Players In Marvel

Chapter 759 Dad is coming, Xiaoyu is a little cautious, but... Mr. Director is in a beautiful mood.

"A good news for us."


In the space carrier, the big screen in the world observation window displays the space weapons of the Fantastic Four.

The huge energy transmission device, the real face is the star warship of the Fantastic Four family traveling in space, the city of space.

at this time.

The dictator of Latvinia made no secret of his involvement in it.

Immediately afterwards.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s energy-reading monitoring equipment intuitively found that the entire space city was blocked.

Although it is not clear what Reed Richards and Lord Doom are going to talk about.


In the current world situation, there is no possibility of the Fantastic Four playing a different tune!

That's what matters most to Alexander Pierce.


"As long as this country exists, Doom will think about his country!"

"And that's all we need."

Alexander Pierce smiled confidently.

He didn't care about any declaration of destruction, he didn't care about any threat of doomsday.

Only Victor von Doom ostensibly spoke for the state.

It is enough to stand on the side of the World Security Council and jointly maintain the superficial order.

As for doesn't matter!

And when all these people promise, all the prestige of the world gathers in S.H.I.E.L.D.

When it comes to Alexander Pierce, the power that he, the chief, represents.

Right now... it's too much.

Even enough, the light in Alexander Pierce's eyes could see that the future... belonged to Hydra!

"Hey, we're back, before Dad came to catch me, was there a celebration ceremony?!"

The cheerful voice belongs to the little agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Xiaoyu returned with the Kun-style fighter, bouncing around happily.

Enjoying the hard-won victory, the world is peaceful again, and the demons have subsided again.

Is there anything better than this? !


And Alexander Pierce was happier.

This is Hydra's best little agent, oh, yes, and our Hydra captain.

"Welcome back, Captain!"

He reached out to Steve Rogers for a winning butt.


"Hasn't the Crossbones been found yet?!"

Steve Rogers asked with a serious face. Anyway, Crossbones is his partner on the mission.

When Magneto was on the battlefield of Magnetic City, he took the initiative to leave with another young him.

Only crossbones.

It was shot down directly by that white-haired boy, and now his life and death are unknown, which is not good news.

"Our operations team agents are already searching and rescuing."

"The magnetic force in the falling battlefield area is disordered, Rumlow's armor is completely damaged, and the signal is interfered. This is our biggest obstacle."

"But it doesn't matter, after all..."

Alexander Pierce said.

Turning his head to look at Xiaoyu, and behind Xiaoyu, Nagato Yuki followed as usual with no expression.

"It doesn't matter."

"There is hope, Uncle Rumlow will be fine, right."

Xiaoyu patted her forehead, as if she suddenly remembered something, she said to Alexander Pierce in embarrassment.

"About the fact that I moved the Rubik's Cube, I didn't intend to enter that laboratory..."

"I mean, if daddy finds me, Mr. Bureau, you won't sue?!"

"Then I must be dead!"

Xiaoyu squeezed her fingers.

After a hilarious duel with demons, join the global battlegrounds, after taking the limelight.

Xiaoyu obviously knew that her behavior was not liked by her father and Uncle Long.

Once they know about it, they will inevitably have to be punished.

to be honest.

Xiaoyu hates being nagging, even Uncle Long and Daddy.


"Facing our best agent, Wonder Girl guards world peace, how could I sue?!"

Alexander Pierce treated Xiaoyu not only not at all serious, but also without the slightest airs of the bureau chief.

He's really good at dealing with hot and vivacious little girls.

At least.

In Xiaoyu's eyes, this Mr. Director is simply a good man.

Unlike the bald sheriff Blake in District 13, of course Xiaoyu didn't mean to dislike the bald head.


"He always said that Uncle Long, Uncle Long, Daddy, Daddy's, completely treats me like a brat."


"Director Pierce is right, I'm a Wonder Girl."

It's over.

Completely overwhelmed by sugar-coated shells, Xiaoyu is really too lively.

And aside.

Nagato Yuki did not reduce his sense of existence too much.


