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Chapter 355 355 So is he dead?

Chapter 355 355. So is he dead?

Qiao Mu and the other three followed the crowd towards the building. This three-story building looked like a common canteen in a mental hospital. When they walked in, they could see neatly arranged tables and display windows.

"It's really a mental hospital cafeteria!"

Qiao Mu sighed.


Qianyun is puzzled.

"It's like a hospital-like place where we need to get our plates and line up at those window doors to pick up food."

Qiao Mu is a regular at the old canteen and is very proficient. He immediately went to line up with his dinner plate.

Qianyun was very interested and followed Qiao Mu's example.

Kiriyama frowned and looked at the two of them, then looked at the dinner plate, then picked up the iron plate and lined up together.

After queuing for a while, Qiao Mu came to the front of the queue.

He looked into the window.

The aunt in an apron is serving food with a spoon. The food is either mushy masala of different colors, which looks clean and hygienic, or dry and hard bread, which makes people completely unappetizing.

With the idea of ​​not eating for nothing, Qiao Mu filled a plate.

After finding a seat and sitting down, the three of them looked at each other.

"The food looks like it comes from a can."

Kiriyama was still worried about those cans in the amusement park during the last mission.

"Although it's a pre-made dish, it doesn't cost money after all, so don't dislike it so much."

Qiao Mu picked up the stainless steel spoon and took a bite.

"It tastes surprisingly good. You guys should try it too."

Qianyun took a sip, frowned, and silently pushed the plate out.

Kiriyama didn't eat, but looked at the others.

"It's so weird. There are no farmlands here and no animals. Everyone in the town seems to eat here."

“I wouldn’t want to go to work if I had free food.”

Qiao Mu took another bite of bread, making a crunching sound in his mouth.

"Just ask the people distributing food later."

Qianyun glanced at the cafeteria lady behind the window.

Everyone ate quickly, and the number of people in the cafeteria gradually dwindled. Among the three of them, only Qiao Mu licked the plate clean.

Throwing the plate into the recycling bin, Qiao Mu came to the cafeteria aunt's window.

"Please tell me where this food comes from."

Qiao Mu didn't deal with those who had and didn't, and spoke directly.

The expression of the cafeteria lady who was putting away the leftover food became confused. Soon, she put down her spoon and motioned for the three of them to follow her.

“So convenient!”

Qianyun clapped and followed Qiao Mu inside.

They came to the kitchen.

It was said to be a kitchen, but it was just an ordinary earthen stove. Qiao Mu saw the cans placed in the corner at a glance.

"It is indeed a can, Ah Shan, you are so smart!"

"Why don't I think you are complimenting me?"

Kiriyama twitched the corner of his mouth and leaned over to pick up a can.

There are no labels or words on it, so it's hard to tell what era it is from.

Qiao Mu opened one generously and tasted the taste inside.

"It's these things."

He confirmed that this was the meal that the cafeteria lady had just served them.

“Where did these cans come from?”

Kiriyama asked.

"There are many in the warehouse."

The cafeteria lady said in a calm tone.

"Where is the warehouse? Take us to see it?"

Qiao Mu cleaned the contents of the can with three strokes.

The cafeteria aunt took them to the building behind the cafeteria.

Qiao Mu saw that this huge building was filled with various boxes, most of which contained cans of different flavors, arranged neatly, enough for the people here to eat for a long time.

“Is this the legacy of previous civilizations?”

He has seen similar scenes in many wasteland movies. The former civilization left a lot of food, and the people in the wasteland fought for it, weaving countless ups and downs of the plot.

"How much do you guys need to eat for one meal?"

Kiriyama felt something was wrong and took a look at these cans.

"Five boxes."

The cafeteria lady replied without thinking.

"Then we can only eat here for three or four years at most. You used to get food from the warehouse?"

Wushan counted with his fingers and felt something was wrong.

"Yes, I have taken it this way since before. I have never finished taking it."

The cafeteria lady replied.

"Never finished it?"

Wushan felt even more weird.

"Have you really been eating these since you settled here, and the warehouse has never been empty?"


The cafeteria lady's tone was a little dull, probably due to Qiao Mu's influence.

"Have these cans grown up and reproduced on their own?"

Qiao Mu guessed.

The red words in his field of vision emerged from these cans one by one.

[Eat with confidence, these cans will not make you grow a tail, nor will they give you an extra pair of eyes. In these difficult times, it is a blessing to be able to eat them! 】

At least it proves that eating these cans has no side effects.

How it came about is unclear.

"Let's put the canned matter aside for now, we still have to go find A Guang."

Qianyun felt that it didn't matter how these cans appeared. We couldn't rely on these cans to fly into the sky. It was better to find the weird researcher as soon as possible.

"Are you looking for A Guang?"

The cafeteria aunt heard Qianyun's words and reacted.

"You know him?"

Kiriyama entered detective mode and never missed any opportunity to obtain information.

"He's a celebrity."

The cafeteria aunt started the mode of chatting at the entrance of the village.

"How do you become famous?"

Qianyun seemed to have melon seeds in his hands, and he listened with his ears straight up.

"He never eats in the cafeteria. He always keeps saying that the food in the cafeteria is inedible, and he also wants to fly into the sky."

The cafeteria lady replied.

"He tried it once before and broke a leg. Now he can't walk well. But he still wants to try. I don't know if he fell stupidly."

"Does he have any friends?"

Qiao Mu suddenly asked.

"No one wants to get close to him, so he lives in a dilapidated house by himself. The mayor is kind-hearted and occasionally sends people over to check on the situation to prevent him from dying in the house."

The cafeteria lady replied.

"So he's dead?"

Qiao Mu asked.

"Probably not dead, right?"

The cafeteria lady hesitated.

"Let's go find him with a can. Maybe he will eat it after we make friends with him."

Qiao Mu took the sheep and touched a can.

The three of them left the canteen and headed outside the city.

Soon, Qiao Mu saw that among the ruins, there seemed to be cultivated fields, where green vegetables and fruits were grown, and white poultry gathered in the wooden fence.

At a glance, they discovered A Guang's residence.

Because it was the only intact house among the ruins.

However, all the surrounding houses are in ruins, and no one would live in this miserable place.

Next to the house, Qiao Mu saw a machine with wings, which looked a bit like an early airplane, except that it was equipped with a huge and heavy jet, full of the style of a player's DIY game.

As they approached the house, a man on crutches came out of the house and limped toward the plane.

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