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Chapter 245 Sound Only

Chapter 245 245.Sound Only

Opening the door, Wangyue was already waiting at the door.

"Mr. Yinque, did you sleep well last night?"

Mochizuki said hello in relatively fluent Chinese.

"Well enough."

Qiao Mu responded and followed the other person out and got into the car.

"Where are we going today?"

Qiao Mu asked, sitting politely on the passenger seat.

"Go and meet our leader, he is very interested in you."

Mochizuki replied while driving.


Qiao Mu responded and looked out the window.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians on the street, and similarly, those ferocious and strange monsters also roam the land.

Heads with long, messy hair float past traffic lights, animals with blade-like tails sweep across the streets, skeletons as huge as tall buildings overlook everything, and faceless men shuttle through the streets.

These monsters exude an ominous aura and spy on their surroundings. Unfortunately, most humans are unable to recognize them and are busy with their own affairs.

"The pollution here is quite serious."

Qiao Mu said casually.

Mochizuki looked solemn and did not answer.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?"

When Qiao Mu saw that the other party didn't want to talk about this topic, he immediately changed it.

As a sociopath, he really can't stand the too quiet environment in the car. He is the kind of character who has to chat with the driver all the way when taking a taxi in China.

Just imagine, two people sitting side by side in a moving vehicle. It would be terrible if there was no sound.

".have eaten."

Mochizuki twitched the corner of her mouth.

He didn't know what Qiao Mu meant by asking these questions, and Wang Yue even felt that there was a huge difference between Qiao Mu and Yinque in his imagination.

Originally, Mochizuki learned from various channels that Yinque was a cunning and cunning old fox.

But now it seems that Qiao Mu looks like a cheerful and outspoken college student.

But after Wang Yue thought about it, maybe these were Yin Que's disguises.

Just like many capitalists, if they already have money and act like elites, it would be even more disgusting. But if they act very down-to-earth, like freshly graduated college students, it would be more disgusting. The look and feel will also be more friendly, making people subconsciously ignore his identity.

As a chosen one who can confuse people and dominate others, Yinque will really find it difficult to use his abilities if he continues to behave like a scheming person who stays away from strangers.

But a healthy and sunny person like Qiao Mu is more approachable, making people unprepared and falling into his trap accidentally.


Mochizuki sighed inwardly.

The black limousine soon drove to a secluded residential area.

The single-family villa residential area in Wandao is relatively quiet. To use a high EQ term, it means it is quiet in the bustle. To use a low EQ term, it means it is not popular.

There are many properties like this in Hejima culture. After all, after the housing price avalanche in Hejima more than 30 years ago, houses in Hejima have been unable to be sold. The high-end apartment where the little witch lives is one of them.

"The leader is inside."

Mochizuki said. Originally, he wanted to remind Qiao Mu to be more careful with his words later, but then he thought that doing so would seem a bit condescending, so he remained silent.


Qiao Mu walked into the yard and could see many cultivated flowers and plants blooming in the sun, full of vitality.

After changing her shoes and walking into the living room, Qiao Mu saw no one, only a computer on the table.

The screen shown above is "Sound Only".

"Good guys, is this a discussion group for the human completion plan?"

Qiao Mu muttered.


Suddenly, the computer made a sound, which startled Qiao Mu.

He looked over and realized that the sound was coming from the communication software on his computer.

"Please take a seat."

The voice seemed to be electronically synthesized, but I couldn't tell whether it was a man, woman, young or old behind it.

Qiao Mu sat down and made hot tea on the table.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way, but Yinque's name is widely circulated here, and these measures are a sign of respect for you."

The voice continued.

Mochizuki on the side looked at the computer and remained silent.

He knew that the computer was actually playing synthetic electronic sounds translated by their leader using AI. At the same time, what Qiao Mu said would not be communicated directly, but would be converted into text and displayed on the other side of the screen.

After all, Yinque's power must be realized through language. If you want to communicate with him, you must be prepared for his ability. Such a device is the safest.

"It's okay. I didn't expect your Chinese to be so good."

Qiao Mu sighed with emotion.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just the power of technology."

the voice replied, and continued to speak.

"Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am one of the three top leaders of Wajima Culture, Toyotomi Lumei."

"Hello, I'm Yinque."

Qiao Mu replied immediately.

"Mr. Silver Sparrow, although it's a little annoying to say this, after all, you have just come to Hedao, but we are in urgent need of your power now."

Toyotomi Lumen said.

"What do you want me to do?"

Qiao Mu asked.

"I'm ashamed to say that we are currently encountering some minor problems. But the opinions within Hedao Culture are not unified on how to deal with the problems, and the conflicts are getting worse. Although I can use my authority to make some decisions, the cost is relatively high after all, not this measures should be taken, so I hope you can help me convince other colleagues.”

Toyotomi Lumen doesn’t shy away from anything.

"Easy to handle."

Qiao Mu agreed and continued to ask questions.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Mr. Ginjai is generous, so I won't beat around the bush. One of them is a Tokugawa Kai native. Like me, he is one of the three people in charge of Wajima culture. He has inherited the mantle of Wajima Taisha Shrine and is the same as us. The people who joined Wajima Culture later were difficult to deal with. The second one was Oda Minoru. Although he was not the person in charge, he still controlled a force and was tit for tat with us. "

Toyotomi Lumen briefly introduced.

"Toyotomi, Tokugawa, and Oda. You are here to fight the Warring States Period."

Qiao Mu couldn't help but complain.

"Haha, it is true that our family is a bloodline that has survived the troubled times. There was also a battle between the chosen ones back then."

Toyotomi Lumen was not angry because of Qiao Mu's complaints.

"The information about these two people is in the drawer of the bookcase. I hope Mr. Yinque can convince them as soon as possible."

"I'm doing something for you, but what about what I asked for?"

Qiao Mu didn't get up to get anything, but asked.

"The permissions you need are also in the drawer."

Toyotomi Lumen seemed to be well prepared.

"That's okay."

Qiao Mu stood up and opened the drawer.

There are two file bags and a box in the drawer.

He opened the file bag, which contained information on Tokugawa Kai and Oda Minoru, to facilitate his approach to them.

Opening the box, there is a card with an account number and password on it. Obviously, this is the permission card of Hedao Culture.

As soon as he came into contact with the card, Qiao Mu felt that there was some vague connection between himself and the card. It seemed that there was some sort of pick-up and binding effect in it.

"Mr. Yinque, I have also prepared the means of transferring pollution that you are seeking from me. Wangyue will take you there later."

Toyotomi Lumen said again.

"Thank you."

Qiao Mu thanked her, stood up, and left the villa with Wang Yue.

After getting in the car, Qiao Mu was a little curious about what means Hedao Culture had to remove pollution, so he asked.

"You'll know when you get there."

Wangyue didn't say too much, but took Qiao Mu to the downstairs of a high-end apartment.

Taking the elevator upstairs, Qiao Mu always felt that the surrounding scenery seemed familiar.

Arriving at the door of a house, Mochizuki rang the doorbell.

There was a vague response through the door, and Mochizuki opened the door.

Then, Qiao Mu saw the little witch who came to assassinate him last night sitting in the living room.


Qiao Mu stared at her with big eyes.

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