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Chapter 294 294 Side Effects

Chapter 294 294. Side Effects

Qianyun blinked subconsciously.

Because she was standing next to Qiao Mu, Qiao Mu's blood and flesh splashed all over her body and flew into the field, leaving a mess.


Qianyun wanted to reach out and check Qiao Mu's condition. Suddenly, Qiao Mu's voice came from the headless neck.

"Don't worry, just wait."

Qianyun took back her hand and looked at her clothes.

"My new clothes."

"I'll clean it up for you right now."

Qiao Mu's voice came again, and the flesh and blood clinging to Qian Yun's body squirmed and shrank back as if they had a will of their own, and returned to Qiao Mu's head to form flesh and blood again.

It took more than ten minutes for Qiao Mu to finally regain his dignity.

"very special."

Qianyun commented.

Although all Penglai people are immortal and will not die even if they are beaten into a pulp, it is true that there are not many people like Qiao Mu who can be reorganized.

However, from what happened before, Qianyun could tell that Qiao Mu was not an ordinary person, so she was more or less mentally prepared.

"Don't worry, I didn't secretly leave any of it with you."

Qiao Mu said.


Qianyun suspected that he was unclean.

However, she didn't pursue this gag too closely. She recalled what Qiao Mu said before her head exploded and asked.

"So do you know the secret of Suiming Village?"

"It seems like I know, but I also don't seem to know."

To be precise, the moment Qiao Mu got the hint by relying on [lie], his brain was contaminated beyond the limit due to the infusion of knowledge and exploded on the spot.

If this answer was obtained by Qiao Mu's own exploration, there would be no such reaction.

But this answer was forcibly injected with [lies], and it probably involved some deep contamination, so Qiao Mu exploded.

He now knows what the side effects of [lie] are.

[Friendship Manual] At least only make friends with creatures you can see.

The effect of [Lie] does not matter the bearer's own endurance. If Qiao Mu's body has no thoughts of its own and is just an ordinary enthusiastic citizen, then there will be no way to save him, and even the value of rescuing him will be lost. .

Therefore, even for the chosen ones, this thing can indeed be called a [pollution] level product.

Therefore, we are now trapped in a paradox.

Qiao Mu got the answer through [lie], but that answer would explode in his mind and be erased. In other words, anyone who is told the answer by an outsider would explode, so Qiao Mu couldn't get it through [lie]. This answer.


Despite this, Qiao Mu still had some vague memories.

"I have a feeling that Tai Sui is in the village."

He looked toward the fields.

"Maybe what's being grown in the fields is Tai Sui, and didn't Qian Yunqian say that the village smells like Tai Sui?"

Hearing this, Qianyun looked at the crops. The ears of rice were trembling slightly in the wind, like living creatures, which was quite normal.

"Speaking of which, since you have never seen Tai Sui, how do you know what Tai Sui smells like?"

Qiao Mu transformed into a curious baby again and continued to type messages.

"I have never seen Tai Sui, but I have taken the elixir. In the Palace of Eternal Life, we will have corresponding training and can distinguish the faint smell of Tai Sui."

Qianyun explained.

"I see!"

Qiao Mu nodded.

"Then can we find the Tai Sui hidden in the village by distinguishing where the Tai Sui smell is strongest?"

"Let me try."

Qianyun's nose moved slightly and he took a deep breath.

But soon, she reacted.

"Did you just treat me like a dog?"

"So there's no way to tell the difference?"

Qiao Mu was still waiting for the answer.

"The Tai Sui aura here is almost the same, I can't say where it is stronger."

Qianyun decided not to get along with the kid Qiao Mu.

The two saw Aman waving towards them in the village, seemingly calling them.

"Go down and have a look."

Qianyun set off to go down the mountain.

Qiao Mu turned around and wanted to ask the child playing in the field to follow him back to the village, but found that he had disappeared without knowing when.

"Strange, when did you leave?"

He followed the road down the ridge and came to Aman.

"The food is ready to eat."

Aman pointed to the house and said.

"Oh, I'm starving!"

When Qiao Mu heard that there was food, he immediately jumped up.

Qianyun didn't comment and just followed the two of them.

Back at Aman's house, Qiao Mu saw two plates of food on the table, one was meat from an unknown animal, and the other was vegetables.

There are also three bowls of rice.

The aroma filled the air, making Qiao Mu eagerly sit down at the table, pick up his chopsticks and start eating.

The meat is rich in fat, fat but not greasy, and goes very well with rice.

Although Qiao Mu couldn't name the vegetables, they were very refreshing and refreshing.

The rice is also fragrant and moderately soft.

Although in Qiao Mu's field of vision, words as red as blood kept emerging from those plates.

[Absolutely strong braised pork, it’s even still alive when you eat it! 】

[It has been growing in the ground for fifty years. It is probably not meant to be put into your stomach. Just eat it! 】

[Eat more, eat more, they will never come out of your stomach in the middle of the night, don’t worry! 】

“Clean and hygienic.”

Qiao Mu divided the bowl by three times and five times five times.

Aman on the side has just picked up the bowl.

As for Qianyun, she didn't move her chopsticks and had no intention of eating the food on the plate.

"Miss Qianyun, don't you want to eat?"

Aman asked tentatively.

"I'm not hungry, you eat."

Qianyun got up and went outside the house.

After Qiao Mu finished eating, she helped clear away the dishes.

After washing the dishes by the stream, Qiao Mu saw Qianyun standing at the entrance of the village, studying the big tree at the entrance.

"Is this tree Tai Sui?"

Qiao Mu leaned over and asked.


Qianyun shook his head and walked to the side, next to a tree with thinner branches.

The branches and leaves of the tree seemed to be alive, trembling slightly, contracting from time to time, and then gradually stretching.

Qianyun put her hand on the tree and closed her eyes. Then, she opened her eyes and murmured softly.

"One thousand two hundred and thirty years, you have lived long enough."

next moment.

The tree trembled violently.

In a moment, all the leaves on the tree fell off, and the whole tree withered, withered, and turned into powder as if hundreds of years had passed in an instant.

All that remains is ashes.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Qiao Mu couldn't help but applaud, and then noticed something.

That is, this tree just "died".

As we all know, the creatures in Penglai are immortal, and even small insects will not be completely annihilated if they are burned into pieces of flesh.

But this tree ended its life of more than 1,200 years in Qianyun's hands.

"Did you just kill it?"

Qiao Mu asked.

"It can be understood that way, although I don't understand what the concept of death is."

Qianyun knelt down, put his hand into the ashes, and pulled out a small piece of charred wood.

"This is what remains of it."

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