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Chapter 330 330 Please watch less short videos

Chapter 330 330. Watch less short videos

"any idea?"

The little witch looked at Qiao Mu.

"You can't say that after everyone is dead, you can use simulation to pull them up and continue to live as puppets to maintain the cognitive anchor of the public."

She thought of those dead jokes that Qiao Mu often told, such as waiting for you to die and pretending to be a fake person to continue living.

"This is indeed a way. If our efforts fail, we can really try it."

Qiao Mu nodded.

"Have you really thought about doing this?!"

The little witch sat up, feeling that if the world really fell into such a desperate situation, Qiao Mu would most likely do this.

"I'm just kidding."

Qiao Mu said righteously.


Several people were silent.

"Isn't it funny?"

Qiao Mu asked back.

"You'd better tell me if there are any serious ways to solve the current situation."

The little miko put an end to the gag.

"What issues did we resolve this morning."

Qiao Mu did not answer immediately, but asked instead.

"Merit box?"

The little miko frowned.

"You want to use that thing? Let's not say whether it can be done. It has to take effect tomorrow. It's too late."

The omnipotent wishing machine can only change human cognition. Although the little witch does not know whether changing everyone's cognition and making them think that they have eaten the Crazy Thursday meal can solve the problem of memetic pollution, she knows that the omnipotent The wishing machine only works the next day, and now these people are going to die tomorrow.

"Try it first."

Qiao Mu said, lifting up her clothes and opening her belly.


When Gu Yingying saw this scene, she felt pain in her temple, as if someone had drilled her with an awl.

The little witch's eyes widened. Although she thought Qiao Mu was usually outrageous, the current situation still surprised her.

As for Johannes, his jaw almost dropped, and he stared at Qiao Mu, as if the man in front of him was more threatening than the end of the world.

Qiao Mu took out his own kidney from his stomach.

The waist that used to sing no longer sings, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fighting against the world.

Qiao Mu threw the waist to the ground.

Her waist and long legs quickly transformed into Qiao Mu's appearance.


Question marks appeared over the heads of the other three people.

"This is just in case."

Qiao Mu explained.

The transformed Qiao Mu came to a sleeping guest.

Qiao Mu snapped his fingers.

The guest woke up immediately and rushed towards Qiao Mu who had turned into a zombie like a zombie.

“Crazy Thursday!!!”

Qiao Mu, whose waist transformed, held down the other person and then spoke.

"You've already had the Mad Thursday meal."

he lied.

The guest's movements slowed down, and then his expression softened and his eyes were confused.

"I-have I eaten?"

He became a normal person.


The little miko's hair stood on end.

She quickly thought that Qiao Mu seemed to have the ability to deceive people at will. This was also a kind of memetic pollution. If the depth of the pollution was deeper than the anomalies of Crazy Thursday, then it would naturally cover the anomalies of Crazy Thursday.

However, Qiao Mu had to find a way to tell this lie to the whole world.

Now that the world has fallen into chaos, even if we use the most advanced scientific and technological means of mankind, we cannot let the whole world hear Qiao Mu's words.

Not to mention that those Mad Thursday zombies probably don’t have their electronics around.

"What are you going to do?"

the little miko asked.

Qiao Mu, who had transformed into a waist, now changed back into a waist. It fell into Qiao Mu's hands. He opened his clothes and stuffed it into his stomach.


The guest who had just woken up rubbed his eyes, thinking he was still dreaming.

"The experiment was successful, let's go."

Qiao Mu touched her belly, as if there was a new life pregnant inside.

He asked Johannes to stay here to take care of those who fainted, and kept in contact with him, and left the mall with the little witch and Gu Yingying.

Just during that time, there was chaos outside, and the sounds of Mad Thursday were heard one after another.

Qiao Mu saw that the short video clips were playing on their mobile phones that had fallen to the ground. It turned out that people who did not know the truth had taken pictures of other contaminated people and uploaded them to short video software. Others thought they were It was an ordinary earthy video, but I got a response after watching it, so I fell into the trap.

He roughly estimated that at least one-third of the world's population has been contaminated by memes in just ten minutes.

"The Internet is so convenient."

Qiao Mu couldn't help but sigh.

"Is now the time to lament this?"

The little miko complained.

"Xiao Ai, help me unlock this car."

"Sorry, Master, this is a pure fuel car and does not have intelligent driving functions. Please choose the hybrid car in front of you."

The voice of artificial intelligence rang from Qiao Mu's cell phone.

"All right."

Qiao Mu chose the previous hybrid car with a green license plate that had an autonomous driving function.

He sat in the driver's seat and let the two girls sit in the back seat.

"Xiao Ai, let's go to the Foreign Language School Affiliated to Jiangcheng University."

"Okay, Master."

The car immediately started moving on its own.


Outside, a zombie slapped the window hard and made a grunting sound.

But the engine had already started, and the zombies failed to catch up with them.

"Smart driving is so scary."

Qiao Mu only mentioned it in movies before, but he didn't expect that real-life technology has developed to this extent.

The car quickly arrived at the school, and the place was naturally in a mess.

"Stop watching short videos."

After Qiao Mu got out of the car, he looked at the security guard running in a circle in the distance and sighed.

The three of them walked into the campus and came to the location of the merit box.

Since the wish will not take effect until tomorrow, everyone can still see the merit box now.

Gu Yingying didn't know why. For her, it was like being in an adventure movie.

"What are you going to do now?"

The little witch was curious about how Qiao Mu would use this cognitive-altering anomaly.

In her opinion, if Qiao Mu makes a wish so that people all over the world will think that they have eaten the Crazy Thursday meal, this wish will not be realized until tomorrow, and before that, these people will die after midnight tonight die.

No matter how you wish, there is no guarantee that everyone in this world will survive.

She looked at Qiao Mu.

Qiao Mu took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code.

Then he closed his eyes and made a wish.

After a while, Qiao Mu opened his eyes.

"This is the end?"

The little witch didn't feel any changes in the world.

Gu Yingying looked around and seemed to still be able to hear the shouts of Crazy Thursday.

"We'll just have to wait until tomorrow."

Qiao Mu clapped his hands.

"So, what exactly did you wish for?"

The little witch was curious.

"You'll find out tomorrow."

Qiao Mu made a gesture of silence.

"You said it, the wish won't work if you say it."

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