Players In Marvel

Chapter 757 Asakura Ryoko: Suck, the information body raised by myself, if eaten, it must be beautif

Dictator of Latvinia, monarch of Atlantis!

The god Dum, Neptune Namor, faced the peace plan for the extraordinary on Earth proposed by SHIELD.

A positive answer was given.

And that's just the beginning.

With the World Security Council taking the lead, the world news media has the most eye-catching flashlights.

Organizations from various countries expressed their views one after another.

This moment.

Sirkaria, inside the Prime Minister's Office.

Silver Sable Silver's uncle, the country's supreme ruler, was speaking to the media.

at the same time.

Grandly introduce important people.

"Mr. Barton!"

"It represents the arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is waiting for our reply from Sircaria!"

"About the peace plan, and the registration bill!"

"Sircaria has been fully passed, and we have been committed to using peace to change our current situation..."

Pepper, who was supposed to be in charge of the press conference, disappeared and was replaced by the prime minister's speech.

The purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been achieved.

Even the country that gave birth to the ultimate iron man has made a choice at this moment.

They also need peace.

And any existence that is not peaceful or violates the rules cannot be left behind.


The world was in an uproar.

The Fifty States Registration Act proposed by S.H.I.E.L.D. refers to all supernatural beings in the fifty states that have entered the country, including Texas, California, and New York.

All of them showed their identities, set up a hero level, and registered them in the register.

Make sure that superheroes emerge legally, reasonably, and peacefully.

And communicate with other countries and organizations to become an extraordinary alliance structure within the earth's domain!


Lord Doom, Neptune Namor, Fantastic Four, Captain America, Marvel Girl!


An ally from the universe, the apostle of death.


There is also the spiritual guidance of the immortal hero Craig!

Under the common rules led by S.H.I.E.L.D., necessary measures for the transparency, hierarchy, and security of superheroes will be formed on a global scale!

Once violated!

Breaking the established rules and wantonly causing chaos!

"Destroy the city, cause chaos, and even affect the safety of the world."

"Any existence that violates the peace agreement will be jointly besieged and suppressed by the countries and organizations of the Earth's Extraordinary Alliance!"

The voice of Alexander Pierce, solemn and sonorous, reverberated in the world.

Everyone can hear.

People all over the world are discussing that the era of barbaric and random supernatural is over.

Then there will be an extraordinary peaceful era of mutual control and mutual supervision!

Lead with S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Backed by many established superheroes and organizations, once some newcomers want to rise indiscriminately.

The price of violating the rules must be the wrath of thunder from the entire earth.

"On behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., I declare to the world!"


"Join the superhero project, peace beckons, war will no longer exist."


"The friendship between land people and sea people!"

"A world where superheroes are completely transparent, our common beauty..."

on the radio.

There was a declaration about the peace plan of the superhumans of the earth.

at the same time.


Tony Stark took one last look at his shattered steelworks as the Feral Chapter's combat helicopters took off.

He was the first to leave here.

What awaits him is the desert and a brand new research.


When Tony Stark appears again, it will definitely shock the world.

And at the same time.

In the helicopter that departed together, Whitney was lying on the window.


"No way, Yinsang is waiting to get rich, and the country will go bankrupt so soon."

Picking her nose with her little finger, Yinsang looked like a dead fish.

"no way."

"It seems that something big has happened. The banquet that Miss Pepper prepared for us will be delayed."

Hiroshi Nohara fastened his seat belt, he was worthy of being a fighter of the Wild Brigade.

This helicopter is really savage enough to fly.

It was wobbly and fast, as if it was in a hurry.


Nohara Miya hugged Xiaokui, her face full of puzzled questions.

"We're going to the desert in Afghanistan, and it sounds like it's going to be hot as hell."

"And why are you in such a hurry, Junxiong and Jennifer..."


Shinnosuke Nohara was also nodding, with bear biscuits still in his mouth, looking like he hadn't eaten enough.

"Yes, yes, be careful, the time has passed, and Xiao Hei still hasn't come!"

"Is he late?!"

Shinnosuke twisted his butt, not worried about jumping around in the plane at all.