She looked at Alexander Pierce silently, and the information flow of data was enriching the database.


According to the standards of human beings on earth, this chief agent contains all kinds of secrets.

Is he a good person? !

Is it the existence that Xiaoyu should contact and trust? !


Should I tell Xiaoyu this information? !

Is this considered to affect the observation target, actively change the observation results, and thus affect the data collection? !


This should be a kind of communication between friends, is it a kind of "emotional" virus that should not appear? !


Nagato Yuki remained silent.

However, the information she organizes, as well as the self-reflection she conducts, can be nothing less.

And it is this time.


The field agents rushed over, and just now, they received an internal communication.

From an acquaintance in S.H.I.E.L.D., former senior agent, "Smiling Angel" Coulson.

The old man next to Nick Fury.

The guy who was originally wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D., but now, Alexander Pierce decided to give him a chance.


Pengel family.

And... the "mage" father who has a close relationship with Xiaoyu.

"Coulson, long time no see."

Alexander Pierce did not hide the slightest, and directly connected to the communication in front of Xiaoyu.


Steve Rogers was there too.

When Coulson's head appeared on the screen of the world observation window.

Captain America looked at the former agent with a serious face.

"Oh, it's the captain!"

"My god, meeting my idol in this situation, it sucks."

Coulson smiled wryly.

The first thing he utters is Steve Rogers, which has to be said to be a great topic to start a conversation with.

"Colson, S.H.I.E.L.D. has withdrawn the charges against you."

"I'm sorry about what happened to Nick Fury."


"You have a chance to re-employ, don't you think about it?!"

Alexander Pierce was more direct.

He is very short of people now, coupled with the start of the earth's overturning peace plan.

He can use anyone, as long as he dares to come, he will not refuse anyone.


A black stewed egg is still an exception.

Even now, Alexander Pierce is still wary of Nick Fury!

They are old buddies.

He didn't believe that Nick Fury would just go quiet, the old guy who refused to admit defeat would definitely do something.

Facing Alexander Pierce's solicitation, Coulson still smiled wryly.

He really wasn't prepared to face the sudden shift in the world situation.


The purpose of his call this time was not to talk about his employment.




Coulson was pushed aside.

It's Papa and Tru, and Tru's huge physique in the background occupies the entire frame.

And the old man squeezed directly in front of the camera, shouting very anxiously.

The old man didn't quite understand smart technology, but he was still very nervous about the niece appearing on this small screen.

"Oh, are you trying to piss off Dad?!"

"Another Xiaoyu's troubles haven't been resolved yet, Wonder Girl, hearing this name, my father will suffocate..."


Dad's long-winded, still familiar formula and taste made Xiaoyu sweat profusely.


"It's not that I haven't gained anything at all, at least Ximu is still there..."

Xiaoyu shook her hands subconsciously, and the comatose human Ximu dangled in her hand.

"Oh, sky demon..."

Dad's little glasses are about to fall off, and a new round of chatter is about to begin.


"It can be seen that the conversation was good."

Alexander Pierce watched with satisfaction.

He didn't interrupt.

As long as Xiaoyu joins S.H.I.E.L.D., the "mage" will naturally come too.

There are plenty of contact opportunities in the follow-up, and Alexander Pierce is not in a hurry for this moment.

He had a whole intelligence team of agents to analyze Papa and Jade, and others.

If one set is not enough, ten more sets can be made. It can be said that the more the better.

Just like now.

It's just a few conversations between Xiaoyu and Dad.

The agents of the intelligence team have already collected some amazing information.

About Sky Demons.

There's something so compelling about the boy being pinched by Jade.

This is a big gain.

It's something else, about the other Xiaoyu in the old man's mouth, this is really thought-provoking.

"What will the other... be like?!"

"Double copies of Wonder Girl, this is really too perfect."

A little jade.

Such a victory has been created for Alexander Pierce's S.H.I.E.L.D.

If it is two.

The victory is super doubled, and the world is almost in his hands.


This important information needs to be followed up by the secret service team, in case something is gained...

Alexander Pierce has fallen into delusions about the future.

