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Chapter 254 254 Cats on Heroes

Chapter 254 254. Cats talk about heroes

"Please take a seat."

Qiao Mu lowered his voice and spoke in Hedao's language, telling the two people who had just entered the room not to move forward but to sit on the chairs near the door.

He asked the minister of the Ministry of Environment to send the woman away. As for the real minister, he had been knocked unconscious by Qiao Mu and was thrown under the sofa and stepped on by himself.

As for the cat in his arms, it was a doll made out of [Amusement Park]. Anyway, he turned off a lot of the lights in the room, making the whole thing dim, and added a little [Ghost] projection scene. The Tokugawa Kai people couldn't see it for a while.

"Hello, this is the miko of the Uesugi family and my fiancée."

Although Tokugawa Kaito felt a little weird, he still followed the instructions and sat down with the little miko. He looked at the "Minister" of the Ministry of Environment opposite, and always felt a little strange.

However, considering this high-ranking official and the other forces behind him, he really shouldn't be here, and there's nothing wrong with covering up a little bit.

Although the Minister of the Environment is not the Chosen One, the security guards around him are more or less Chosen Ones and are not so easily penetrated.

Qiao Mu looked at the Tokugawa Kairen and then at the little miko.

[He is greedy and will do anything to achieve his goals. Everything around him can be sacrificed and used by him! 】

[She wants to escape the shackles of fate, breaks away from the cage and flies to the free sky. Unfortunately, the bird that has been raised in a cage since childhood has long forgotten how to fly! 】

Instantly imagine a wealthy family drama.

"My friend, what do you want?"

Qiao Mu said in a deep voice.

Tokugawa Kaito felt that the other party's voice was a bit young, but he had never talked directly with the Minister of the Environment face to face. Hearing the other party's inquiry, he felt a little dizzy, but he quickly thought it was the influence of the wine he had just drank. .

After thinking for a moment, he answered.

"I hope to have your support."

"Mr. Tokugawa, I have read the classics well and know that in this chaotic era, heroes who can lead everyone will inevitably be born. I want to discuss with you. Who do you think can be called a hero in Wajima today?"

Qiao Mu didn't answer immediately, but started another question.


Tokugawa Kairen didn't understand what the Minister of the Environment wanted to talk about, but he still started thinking.

"Toyotomi Lumei is favored by the Abandoned Capital Group and has unlimited glory. Can he be called a hero?"

"He is just a domestic puppy of the Waste Capital Group. He is doing nothing and cannot be of great use."

Qiao Mu said as if he was disdainful.

"Oda Minoru's family is prominent, and he has great talents and lofty ambitions. Can he be regarded as a hero?"

The Tokugawa Kaito hesitated for a moment before answering hesitantly.

"Oda Minoru is against the great stream and cannot sing alone. He is not worthy of the name of a hero."

Qiao Mu said again, causing the little miko beside her to frown slightly. After all, in theory, Oda Minoru was her leader, the leader of the reform faction. It was a bit embarrassing to be said like this.

Although the little miko probably guessed that Qiao Mu was using words to induce people from the Tokugawa community to step into a trap.

"What about Nobuo Takeda? The Takeda sect is strong and immovable. This is always a hero, right?"

The Tokugawa people were confused.

The Takeda faction is the third faction of Wajima culture. It is the most moderate faction. It basically does not participate in too many disputes, has no ambitions, and prefers to stay in a corner.

"Nobuo Takeda is nothing more than a turtle with a shrunken head. The best destination for him is to hide in his hometown in Kansai and be an otaku."

Qiao Mu then rejected the people proposed by Tokugawa Kairen one by one.

".Now that you put it like that, I really don't know anyone who can be called a hero."

Tokugawa Kairen secretly had a guess in his heart, but he still had to lay the groundwork.

"It's simple."

Qiao Mu's hand stroking the cat suddenly stopped, raised it, pointed at him, and then at herself.

"The heroes of Hedao are just you and me."

Just as he finished speaking, the cat in his hand suddenly meowed.

When the little witch heard this, she twitched her lips.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the Tokugawa Kaito next to her and saw the smile that could not be concealed on the corner of this man's mouth.

"Mr. Tokugawa, the Toyotomi family tried to overstep their bounds but failed, causing a catastrophe. The Ministry of Environment, including the adults above, are very dissatisfied with them. At this point, do you know what we need?"

Qiao Mu added that he felt that he had exerted 100% of his strength in the textbook drama.

"Sir, please speak."

Tokugawa Kairen did not rush to answer. He knew that in this kind of social situation, the other party's question did not really require his own answer, it was just a chat. Even if he knew the answer, he could not really tell it for others.

"We need the God's Chosen One, a reliable God's Chosen One, and enough evidence to make the Abandoned Capital Group abandon the Toyotomi Faction."

Qiao Mu cleared his throat and said in a deep voice.

"And the reliable God's Chosen One is sitting in front of me now, right?"

The Tokugawa Kairen raised his face, nodded slightly with some complacency, and then continued to speak.

"But as far as I know, the Abandoned Capital Group has invested in many Toyotomi faction industries. It is probably very difficult to get them to give up."

"You and I should be very clear about Ukiyoyama. Do you know what they did at Ukiyoyama Research Institute?"

Qiao Mu asked back.

Tokugawa Kaito shook his head. He only knew that many of the anomalies in the Ukiyoyama Research Institute had been disabled due to natural disasters, but he was not clear about the specific research there.

"They intend to create gods and replace them with gods."

Qiao Mu lowered his voice and whispered like a devil.

Hearing his words, Tokugawa Kairen's eyes widened slightly. Although he had heard about it before, he did not expect that the Toyotomi faction actually took that forbidden path. He was also very surprised that the Minister of the Ministry of Environment actually revealed Giving yourself such heavy news is enough to show your trust.

If the abnormal containment fails, the Toyotomi faction can still suppress it, but if the attempt to use taboo methods to create gods is exposed, the Toyotomi faction will inevitably come under pressure from other parties. This is a huge handle.

If the Minister of the Environment does not trust him, it is absolutely impossible for him to tell the Tokugawa Kai people these things.

"What do you want me to do?"

Tokugawa people are very sensible and know that all gifts have a price. Since the other party tells them this, they must take it.

"Mr. Tokugawa, you know that although the Ministry of Environment is the superior agency of Wajima Culture, investigations related to the Chosen Ones and anomalies must be approved by Wajima Culture. I want to send someone into the Ukiyoyama Research Institute. On the one hand, Look for evidence of the Toyotomi faction’s crimes, and on the other hand, find their research results.”

Qiao Mu's picture shows a poor dagger.

".I understand, I will give your people access."

Although Tokugawa Kairen himself was curious about the method of making gods, he believed that this was an exchange of interests, and it was best not to be so greedy at this time.

What's more, even if the Ministry of Environment obtains the information, it still needs to find someone chosen by God to study the translation, and they will eventually find themselves.

"Mr. Tokugawa is indeed my favorite hero."

Qiao Mu chuckled.

"Then I won't disturb your rest. I hope you are satisfied with the gift I prepared for you."

Knowing that the deal had been reached, the Tokugawa Kaito stood up and prepared to leave with the little miko.

At this time, Qiao Mu suddenly spoke.


He paused.

"I have some issues I want to discuss with this Uesugi shrine maiden. Mr. Tokugawa, please go back first."


Tokugawa Kaito's expression changed slightly, and he felt a little resentful in his heart, but he soon convinced himself.

"Then I'll take my leave."

He left the house, and only Qiao Mu and the little witch were left in the room.

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