Players please close your eyes

Chapter 336 336 Friends under the bed

Chapter 336 336. Friends under the bed

There's nothing special about the elevator.

It's just a wall as soft as the stomach wall of a living thing.

From time to time, some slime dripped from the ceiling and landed on the shoulder of the gentleman in front. Fortunately, Qiao Mu did not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise she would have to help him clean it up.

When we got out of the elevator, we saw the lobby of the cinema.

The people who came at this time were all participating in the film festival. Qiao Mu took a look and saw that most of them were college students, and there were also some movie viewing groups.

He had seen the introduction before. It was very difficult to get tickets for the films shown at this kind of film festival. He looked at the blood-stained banner and it seemed that there were still creative staff present today.

It's normal when you think about it. Most of the movies in which Little Miko appears were filmed by Wajima Culture to anchor the anomaly. The main creative staff are probably investigators from Wajima Culture who didn't fly over with Little Miko. .

Seeing normal people walking in those flesh and blood caves gave Qiao Mu a rather strange feeling.

They came to the ticket collection area of ​​the cinema, scanned the QR code, and collected the movie tickets.

Because there was a road show, I entered the venue thirty minutes early.

Instead of buying drinks, the two took promotional brochures and walked into the screening room.

From Qiao Mu's point of view, this screening room is like the body of a living thing, with a lot of flesh and blood hanging like connective tissue.

There were already some staff members in front of the screen. Qiao Mu took a look and recognized that one of them seemed to be someone from Hedao Culture. He had accidentally found it in the database before.

The lights in the screening room were still on. Qiao Mu held the booklet introducing the movie in his hand and read the introduction of the movie.

Good guy.

The name of this movie is "Under the Bed". It tells the story of a high school student who always feels that there is something strange under his bed. He often checks but finds nothing, causing his friends and family around him to laugh at him.

But there was a girl in the class who said that she always felt that there was something under the bed and had seen it. She also said that she had found a way to confirm it on the Internet. She planned to try it herself first and tell the protagonist if she succeeded.

The protagonist went home and thought wildly. He seemed to have seen something, but also seemed not to see anything. Just when he was uneasy and wanted to ask the girl the next day, he found that she was absent.

The protagonist was very panicked. He went to the girl's house to look for her, but there was no one there.

After quietly climbing through the window and entering the girl's house, the protagonist went to her room and found that it was full of various charms and folklore research, and everything was weird.

At this time, the protagonist felt that there seemed to be something under the bed.

He looked down.

"It's a horror movie."

Qiao Mu sighed. The booklet contained some relatively detailed information. After reading it, Qiao Mu looked at the little witch sitting next to him, shaking her legs.

She plays the missing female classmate.

"What, are you scared?"

The little witch asked back.

"It's not that I'm afraid."

It's just that if there are people you know among the actors, it's easy to get into trouble.

Qiao Mu didn't explain too much.

The film's creative team is still interacting with the audience. The leading actor seems to be a relatively famous actor from Hedao, so he has many fans. There are also some artistic youths and movie viewing groups who are noisy.

"So, this is also an anomaly?"

Qiao Mu asked curiously.

"Of course, when this anomaly is not anchored, it will attract the affected people to look under the bed and contaminate it. Now that it is anchored, it will only give people an illusion."

The little witch said proudly.

The movie starts very quickly, in a very classic horror movie format indeed.

And there were almost no such ghosts. Most of them relied on hints and psychological horror elements. During the whole movie, Qiao Mu heard many small exclamations in the screening hall.

During the process, the little witch took the opportunity to grab Qiao Mu's arm.

Although Qiao Mu didn't understand why she was still scared of the movie she made, she didn't think much about it.

The movie is over.

The theater was buzzing with chatter.

The main creative staff came out to interact again.

"Why are you wearing a mask?"

Qiao Mu turned around and found that the little witch had put on a mask at some point.

"Ahem, I found that my appearance in the movie was too cute. It would be bad if someone recognized me."

The little miko cleared her throat and said.


What Qiao Mu approves of is being recognized, but obviously, the little witch thinks that what Qiao Mu approves of is the cute part.

"Yeah, right? I specifically asked the director to make me look cute. No, no, I'm very cute to begin with. I look cute from any angle!"

The little miko puffed up her chest.


Qiao Mu responded expressionlessly.

The two walked out of the screening room.

There was still blood and rain outside, and the fishy smell penetrated Qiao Mu's nostrils.

He stood on the guardrail made of bones and looked down, and found that the bottom was like a bottomless abyss, stretching downwards with no end in sight, like a monster's throat.

Qiao Mu looked up and saw the same deep inner wall of flesh and blood, which was disgusting.

"Would you like something to eat here?"

The little miko didn't notice this at all and was still looking around.

"It's better to eat outside."

Qiao Mu suggested that he was not worried that the things here would affect him, but he felt that if he watched the little witch eat some bloody eyeball guts in front of him, the friendship between the two people might be slightly affected.

"Oh, do you have any recommended stores?"

the little witch asked.

"Let me see."

Qiao Mu took out his cell phone to see if there were any recommendations in the review software. Suddenly, he saw a person flying up from below.


It was as if some rope was around the man's neck and he was being pulled directly. Even in the process of flying up, he was still kicking and struggling, holding on to the invisible rope around his neck with both hands.


He quickly flew to the top and disappeared between the flesh and blood barriers.

"What's wrong, have you seen someone you know?"

The little witch immediately raised her hand, posed like a periscope, and looked around, looking for the figure of the strange woman.

"They're not acquaintances."

Qiao Mu and the little witch took the escalator downstairs. Qiao Mu looked up again but could not find the whereabouts of the unlucky man.

Until the two of them walked out of the door, the fresh air carried a cold wind, causing the little witch who had been drowsy due to the heating in the screening room to suddenly wake up.

"What should we eat, grilled fish or hot pot? I checked my phone yesterday and there were recommendations for Jiangcheng food, and I said I must try the hairy crabs!"

She stamped her feet and jumped in front of Qiao Mu.

“Words from hairy crabs”

Although Qiao Mu wanted to say that it was not the season to eat hairy crabs, something else soon attracted his attention.

He saw a livid-faced man hanging from the street lamp at the entrance of the building made of flesh and blood.

And that man was the guy who Qiao Mu watched being dragged up to the sky in the Jiangcheng Central Building earlier.

After thinking about it, Qiao Mu picked up her phone and sent a text message to Su Hong.

[Qiao Mu]: Xiaohong, I seem to have found the anomaly you investigated before.

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