And at this moment.

Steve Rogers interrupted him.


"If you can give me a copy of his information?!"

"I want to know what happened to the former secret agent."

Listen to the meaning of this.

Steve Rogers intends to find out about the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau currently under Alexander Pierce's control, its antecedents and consequences.

This is really annoying enough.

Alexander Pierce was slightly upset, but didn't say much.


"I will ask a special person to take charge, and for the subsequent arrangements..."

Alexander Pierce didn't finish speaking, his words were interrupted again.

Steve Rogers has his own agenda.

"The power of the Twelve Talismans comes from Xiaoyu, or a girl named Nagato Yuki."

"Before I return my power, I plan to go to Atlantis."

"Talk to Neptune Namo, we are old friends."

Steve Rogers' plan.

Now that the people under the sea have officially appeared in the world, and they have to negotiate with the people on land.

Well compared to the dictator of Latvinia.

Steve Rogers really doesn't like Lord Doom, even if the other party is now part of the rules of protecting peace.


The mouth is full of destruction and doomsday, full of conceit and arrogance of the upper class.

Such a jerk is not good.

Steve Rogers doesn't want Atlantis to sign any agreement with Latvinia.

It's best for Neptune Namor to break up with Lord Dum, and then talk about the future.

That's what Steve Rogers wanted to achieve.


Did not say anything more.

Steve Rogers picked up his star shield and turned away from the world viewing window.

He wanted to drive a Quin-jet fighter by himself and take a trip into the deep sea alone.

"It's really vigorous and resolute."

"However, Captain, you remember that there will be a speech about you after you come back!"

"The Call for World Peace needs you, and if you're busy, the tech department can do it themselves."

Alexander Pierce, shouting behind Steve Rogers.

What a douchebag, what an unlovable bastard.


Who told him to be the oldest superhero, who called him the loudest voice in the world? !

But as long as Steve Rogers acquiesces, it's fine.

Use the image of the captain.

If it continues to be broadcast on the world news, as long as it can increase the appeal, it is good.

As for the captain, in what he just said, Alexander Pierce only cared about one thing.

"Nagato Yuki."

"The power of the twelve spells is a good thing."

Alexander Pierce squinted.

His eyes looked at Nagato Yuki, the expressionless girl turned her head, and the two looked at each other.


Alexander Pierce immediately showed Xiaoyu's familiar smiling face.

That enthusiastic look doesn't look like some kind of gloomy secret agent leader.

It's just a friendly neighbor uncle.



Nagato Yuki still has an expressionless face, which really makes people feel difficult to communicate.


"It's over, it's over, Dad is coming to catch me."

Xiaoyu's wailing.

After the father finished chanting and hung up the screen communication anxiously, Xiaoyu covered her head and turned around.

The good times were coming to an end, and it was evident that disaster was imminent.

"I can already imagine what hell will look like when it comes to me."

Xiaoyu's tricks.

For Alexander Pierce, this is good news.

When Nick Fury was in charge of the house before, the "mage" who couldn't invite him had to come to the door by himself.

This must be greeted well.

"OK OK."

"Field agents have prepared several new superhero uniforms for you."

"The world news is still waiting for the surprise girl to appear on the stage, Xiaoyu, now is not the time for you to be troublesome."

Just one sentence from Alexander Pierce fully inspired Xiaoyu's fighting spirit.

Brand new hero uniforms.

Shiny speech to the world.

So cool, so handsome, just plain awesome, little girls love the show.

"That's right, that's right!"

"Before my father comes, I must have enough fun, hurry up, I can't wait."

at the same time.

Nagato Yuki silently groped on his clothes, it seemed that some people were forgotten? !

From the deep sea voyage of Atlantis, explore the deep sea nightmare, the scientific research ship of Neptune.

A doctor who wants to sacrifice the crew and even himself to cover up the existence of the underwater people!

Today's world truly makes supernatural beings transparent!

The Earth Transcendents Peace Agreement, the Transcendents Registration Initiative has been launched.

It's very different from before.

In such a world, it is time for them to come out and face it.

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