It is very likely that something dangerous will happen.


"I told you that he is Toshio Saeki, a very hateful little devil."

"Just like you."

Gin-san embraced Shinnosuke, held him in her arms and rubbed the potato head.


"Saeki kid's parents are still staying in this country, before they finish the matter."

"We'll have to wait a while."

Samurai don't like trouble!

He is even less interested in robots, aliens and all that mess.

On the news broadcast.

A bunch of guys are making a lot of noise saying that they want to rule the whole world.


Are you going to sanction a terrifying guy like the King of Devils? !

Can it be done? !

Sakata Gintoki thought to himself, he subconsciously touched Lake Toya on his waist.


You may succeed, you may fail, but sometimes being stupid is a good thing.

At least let the world go in the direction of dreams.

That's good!

"Good job!"

"Originally, I wanted to make a fortune with Whitney, but now it seems that Yinshi Masters will continue to operate."

Sakata Gintoki hugged Shinnosuke and yelled loudly in the cabin.

"rest assured!"

"No matter what happens in the desert, with Whitney and me, your safety will be fine."

"Guard work is also my forte."

Sakata Gintoki had one hand on his hip and the other around Shinnosuke Nohara, and the potato kid also yelled.

"That's right, that's it!"

"Whether it's drinking, lazing on the bed, or playing steel balls, Yinsang will never lose!"

Shinnosuke pouted, his face was flushed, and he looked like he was advocating Gintoki Sakata very seriously.

It's really embarrassing enough.


"Don't tell me all about this little thing!"

Sakata Gintoki tugged Shinnosuke's ear and whispered something.

"And one more thing."

"You forgot to say you're looking for Mama-san, and it's the same..."

The voice behind was inaudible.

But Sakata Gintoki and Shinnosuke have a very tacit understanding, and they laughed strangely.

"This guy……"

Mime Nohara looked like she was having a headache.

Sakata Gintoki is definitely a good person, and this samurai gentleman takes good care of Shinnosuke.


Sometimes when these two guys get together, their personalities are too bad.

And the other side.

Whitney kept looking out the window.

Ever since she came to Sircaria, she originally wanted to meet her father.


Regarding the issue of Obadiah's funeral, due to a series of reasons, it was delayed and postponed.


It has been dragged to the road to Afghanistan.

This is really...

Whitney thought about the fall of the City of Angels, the disappearance of Los Angeles assets.

And the only funds left by Obadiah, some of the scientific industries she bought.

This was Whitney's last harvest.


In the silence, Whitney felt a little sad, and touched the small bag he was carrying with him.

In addition to the familiar small gun, there is also that mask!


Although this mask is a semi-finished product, and it is about some signal connections on the nerves.

The retained information is also vague, perhaps there are some side effects.


She had quietly tried it herself.

It feels good to put on a mask, that kind of relaxation from the nerves, a sense of mystery.

Then Whitney was relaxed.

Such a move might be bold, but the mask was the last investment Whitney found.


Whitney recalled what had happened before.

Yunying, Jennifer, Kate, the big adventure with the girls.

"I can also rely on myself."

"Maybe I should get myself a super name and do something about it!"

"Growing up, I was always the best, and the world is no exception."

"Right, father!"

through the window.

Whitney held the mask in his hand, his eyes gradually became firmer.


If you have to say it, if you follow Sakata Gintoki's words, maybe...

That's a kind of paranoia!

this moment.

Right after Tony Stark's helicopter, follow along in the evacuated cabin!

On the way to Afghanistan, a brand new Masquerade is born!


What happened in Sircaria was just a small episode.

Even the people here didn't realize that their god-like Mr. Tony Stark had left.

All that's left is a shell of steel and the empty promises of the past.


Tony Stark is no talker.

Take your time.

Wait until the "computing element" data in the hands of the desert laboratory is completely analyzed.

"He'll be back!"

Electronic sounds echoed.

This voice is so familiar, it is actually the ultimate iron man!

And now.

The picture of Sirkaria presented in front of him was in Mr. Prime Minister's speech at the press conference.

There is only a touch of light left, a little bit of digital information connection.


