The soul has weight.

And for Nick Fury, a soul like him who has too many secrets.

It's actually quite popular.


Regarding the legend of the hell girl, he seemed to want to try it himself.


Without a certain degree of resentment, it is impossible to connect to Hell Communication.


This doesn't seem to bother Nick Fury.

"So-called resentment."

"If it's just a level that ordinary people can pass, then... I have many methods."

Nick Fury pondered.

at the same time.

He wanted to see the hell girl, but he didn't really want to give his soul.

To hell!

Ah, although the purpose of their trip is indeed to go to hell.

Go find the witch.

Go find the witch who fell to hell because of the devil king.


No matter how you think about it, you know the hell represented by the hell girl, and the hell represented by the devil king.

It's not the same thing at all.

Moreover, going to hell on one's own initiative and being dragged into hell by one's soul are not the same thing at all.

Nick Fury, who knows very detailed about the legend of hell girl.

I don't want to send myself completely because of the first contact.


"It would be nice to have more intelligence analysis, now..."


Nick Fury was able to chat with Coulson, Natasha, Patton, and even Agent Hill when he encountered this kind of thing.

Logistics agents, scientific departments, and intelligence analysis, there are many people who can help Nick Fury.

After sorting out the information and making proper arrangements, this is definitely the best choice.

but now!

The convenience of S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, and Nick Fury can only make a temporary decision.

Fortunately, however, he had enough old friends.

And in the situation like now, even if I get into trouble, I can ask him for help.


This jerk that Nick Fury was contacting was in trouble no matter what.

Just like before in Los Angeles.


"If he's not dead, you'd better come and help me."

Nick Fury made up his mind.

He pulled out his special communication device and made a series of satellite phone calls known only to him.

"Beep beep."

After a brief dial tone, the call connected.

"I thought you were dead."

The man is cold, even to the sound of indifference.


"Don't say that, you can survive Los Angeles, let alone me?!"

Nick Fury spoke.

And the other side he contacted was the Punisher who made many people frightened.

As the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has, in fact, been flirting with Frank the Punisher.


Some of the more difficult issues to deal with while working on S.H.I.E.L.D.


Nick Fury did not ask Frank for help.

Because Nick Fury knows that this is a guy who is trapped in the quagmire of war and cannot extricate himself.

He is a guy who can risk his life in the face of all dangers, eliminate the opponent, and punish the opponent.

And the most important thing is that in the eyes of Nick Fury, Frank is a dangerous guy.

They are trustworthy of each other, but if one of them needs to die.

Presumably Nick Fury and Frank will have a good time with each other.

And it's such a weird relationship.

Nick Fury and Frank have always been happy to work together.

So this time.

"How are you doing recently? You also know that I'm a wanted criminal now and I'm in exile at sea."


"I have a piece of news for you about hell, isn't it nice?!"


at the same time.

In Frank's new combat truck, he is heading to a seaport.

From there he would set out, and then go to Sircaria.

Frank intends to settle accounts with Silver Sable, a woman named Silver.

About taking advantage of his absence, just leave for a while, looking for some hot weapons to arm yourself.

Silver actually broke into their residence and took all the Nohara family away.

this kind of thing...

Frank's expression was serious, and he looked in a bad mood.

Frank didn't like Sircaria, such an unknown small country.

Of course there is no malice.


Frank disliked the Feral Chapter, which had only left the atmosphere of war just a few years ago.

No reason.

This is the smell of a veteran in a war, the smell of guns and guns will arouse his desire to kill.


The Silver Sable security company that Silver started in New York, did not lose money to protect some big shots.

And a large part of this is Frank's punishment target.


They have already sat down between them.


The Wild Brigade has always been ranked very low in Frank's war list.


But this involves the Nohara family, thinking of that little potato devil.

And... a certain white-haired warrior with a decadent face, Frank decided to trouble Silver Sable first.

That is at this time.

Frank gets a call from Nick Fury, every single time this happens.

Neither is a good thing.

