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Chapter 163 163 Dinner time

Chapter 163 163. Dinner time

"Those are basilisks. They eat thunder and lightning. They are also made of storms and can only live in storms. If two basilisks meet together, they will cause a very destructive lightning."

Captain Isaac looked ahead to the left at the flashing clouds.

After entering the curtain of the world, time seems to have lost its meaning.

There is no distinction between day and night here, there is no sunrise or sunset, only continuous violent storms, and the only light comes from the ever-present lightning.

Qiao Mu has heard that scientifically speaking, time does not exist and is artificially defined. So now, being in the storm can be regarded as returning to nature.

A long time has passed since Qiao Mu and the others met Captain Isaac and the passing giant beast.

In the meantime, they found several floating islands to rest on based on the cloud map that Noah carried with him, and relied on the net bag on the boat to capture creatures living near the floating islands for food.

For example, right now, it's dinner time.

In the gap under the floating island, Noah made a fire to cook. The pot was filled with rainwater from outside and some flying fish he had caught before.

There is no ocean made of water in the true sense of the Valley of the Wind. Qiao Mu guessed that even if there was an ocean, it would probably be under the sea of ​​clouds. Therefore, creatures like fish seemed particularly weird here.

The flying fish in the World's Curtain are not the small fish that live in the sea and jump out of the sea from time to time as Qiao Mu knows. Instead, they are fish the size of large dogs that swim in storms.

They live in groups and rely on swallowing atmospheric insects in the rain. They are similar to flying squirrels. Similarly, flying fish will also become food for other physical creatures, and the physical creatures will fall into the sea of ​​clouds after death and be decomposed by atmospheric creatures. Devoured and returned to the wind, it forms an ecological chain in the storm.

Because they are always in flight, the flesh of flying fish is quite dense and they cannot live in areas not covered by storms. Therefore, Noah has never eaten it before.

For the same reason, in the outside world, flying fish meat is expensive and only rich people can afford it. Enya has only tasted it at some large banquets.

What's ironic is that the guests at these banquets usually don't care about the food. They only drink. Instead, no one cares about the rare ingredients. In the end, the waiters and chefs in the kitchen are cheap, so that they sometimes ask the guests What something tastes like will get completely different answers.

Make a fire, cook it with water, sprinkle with a little rock salt, and a pot of flying fish soup is ready.

It used to be said that they were too poor to afford meat, but now, for the few people on the aeroboat, they were so poor that they could only eat meat.

Captain Isaac left in a hurry and did not carry much dry food. A few people ate it after a while. Now the only fish that can supplement nutrition is the real meat-eating.

Enya ate very deliciously. She didn’t know whether it was because the fish itself was delicious, or because the meal after meal during this period had changed her appetite. It even gave her an idea that if she could leave the Storm Wei Wei, when she returns to Iron Island, she must make flying fish meat a dish in the kitchen every day.

"Next we are entering unknown territory."

Noah ate the fish soup hastily and looked at the cloud map and said.

Continuing forward is the end of this cloud map, which means that the next area is completely unknown to the people of Hongdao. It can also be understood that everyone who goes forward does not come back alive.

There are two possibilities for this.

One is that the front is extremely dangerous, with ten deaths and no life.

Another possibility is that further forward is the end of the storm, and those who dare to get in have left the curtain of the world and come into contact with a newer and broader world.

Noah felt that the probability of the second possibility was very low, because neither Enya nor Captain Isaac who came from the outside knew the relevant information, and those who disappeared might have stayed in this sea of ​​clouds forever.

Noah and Enya also need to worry about whether Captain Isaac and others, who they think are dreams, and the ship, will suddenly disappear during the next journey.

Fortunately, the floating island they will arrive next, according to the description of the cloud map, seems to have a floating island parked there. This was left behind due to damage by the previous exploration team. As long as it takes time, it should be more or less repairable. .

Qiao Mu finished the fish soup with a slurp. He was not that sentimental. A full stomach was the first priority. For this reason, he even wanted to have another bowl.

"If you can bring these flying fish back, you can definitely make a lot of money. If not, it's worth exchanging some points."

He couldn't help but think.

It's a pity that when their aerostat was trampled to pieces by the giant sky-curtain beast, the atmospheric spider in the clay pot went somewhere. Judging from Qiao Mu's condition, it was probably more serious than bad.

Qiao Mu could only mourn for the good friends he had made.

"It's such a shame that we can't meet his family and friends."

Absolutely no regrets about losing a ton of points.

Ah Xin didn't eat much. Lighting the [Wind Candle] would be a waste of life and torture of the soul anyway. She wasn't the kind of person who would die if she didn't eat, so she left all the food for others.

"Night", everyone took a rest.

Enya huddled up like a cat, leaning against the corner of the cabin, feeling very insecure.

Noah leaned next to her and rested with his eyes closed in a sitting position. This was a position in which he could get up at any time and respond to external stimuli.

Captain Isaac lay beside the wheel, soundly asleep and snoring peacefully.

Qiao Mu was sitting next to the side of the boat. It was windy and rainy outside, and there seemed to be some wild beast's roar hidden in the faint thunder.

To be precise, Qiao Mu does not need to sleep in the physical sense. For example, he can let his brain sleep during the day, and then the body acts on its own will. At night, the body rests and the brain turns on its own. Everyone takes turns to fight, and can maintain twenty Four hours of spirit.

So now, Qiao Mu is seriously studying how to store the excess flying fish meat.

The weather was so humid that making jerky was impossible.

Seriously speaking, fish would be better if frozen, but Qiao Mu didn't have any refrigeration means.

After thinking about it, he could only decide to eat all the fish in his stomach. As long as he told his stomach not to digest the fish, it could be kept for at least a day or two.

After a day or two, the storm may be gone.

"As expected of me."

Qiao Mu kept his promise and stuffed the extra flying fish meat into his stomach.

Seeing what Qiao Mu did, Ah Xin raised her eyebrows.

"If you really lack God's Chosen Points, I can leave something for you and sell it for money. It will always be worth more than these fish and meat."

She sighed.

"Damn it, you didn't tell me earlier!"

Qiao Mu was stunned when he was halfway through the meal. He glanced at the fish, patted his stomach, ate everything, and immediately ate the rest.

After eating and wiping his mouth, Qiao Mu looked at Ah Xin again.

"What can you leave for me?"

He didn't feel reassured if he didn't see anything.

"I can get it to you now."

Ah Xin chuckled. She took out a small knife from somewhere. The blade penetrated straight into her neck, gouged out her left chest, and dug out the beating heart inside.


Qiao Mu made a questioning sound.

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