The center, glowing with numbers, is held in the hands of an alien.


"Are you so sure that he will come according to your plan?!"

This voice is like a clear spring.

A girl in a sailor suit with long black hair and a perfect and gentle smile on her face.

Just like ebony sauce.

Asakura Ryoko, an absolutely radical information alien, her observation target is the Fantastic Four.


Part of this is the task arrangement from Nagato Yuki.


Everything that happened on the Lemurian battlefield does not allow wanton information collection to cause data changes.

This really made Asakura Ryoko uncomfortable.


It's time for a change.

A little bit of information changed, and on the chaotic battlefield, she helped the dangerous guy who should disappear.

"Nobody knows Tony Stark better than Iron Man."

"Destruction is just the beginning, it only takes time, and the Ultimate Iron Man will be born again!"

"In the wisdom of Tony Stark!!"

The calm voice of Ultimate Iron Man.

Everything seemed to be in plan, including his failure, his demise!

The data core in the hands of the death apostle, all the so-called silence perceived is just an illusion.

Iron Man simulates all the energy.

Including magic particles, including Neptune's divine power, including righteous black energy, and also including the energy of the dark force dimension.


This level of analysis is too low, and the imitation is too low-level, it is completely impossible to win.

But it can create a little space for intelligent life.

All you need to do is cover up the powerful people present under the same energy cover!

It only takes a moment.

It only takes a little, a little bit of numbers to save!

It turns out.

Ultimate Iron Man did it, and he retained some data particles that are even smaller than leftovers.


It is impossible for him to survive just relying on this.

It is impossible for the huge data consciousness of Ultimate Iron Man to be carried by the residue that these scraps cannot compare with.


Isn't there Asakura Ryoko? !

"Are you so sure I'll help you?!"

Asakura Ryoko smiled, and a glass of juice came out of her hand, and the digital dots of Ultimate Iron Man were thrown into it.

The girl cheerfully sipped the orange juice, and did not use words to communicate, but used a kind of data transmission to exchange information.

"We are the same!"

From the thought exchange of Ultimate Iron Man, the information of 0 and 1 was completely received by Asakura Ryoko.


Ultimate Iron Man was originally developed for the intelligence of Iron Man armor.


Freed from the shackles of Iron Man's armor, it becomes a real digital life in the flash of data.

Such a posture is like an information-integrated thought body born.

Just a prototype.

Coupled with the computing element he planned, an information life that can analyze the universe and build a large universe database!

so similar.

It's the same as the information aliens.


It's like Nagato Yuki and Asakura Ryoko, like Tony Stark and Ultimate Iron Man!

Two by two relative.

Both harmonious and contradictory, both rational and radical, really...

"you're right!"

Showing a sweet smile, Asakura Ryoko sucked the juice, and beside her was a mosaic-like data flickering.

She is using her own backup database to cover up the information distribution of Ultra Iron Man!

Iron Man is hers.

This cannot be discovered by Nagato Yuki, let alone shared with others.

The only observation target of Asakura Ryoko!


"In my opinion, you are much more interesting than Reed Richards!"

The girl in the sailor suit suddenly growled, she was hungry!


In order to make the information life form grow better, it must be injected with better information food.

Ryoko Asakura is a part of the information-integrated thought body, and she will never betray her.

However, as a radical.

She has her own way of action, for example... If she eats a complete Ultimate Iron Man!

A fully grown "computing element", an intelligent information life with a universe database.


"The spark of information that will be triggered by then will surely detonate the entire galaxy in one go."

"No...even beyond more, more, more, more, to the edge of the universe!!"

Asakura Ryoko revealed her starry eyes.

She has been very sure of her plan, starting with Ultimate Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, and Lord Dum.

It's all her premium resources, it's all her premium database.


God Dum and Mister Fantastic also have the wisdom to become information life forms!

And strength and will!



Asakura Ryoko was so greedy that his mouth was watering just thinking about it.

This must be a great meal.

And if you want to eat them all and have a good meal, then you have to start from the initial breeding! !

"Ha ha!"

"This is the miraculous evolution expected by the information integration thought body."

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