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Chapter 376 376 Me and My Civilization

Chapter 376 376. Me and my civilization

[Funeral parlor happy event completion: 100%]

[Dawn of Omnic Completion Level: 100%]

[Shower completion level: 80%]

[Completeness of Hell's Gate: 71%]

[Tai Sui Completion Degree: 42%]

[To you two thousand years from now, completion level: 35%]

"It's pretty good."

Because Ah Xin has been staying in this world, the completion rate does not increase very quickly, but at least it has reached 80% and can continue to fuse. This time, Qiao Mu did not use the flames of the Gate of Hell, so the completion level did not increase much.

Thanks to the stable performance of artificial intelligence, the completion of this fusion scene has reached 100%.

The newly acquired scenes will initially have a 35% completion rate.

Qiao Mu first checked what the new scene was for.

He closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

Soon, Qiao Mu opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"That's not very friendly."

he sighed.

Around him, golden threads hung down, and on the coffee table in front of Qiao Mu, a miniature planet emerged.

This is the scene of [To You Two Thousand Years Later].

Looking carefully, Qiao Mu could see vast expanses of primeval forest, mountains, rivers, and sea islands above.

And there are densely packed human beings who are busy.

However, if you take a closer look at these humans, you will see that they are all Qiao Mu himself.

Qiao Mu, who was wearing straw clothes, threw a wooden javelin at distant creatures. The kind-faced mother Qiao Mu who was holding the baby Qiao Mu and breastfeeding was Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu and Qiao Mu lived happily together, living and working in peace and contentment.

"It's a bit scary."

Qiao Mu commented.

To put it simply, this scene can simulate a civilization.

Just like playing a game, Qiao Mu can give certain initial conditions and let the civilization develop on its own, or he can intervene, accelerate or directly restart the civilization.

Of course, everyone in civilization looks like Qiao Mu, which is a bit too weird.

As soon as he thought, the civilization on the looming planet immediately began to accelerate its development. Qiao Mu's one second may be equal to their tens of millions of years.

Qiao Mu can see the disputes among primitive tribes, the awakening of reason, the dark feudal era, and civilization breaking through the atmosphere.

Obviously, under the given initial conditions, this civilization developed a technological civilization that was similar to the world Qiao Mu lived in.

Only later, a great war broke out on the planet, and nuclear bombs fell like raindrops. In the end, civilization was burned to the ground, leaving only a few people left to survive.

Qiao Mu accelerated its placement and when he returned from pouring a glass of water, the entire planet was completely dead and turned into a Death Star.

"It's so miserable."

He could feel the mood of the camera head. When a civilization could be restarted, developed, and destroyed with just one click, he would indeed have no sympathy for the existence within it.

This isn't just a simulation game, though.

Qiao Mu closed his eyes and found that he could visualize the products of the technological civilization on the planet.

Although the civilization of this planet has only reached the stage of thermonuclear weapons, which is similar to the current world, Qiao Mu can indeed make nuclear bombs with his hands.

"So, this is equivalent to a miniature world. Whatever I want, I can continue to cultivate it and let it develop?"

Qiao Mu figured out the biggest function of this scene.

"What if."

He restarted the planet. Although it was still full of Qiao Mu, Qiao Mu called out the sleeping Ah Hui from the shadow and stuffed the ghost bride into the planet.

Qiao Mu soon saw that Qiao Mu on those planets began to worship the elusive Ah Hui. They developed religion and researched beliefs, and actually formed a feudal civilization with ghost bride worship as the core. And because of Ah Hui It has its own pollution, so many people in this civilization have awakened to the extraordinary power brought by knowledge.

Qiao Mu accelerated his development, wanting to see what this civilization would look like in the end.

Tens of millions of years passed, and soon Qiao Mu saw that there were already many human settlements on the planet. The style was more ancient, probably because of Ah Hui's clothes. However, this civilization still stayed in the dynasty era, but there were All kinds of capable people and sects, just like those fantasy immortality novels that Qiao Mu usually reads.

With a wave of his hand, the planet rotates and time accelerates.

In the end, humans with the strongest abilities wanted to find the origin of their faith, which was the traces of Ah Hui. They tried to ascend to the fairy world, brewing for thousands of years, and planning grand plans. In the end, civilization was annihilated in several powerful battles, and the only one The winner ascended to the fairy world, that is, left the surface of the planet. He appeared in front of Qiao Mu. He raised his head and looked at the "immortal" who was many times older than himself, and found that the other person looked exactly like himself.

"It turns out to be me, it turns out to be me!"

The winner shouted, vomited blood and died.

Civilization No. 2 fell into deathly silence again.

"If elements like anomalies are added to human development, such changes will occur?"

Qiao Mu looked at the planet that had fallen into silence and couldn't help but sigh.

"Wait a minute, but the world I'm in now has always had abnormalities since ancient times, and many myths and legends were originally abnormal. So how did it develop to the present?"

Just as he had just simulated, after witnessing the extraordinary power of the abnormality, the civilization of this planet lost the development path of researching science and technology and instead immersed itself in the study of extraordinary anomalies. So what is the world he is in now? How did it develop to what it is today?

Qiao Mu felt that she was beginning to understand the idea of ​​​​the camera head.

He tried several more times, but was never able to get the planet's civilization to develop according to his own ideas.

Moreover, all civilizations end in destruction in the end, without exception.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark and light again.

Qiao Mu finally understood why some people said that a civilization would last a whole day.


"It seems that it is not that simple to form my world."

Looking out the window at Jiangcheng at four o'clock in the morning, Qiao Mu felt that his world was more and more unique.

"In this way, can it form a school city or Penglai?"

A sudden idea occurred to him.

Then adjust the initial parameters and start the simulation.

Another three days passed.

Qiao Mu didn't eat, drink or sleep for three days.

But all they got was a bunch of destroyed civilizations.

Not to mention the Academy and Penglai, even similar civilizations are difficult to form.

Some people say that the formation of civilization is accidental and the existence of human beings is a low-probability event. Qiao Mu didn't believe it before, but now it seems that it is true.

"No, there must be something in this that I am not sure of."

Qiao Mu felt strange, and vaguely felt that there might be something that he had overlooked, and it was very important.

Another week has passed, and spring is about to begin in Jiangcheng.

Qiao Mu looked at the planet that was once again in ruins, and decided to surf the Internet to relax.

It's like playing a game. It's a bit unfamiliar when you first get started. After playing a few games, you'll become proficient and get into shape. However, if you continue to play, you will become numb and the operation will be deformed.

As soon as he opened, Qiao Mu saw an advertisement for a game, saying that if you download and register, you can get Q coins.

He immediately downloaded one, played for a while, and actually got money.

There are many player-made maps in this game. Qiao Mu tried it out and found it quite interesting. It was much more fun than planning the levels he made himself.

Suddenly, Qiao Mu was inspired.

"I can also gather the wisdom of the crowd!"

I have been a little groggy these past few days. I got up and finished writing the results and forgot to publish them on time.

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