Players In Marvel

Chapter 561 Zola Vakovic, from the holy Latvinia.


The old town, which has some history in this country, may have been the place where some great people lived before.

And now here is the endorsement of poverty.

Even in the past, Sircaria has been suffering from hunger and hardship due to financial difficulties.

But now it's not what it used to be, and people here have gained a new freedom.

at the moment.

Under the reflection of the steel factory, the homeless in this old urban area suddenly became a hated existence.


With a vicious punch, the woman who was curled up under the eaves was directly awakened from her poor sleep.


Let her clutch her cheeks, and when she opened her eyes in pain, she saw a young man in a pink dress, or a decent suit, or an avant-garde leather jacket.

She is surrounded.

Not thugs, but well-dressed Sircarians with special watches on their hands.

The woman who was beaten for no reason knew that it was the proof of the steel factory that they had won the opportunity to play for the great Sircaria.

The Iron Suit created by the greatest genius in the world has a share in these people.

They are a whole new class belonging to Sircaria.

"Hey, don't pretend to be asleep, we're talking to you?!"

It is completely different from the scenery of other cities.

Maybe in Hell's Kitchen in the old days, it was usually thugs covered in tattoos who said that to late office workers.

Here it seems to be somewhat the opposite.

The vagrants who had nothing were surrounded by these "successful people", and they were also brutally beaten.

"We don't want to see you stay here, this is not your city, you've tarnished it."

"Before the wild battle group comes, don't cause trouble, it's best to leave voluntarily."

The woman who was beaten was covered in blood. This is her only hiding place. If she is driven out of here, she doesn't know where she should go to live.

"Why, why, I did nothing wrong..."

She argued loudly, as long as the people in front of her felt sorry for her, but she only got an extremely cold response.


"Your existence is a mistake, Mr. Stark has made each of us beautiful."

"And only you, like an ugly stain, keep Sircaria in the past!"

Without mercy, the woman's head was grabbed and smashed against the stone slab. This is definitely not the first time these people have done this.

They call themselves the new people of Sircaria, and they support Tony Stark with great fanaticism.

And under the logo of the steel battle suit, the steel factories that gradually covered this country.

And for the garbage that stains this beauty, they are committed to completely eradicating it.


Their actions were disrupted this time.

despair! !

Gold, an alloy, is both like a natural metal and a high-tech alloy material.

Or simply the product of some kind of magic.

Foot armor, shoulder armor, chest shield, and the double-tipped golden fork poked between the eyebrows of the enemy, and the green cloak fluttered in the wind.

A woman with thick brown-blonde hair, wearing a weapon with a strange pattern, appeared in front of this group of people and stopped their atrocities.

"If you dare to touch her again, I will mercilessly stab your head through."

"I will do what I say."

She stood on the crude iron ladder on the second floor, looking down at the "mob" of Sircaria.


Immediately there were exclamations, and some of them recognized the pattern on the heroine's body.

That does not belong to Sircaria, but the logo of another closed country when it belongs to this sea area.

Latvinia, I heard that there is a great king ruled there, but no one here knows exactly what kind.

"Where's Silver Sable?!"

"That's how her ambition group works. It's really far behind."

Zola Vakovich was slightly puzzled.

If according to the previous rules between them, after she stepped into the territory of Sircaria.

Silver Sable had already brought her wild battle group and appeared in front of her.


It's been a long time since we saw each other, maybe they are a little strange.

It turned out that Zola heard that Silver Sable took the whole feral battle group and ran to a place called New York.

I went to work as a high-level security company, but I heard recently that the whole of New York is gone.

The silver mink woman ran back in a hurry.

not only!

The changes in this country today are really too big.

"I just want to see some acts of kindness, is this too much to ask?!"

"You damn fellows, if Silver Sable really doesn't care, I can stab you all to death instead of her."

"Like a torch and a pitchfork, I'll bring you a better future before you mob get together."


Zola Vakovic!

She never thought her name was so famous, she was just a female warrior belonging to Latvinia.

She is responsible for the security of that country, and solves some troubles for the Majesty she serves.


Not to take up the precious time of the great Lord Doom, but to worry about some small problems.

Since Silver Sable came back, the country called Sircaria has become more and more wrong.

For this country next door, Zola actually has no idea.


Sudden information appeared in the hands of Zola, because the world is now in sudden chaos.

A prince!

A mysterious prince who claimed to be the orthodox heir of the ancient dynasty of Latvinia appeared.

And it also fell into the hands of President Sirkaria.

What are they going to do? !

What kind of position does the Silver Sable's feral group represent? !

war! !

Still mutiny! !

But no matter what kind of possibility it is, it is intolerable to Zola, and it is a blasphemy to His Majesty Doom.

So she came here herself to see what the hell was going on in Sircaria.

However, when she really set foot in this country, Pepper Industries, Tony Stark, Ms. Pepper.

In these self-isolated countries, names that Zola had never heard of began to appear continuously.

not only.

The huge factories that are rumbling under construction, and the steel armor that is constantly being produced on the processing equipment.

Everywhere there is a cry of the wonderful world Mr. Stark has brought, and a brand new weapon called the Iron Suit is covering the country.

And Sircaria, who was once poor and backward, is undergoing a crazy transformation in leaps and bounds with the support of inexplicable forces!



And all of this gave Zola a very bad feeling.

"You... what are you going to do to us?!"

The people facing death screamed in horror, unaware that what they had done to the poor wanderer before was just as normal.

"I haven't done anything yet."

Zora made her announcement with a deadpan face.

"But I don't care who runs this country, the so-called Ms. Pepper, Mr. Stark, whoever it is."

"Go back and tell them I am Zola Vakovic and I represent the holy Latvinia."

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