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Chapter 120 120 Welcome to the amusement park

Chapter 120 120. Welcome to the amusement park

"It's done, yay!"

Qiao Mu waved.

"It turns out that getting the amusement park back up and running is all about capturing the legacy of Alan Christopher and awakening everything here."

Wushan murmured that he felt that some kind of destiny guidance had brought him and Qiao Mu here. What they were doing now might have a profound impact on the future of the school city.

But the novelist also knows it very well.

A person's character is his destiny.

If it happened again, Kiriyama would definitely make the same choice as now.

He looked at the dolls and found that Qiao Mu had arrived among the dolls at some point and called for the camera in the amusement park that was already broken but had been awakened by the [Mechanical Heart].

Qiao Mu seemed to want to take a photo with these dolls. He saw Wushan and waved.

"Ah Shan, let's take a photo together!"

Kiriyama raised his eyebrows, but still walked over and stood next to John the teddy bear.

"Three two one, eggplant."

Qiao Mu shouted, the camera flashed, he quickly got the photo and handed one to Wushan.

"Keep it away!"

".decide as things go."

Kiriyama glanced at the photo, stuffed it into his arms, and put it together with the pieces of paper with writing on it.

He turned his head, and the mechanical beings were already assembled and ready to go.

They will carry out a never-ending grand parade on this desolate land. The amusement park carrying the joy of the past will warmly welcome any guest who is willing to put down his guard and come in to enjoy. In this dead world, they The journey starts over and over again.

In his field of vision, silver-gray words gradually emerged, and Wushan knew that there was not much time left for him and Qiao Mu to stay here.

In the midst of the depressing and crazy words flowing down like a waterfall, he once again looked up at the sky that was clearing after the rain and the clouds had disappeared.

Above the blue, huge gears meshed and rotated, and the flashing lights looked like eyes, staring at the earth.

Through the sky, Wushan seemed to look at one of them for a moment.

Immediately, he was enveloped in colorful darkness.

Almost at the same time.

Above the "Star Ring".

A common observer in the Library of Alexandria yawns.

He indulged a little bit last night and had too much fun, and today he has very dark circles under his eyes.

Staring at the same screen and recording the same records thousands of times in the past is his boring and boring job.

There is nothing new in this barren land.

But just as he finished yawning and casually looked at the aerial view of the area he was responsible for, he noticed something strange.

"Is this the trajectory of liquidator EX97893?"

He saw that the movement path of a conventional cleaner robot had deviated. Such a thing was not uncommon. It had happened several times in the past. The observer immediately sent a communication to the cleaner, waiting for the mechanical life's response.

But after a few minutes, he only heard a moment of silence.

Then, when he peeked into the area again, he found that the huge robot started to move again, but the trajectory was completely different from what was planned.

"Please answer, please answer."

The observer repeated the call several times, but received only silence.

Just when he was about to ask his superiors for instructions, a burst of melodious and cheerful music came from the headphones.

The observer had never heard a melody like it before, and it made him tense up, hold his breath, and listen carefully.

Then, an inorganic but emotional voice sounded.

"Welcome to the amusement park, where you can relax and take away all your worries."

The observer's eyes widened and he immediately pressed the alarm button.

[Congratulations on completing the task]

【Start settlement now】

[Task exploration degree: 95%]

[Mission Completion Status: Perfect Curtain Call]

[After the storm, the amusement park reopens under the sunshine. It will always welcome guests who want to have a moment of joy, as always]

[You can see that under crisis, people's hearts are as cold as machines, and machines can also win people's hearts. There is no high or low form of existence. No matter what, life will always find a way out]

[The barren land, civilization blooms, you are lucky enough to witness the first ray of dawn]

[Reward: 22,800 Chosen Points]

[Please wait for the call of fate and complete the mission]

[Next mission time: 1619:59:59]

【The end will be with you in the future】

In Qiao Mu's sight, the depressing and crazy words of the God of Choice game twisted and flowed.


He jumped up and pumped his fist in celebration.

Only then did he realize that he was sitting on a bench by the Lingjiang River.

The girl who plays the saxophone is still practicing. This time it is a very basic piece of music, "Auld Lang Syne." Her technique is considered proficient. Passers-by stop to listen from time to time, look at the river, and enjoy this moment of leisure.

Qiao Mu also listened to the music for a while.

It's free, and if you don't listen, you don't listen.

At this time, he noticed the palm of his hand.

The metal rod was lying in Qiao Mu's hand. There seemed to be some mottled marks on it, like foreign writing, but no one could decipher it.

In one section, there was a structure similar to an interface, which Qiao Mu was very familiar with. As long as this thing came into contact with a metal product, it would be able to bring life to it.

I just don’t know how useful it is in this world?

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu closed her eyes.

Countless images flashed through his consciousness.

He saw researchers in white coats welcoming children affected by pollution, busy among the monitors, trying to find a way to crack the pollution.

He saw those children passing away one by one, but the researcher at the head was powerless and couldn't do anything.

He saw sparks of consciousness blooming among the subtle currents, igniting the civilization of mechanical life.

He saw a happy amusement park, an endless stream of tourists, and popular dolls.

He saw the backs of the recalled researchers and the lonely figures of the dolls watching them leave.

He saw the majestic figure of the giant scavenger robot in the storm, and saw the amusement park facilities dancing gracefully as they came to life.

He saw a never-ending grand procession on the barren land.

Opening his eyes, Qiao Mu saw the pale outline of words in his field of vision.

[Amusement park completion: 30%]

Under the evaluation of [Perfect Curtain Call], the completion rate of [Amusement Park] has directly reached 30%. Qiao Mu can now immediately project the happy scene of the amusement park into the consciousness of the people around him. If it is those who are mentally unstable or have been affected by People who are certain to be polluted may even hallucinate, thinking that they are sitting on a merry-go-round or a roller coaster.

I just don’t know what abilities Qiao Mu will unlock in the amusement park as the completion level increases.

You can't just conjure a horse out of thin air.

Qiao Mu was a little curious.

But that’s all for later.

He now had something more worthy of experimenting with.

Looking at the [Mechanical Heart] in his hand, Qiao Mu did not choose to sell it, because he knew very well that the value of keeping such a valuable thing with him would definitely be greater than the value of selling it for points. He wanted to try it first In this world, how useful is this thing?

Qiao Mu's eyes turned to his cell phone.

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