"You want to hurt me again?!"

"The former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who was pulled down, hehe."

A sneer from Frank.

"I'm very busy. I'm busy going to war. I can't take care of it now."

If it was before.

Frank must be interested to know what story Nick Fury has to tell.

After all, each of these stories provided a target that Frank wanted to punish so badly.

And take the Punisher's notoriety to the next level.

As for the danger involved, no matter what Nick Fury is hiding, Frank survives every time anyway.

"You fight every day."

"Now that I'm in trouble, I know you should be in trouble too."

Nick Fury's voice is casual.

Because he knows Frank all too well, the war maniac in this whole new world.

He couldn't be without trouble.


Where the Punisher last haunted, as far as Nick Fury learned.

That's Los Angeles.

It's a miracle that this bastard survived, how could there be no trouble? !


And the silence on the other side of the phone.

Proving that Nick Fury was right, Frank is naturally in trouble.

About the mage from Karma Taj!

What is it about looking for a brand new supreme mage, and thus entangled the Nohara family!


If it was anyone else, Frank would never have cared.


Unlike a certain potato kid, Shinnosuke Nohara is pure!

See the kid's smile.

Frank was silent from time to time, because he missed his son a little.


Such a smile belonged to his own son, daughter, and wife, and he would never have it again.


The Nohara family still had it, and that was enough.


Frank's eyes hardened.

have nothing to say.

Since the Nohara family is not willing to be a supreme mage, then...

Even stuffing a howitzer into the mouth of a bastard mage called Mordo.

He will never allow the peace of the Nohara family to be destroyed!

As for the counterattack from the other party, Frank, who had long believed that he died in the war, was not afraid.


Facing the mysterious mage who came out of Karma Taj, Frank worried that he would not be able to kill him.

He couldn't allow himself to fail in this battle to defend the Nohara family.

He needs allies in war.

Even if the other party is a damn one-eyed black marinated egg.

"Don't tell me your boring stories."

"Send me your address, and I'll go find you after I've dealt with some small things."

"After that, you have to help me with one thing, and we will settle the matter."

Frank plans to go to Sircaria first.

He didn't know what Silver Sable was going to do, so he had to go to ensure the safety of the Nohara family first.


At this moment, Frank still doesn't know that the Nohara family has set off again.

to the Afghan desert.

Frank estimated that he would have to make a trip for nothing, but relatively speaking, Nick Fury didn't need to wait for him that long.


"Before you come, don't die because of other people."

After offering Frank his best wishes, Nick Fury was satisfied.

Compared with Daredevil and Stick, Nick Fury actually trusts Frank more.

In some ways, Frank is also very pure.

hang up the phone.

Contacting Hell Girl, Nick Fury has a new helper.

Right now he.

What is needed is to keep an eye out for Stick, and the upcoming members of the Society of Innocence.

as well as……

Red scarecrow in blind spot hand.


at the same time.

hand club.

Madam Gao acted at the same time.

Erica's death was just a small episode.


Regarding the Prophet, recommending two ninjas who are also immortal is the most important thing.

Consecrated cave.

This is the deepest part of the Hand's secret island.

Overgrown with weeds, it was a barren place, with no trace of human habitation at all.


This place is completely different from the gorgeous castle Madam Gao was in before.

It is even more incomparable from the appearance of the topmost tower with a complex structure.


This is indeed where the Hand's greatest secret lies.

"right here."

"Only members who have been truly recognized by the Hand Association are eligible to step in."

Mrs. Gao walked into the cave first.

Everything here is a masterpiece of nature, retaining the original and ancient style.

Without any changes, it belongs to the most primitive worship.


"Aside from the gloomy atmosphere, I don't see anything special."

"It's far worse than the sacrifice I prepared for Lord Evil God."

Fei Duan still couldn't speak well.

Carrying his bloody March scythe, he touched the black iron bell hanging in the cave along the way.

The dull voice spread far away, in this dark and gloomy scene.

Ordinary people will tremble with fear when they enter.


