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Chapter 108 108 Again and again

Chapter 108 108. Again and again

The carousel spun around a few times before finally stopping.

Qiao Mu seemed to still have more to say.

Kiriyama walked to the carousel and came to the pink fox sitting in the pumpkin carriage.

Anna, the pink fox, seemed to be still immersed in the joy just now. She put her two furry hands on the guardrail of the carriage and remained silent.

"Is it fun?"

Kiriyama asked.

"Anna said, it's fun! Anna wants to play it again."

Pink fox Anna shouted like a child coming to an amusement park for the first time, completely forgetting what she just said.

"Then let them all come and have some fun, along with the others."

Kiriyama smiled.

"Ana said, is it really okay? We are the staff, and humans should be the ones playing."

Pink fox Anna tilted her head.

"It's okay, I like watching you play."

Kiriyama touched pink fox Anna’s head.


"Let's play together, let's play together."

Qiao Mu urged from the side.

It was obvious that he wanted to play a few more times.

"Anna said, okay, Anna will go find everyone now."

The pink fox got out of the pumpkin carriage, jumped away from the carousel, and went to find his companions at other rides.

Kiriyama watched her leave, filled with emotions in his mind.

"Ah Shan, you are so gentle."

Qiao Mu's voice came from behind him.

Wushan turned around and found that Qiao Mu was already standing beside him, still watching the pink fox's leaving figure.

"Because I thought they might have had a miserable childhood, so I let them enjoy the fun of the amusement park, Ah Shan really, I cried to death."

Qiao Mu couldn't help but hug Wushan's shoulders and began to sob softly.


Wushan didn't know for a moment whether Qiao Mu was acting or was really moved.

After a while, pink fox Anna came back jumping with the group of dolls.

"John said, really, can we really play?"

John the Teddy Bear was in disbelief.

"George said, I want to sit on that turtle!"

George, the three-eyed purple rabbit, didn't care at all that there was a tortoise among his companions.

"Raphael said, don't bully the turtle."

Raphael, the turbaned turtle, speaks his mind.

"Bruno said, everyone, stop arguing and let's play together!"

Bruno the Dalmatian is a hard worker and knows that playing now is the right way to go.

These dolls climbed onto the turntable one after another and found their favorite mounts.

Qiao Mu also found a teacup and sat in it.

".Why are you still sitting?"

Wushan looked at Qiao Mu from the side and made a questioning sound.

"Why can't I sit? Oh, I understand. Ashan wants to sit, right? I understand, I understand, so I will reluctantly let you sit here this time!"

Qiao Mu said with enlightenment as if he had figured it out.

"No, I don't want to sit."

Kiriyama covered his face.

"Forget it, sit tight."

He returned to the control room and pressed the start button.

The dolls let out surprised cheers, and amid the cheerful music, everyone sighed and looked around.

The amusement park, which has been guarded for who knows how long, has finally regained some of its former splendor and joy.

These dolls, who were supposed to enjoy all this, have waited for many years to finally have this moment.

When the music faded and the turntable stopped, the dolls still had more to say.

Seeing this, Qiao Mu waved his arms.

"Again, again!"

he shouted.

The dolls seemed to understand what Qiao Mu meant and shouted along.

The carousel suddenly echoed with the sound of joy.

Kiriyama pursed his lips and smiled, then pressed the start button again.

After playing three times in a row, they finally stopped.

"We'll go take a look at the roller coaster later, and we'll call you over when it's repaired."

Kiriyama said to the dolls.


Qiao Mu waved his fist.

".You should also come and repair together."

Kiriyama couldn't help but sigh.

He and Qiao Mu followed the turtle Raphael to the roller coaster.

The amusement park here is obviously aimed at children. The roller coaster is not that thrilling. It is an entertainment type that children in kindergarten can ride with their parents.

Kiriyama tried to start it first.


There was a buzzing sound, but the roller coaster didn't move.

"Is it stuck somewhere again?"

Wushan thought for a while and decided to ask Qiao Mu to check the situation.


Qiao Mu came to the roller coaster and checked between the tracks, but found no debris.

He glanced along the track again and saw nothing blocking it.

Then, Qiao Mu came to the bottom of the roller coaster. There is a transmission mechanism here that allows the roller coaster to climb to a high place.

Traditional roller coasters use such a structure. The roller coaster is pulled to a high place through a transmission belt, and then the potential energy of gravity is converted into kinetic energy, allowing the roller coaster to fly between the tracks while saving more electricity.

He saw that the transmission belt seemed to be broken.

This results in that although the transmission wheels on both sides can rotate normally, the power cannot be transmitted and can only idle.

"Ah Shan, it seems to be broken here."

Qiao Mu called Wushan to come over and check.

Kiriyama carefully studied the structure here, and then asked the turtle Raphael.

"Is there a warehouse for spare parts or something?"

Normally, these things have spare replacement parts. Since only the transmission belt is broken, you only need to find replacement parts.

Raphael, the turtle wearing a turban, tilted his head and seemed to be thinking.

He thought for a while before answering.

"Raphael said, warehouse, Raphael knows the warehouse, Raphael takes humans there."

The two of them walked through the colorful road and came to a nearby house near the edge of the amusement park. The roof of this house was also decorated with mushrooms. It seemed that the working facilities of the amusement park were distributed around the edge.

Opening the door, Qiao Mu saw that the three-story building was filled with various items.

There are rag dolls gathering dust, souvenir mascots from the amusement park, mobile ice cream carts, and some temporarily unused signboards. The sunlight shines through the windows on the roof, and the shape of the light can be seen in the dust. .

Kiriyama tore off a piece of paper and wrote words on it.

Suddenly, the piece of paper folded itself into the shape of a bird and flew towards the warehouse.

"It helps us find the drive belt."

Kiriyama explained that otherwise they would have to look for it on their own, and they might not be able to find it until the sun goes down.


Qiao Mu applauded.

After waiting for half an hour, the paper kite finally flew back.

It fell on Wushan's palm, and Wushan put his ear close to it, as if listening to something.

After a while, the kite lost its agility and turned back into a piece of paper.

"This way."

Wushan said, taking Qiao Mu towards the warehouse.

They soon came to a shelf on the second floor of the warehouse, where a heavy conveyor belt was placed.

Next to the conveyor belt, there is a tape recorder.

Qiao Mu glanced at the tape recorder, and bright red text suddenly appeared from the speaker, occupying his field of vision.

[This contains one of the secrets of this amusement park. It’s up to you whether to listen, but remember, sometimes, the more you know, the more unlucky you are! 】

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