the night, he would still see people playing Red Alert and CS.

Therefore, according to Quartz Network’s initial market research, this type of game has a large audience.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Mu appeared halfway.

The quality of "My Civilization Simulator" is definitely inferior to the games they are making now. If this was originally a stand-alone computer game, Quartz Network's new game can also optimize the mobile experience. It focuses on mobile games, but there is no Thinking of it, Qiao Mu's games can run smoothly on mobile phones, and no matter the device, even a grandma-level mobile phone can run it.

When a competing product has better graphics, better optimization, and better gameplay than you, and it also has a first-mover advantage, then the only chance to make a comeback is to capture the market through strong channels.

There have been similar cases in the industry before. A game became popular because of its novel gameplay and caused a craze. But not long after, another major company developed a game with similar gameplay and relied on publicity and channel advantages to expand users. It didn’t take long for most of the users of the previous game to come over.

After all, many games actually have no real threshold. Players only need to be able to play casually, and the gameplay itself is not protected by law. Those games that emphasize gameplay over content can be easily copied.

However, regardless of whether Quartz Network has such a strong channel, "My Civilization Simulator" has the strongest promotion, which is that it is free to play.

Moreover, through the live broadcast of anchors and the spread of various group chats, at least among the player community, it has been announced that it is full. As for whether it can break the circle, that is another story.

Unless Quartz Network can recruit big companies that make social software to spread the money, and you can receive money after registering, downloading and playing, it will not be able to break through this free high-quality game.

After hearing these explanations, Sun Yiqi, the boss of Quartz Network, decided to think about it first.

After all, a lot of money has been invested in this project now. It would be too hasty to give up just because a competing product appears.

But they are also very aware of sunk costs when doing business. Now that they have invested millions, they are reluctant to lose money and continue to invest. When the time comes, they may have to lose even more if they really send it.

He first asked everyone to work as usual and try the new game to find inspiration. Then he returned to the office and found that there was a group chat in WeChat with thousands of messages. He clicked on it and saw it. I found out that it was a group I had joined during a previous industry conference. It was basically composed of bosses of game companies and relatively well-known producers in the Jiangcheng area.

The chat in the group was naturally about "My Civilization Simulator", and Sun Yiqi glanced at it casually.

[I don’t know who made this game. It’s so immoral. They don’t make money. Do they want to drag the entire industry to death? 】

[I gave the company employees a day off today and asked them to play this game and see how others make games. 】

[Fortunately, our family doesn't make this kind of game. I remember hearing someone say before that I wanted to make something similar. I hope everyone is okay. 】

[Have you not thought about the consequences of this? This rounding is game dumping! 】

[Don’t tell me, I’ve been playing for a day, it’s really fun. 】

[Don’t think this is just a business simulation game, go find videos of other modes. It covers almost all game modes here. No one here can escape! 】

[Fortunately, our game has already ranked first in negative reviews, so there is no room for decline. 】

[You all wake up, this is going to overturn our table, we must deal with it well. 】

Although people in the group talk very seriously, in fact everyone is just talking. After all, the group is composed of peers and friends, and it is impossible to truly unite after just a few words.

Sun Yiqi watched their chat and soon had his own thoughts.

"MineCivilization Simulator" seems to be just a well-made stand-alone game, but it is more than that.

First of all, the free download of this game means that it can be promoted to the maximum extent and reach the largest audience with the smallest publicity cost. I believe that before long, more or less gamers across the country will have played or heard of this game.

Secondly, when an excellent game is given away for free, it will become invincible in terms of public opinion, and it will also force other games to roll up.

"XX3", which has the lowest price in history at 30 yuan, can make people complain about the high prices of other games. The free "My Civilization Simulator" directly kills all other works.

In the future, no matter what game is released or when the server is launched, it will be compared with "My Civilization Simulator". No matter how fancy it is, it will not be as good as the free "My Civilization Simulator".

This model is very similar to the previous money-burning promotion model of the Internet. In the early stage, sufficient rebates and discounts are provided to cultivate users' habits, and dumping is completed at the same time. When users are cultivated and competing products are almost dead, then start cutting leeks.

"My Civilization Simulator" will kill all the peers now!

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