Hi Duan and Jiao are fine, and Mrs. Gao is obviously familiar with all this.

As for the ninja hiding in the shadows.

They were shrouded in red hoods and wore raw iron claws on their hands.

Without saying a word, he was as silent as a dead person.

As for these little bastards, Fei Duan except for killing some Wanwan at the beginning.

It's really meaningless.

It turned into a pile of ashes at the touch of a finger, without even a little blood, the Lord Cthulhu would definitely not like it.


As a reward, every time you kill one, you will get some [Red Jade].


"Money, money, money, missions used to be money, Jiaodu, you have to do it yourself, I don't want to cut up offal."

Fei Duan yelled.

If it was before, Kakudu would definitely say something.

But now.

Jiao followed at the end without saying a word.

at this time.

The black thread in the body is wrapping a brand new heart.


So it contains different power from Chakra, but it is gushing out one after another.

Jiaodu is feeling all this, and trying to accept it with his own chakra.

Once done...

At that time, the potential that Erica failed to realize will be reflected in Kakutsu, an experienced old ninja.

"Ah, it's so boring, how long do we have to go?!"

No one spoke, which made Hiduan irritable.

at the same time.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Gao, they gradually went deeper and deeper underground.

at the same time.

Under the gaze of the ninjas hiding in the darkness, as they entered the depths of the tunnel.

Layers of torches gradually appeared.

Black iron bells hung everywhere, and the iron hooks hanging from the rock walls made the gloomy surroundings look even more terrifying.

And most attractive.

It is a red carpet laid directly on the rock formation.

From the entrance of the tunnel to the deepest part, it is connected to the throne made of rough stones.

Here lies the Hand's greatest secret.


The most primitive demon, a terrifying existence named "beast".


And now.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Gao, the undead duo came to meet the prophet!

"It's an honor to meet you, Master Prophet."

"Let me introduce to you, the newest partners of the Hand, Kakuzu and Hidan!"

Mrs. Gao stepped forward.

As always, pay your respects to the demons that the Hand has worshiped for ages.

And on the throne.

A big ugly and weird thing, like a gray toad, was lying on its side on the rock.

"You came!"

"It also brought me some interesting gadgets."

"Beast" opened his eyes.

On the gray head, two small red dots the size of soybeans light up, which is really quite joyful.

Especially when he talks.

This monster has a whole row of small teeth brushed in a row, the number is extremely large, it seems that people are going to suffer from dense phobia.

A thin layer of green rags, like torn paper, covered the head of the "beast".

Other than that, he doesn't have any clothes.

Extremely fat stomach, no neck at all, head and stomach like a gourd connected together.

When speaking, there are even some lisps, and the buzzing sounds very unpleasant.


Compared with the "beast" which is three to five times larger than normal people, his limbs are too thin.

It's like four dead wood branches growing on the fat gourd.

at the same time.

On the contrary, the hands and feet of the "beast", or claws and claws, are unusually large.

Contrast that with the ninjas standing on either side of the "beast".

The heads of the three people are not even as big as a palm of this monster. Overall, they look too distorted.

pretty ugly!

But such an ugly and ugly guy is actually the "Master Prophet" who has been enshrined by the Hand for thousands of years.

at the same time.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said something that both Hidan and Jiao had to pay attention to.

"The smell on your body is the same as... Konoha's."

"I've seen it all."

"Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, what else... Kurama."

The demon living underground slowly spoke words that the undead duo could not ignore.

The "beast" in such a simple environment can learn about major events in the world without leaving home.

for example.

The battle in the Lemurian sea area, and the news about the fairy fox model Namikaze Minato being active on the battlefield.


About the power of chakra.

The power of the distinctive ninja is also perceived by the "beast". This ugly guy is really not easy.

But also right.

Represents the original demon, once... in the dimension of hell, but the guy who had a confrontation with Mephisto.


"Beast" is a powerful demon that can fight against the king of demons!



Jiao Du said, why is this word so familiar? !

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