Players In Marvel

Chapter 545 Humans Tried to Analyze the Apostles of Death!

Jade of the Four Souls.

The demon gem that hides the miraculous power has now been integrated with Moonlight Moria, and has created such an outstanding great demon.

If the complete treasure jade can be collected, this will undoubtedly become the wild king of the great pirate.


"Hey hee hee."

"Unexpectedly, Hawkeye Mihawk would also be interested in this kind of power."

Moriah's sharp voice made him laugh strangely.

The monster named Naluo has been on his hunting list since that night.

From the night when the decadent dead fat house became a hero of the West Sea again, the cunning monsters have been targeted by the strong men who cross the sea.

And now it's just that Hawkeye just brought it up.

"I am not interested."

Mihawk glanced at Moria, he knew what this guy was thinking.

The pink shards wrapped in the thick demonic aura flashed by his powerful perception of domineering aura.

A very different force indeed.


But this is not the path a swordsman should take. As the strongest swordsman above the sea, Mihawk will not rely on other things except his black knife Ye.

It's the path he's taken, and even the New World is unimpressed.

"Frost Moon Dragon Horse."

A name was spat out from his mouth very calmly, a name that was extremely familiar to Moonlight Moriah.

A name that should have belonged to him, but was taken away by the witch Kikyo.

"It's not your dead body, I mean the legendary dragon-slaying swordsman who has really come back to life."

Without Moria opening his mouth, Mihawk knew what this guy was thinking.

He had no interest in the corpse that was stolen from Wano Country in the past, and the puppet zombie driven by the shadow made Hawkeye not even want to lift his eyelids.

Even the legendary sword Qiushui is not attractive to Mihawk.

All he cares about is that Kikyo has been revived.

When facing the King of Devils, he cut through the turbulent flow of hell with a single knife, and fell into hell with the witch!

A living, genuine legendary warrior is what Joracle Mihawk is after.

Those who want to try the blade.

"Witch Kikyo."

Moriah brought up a name on his list of enemies again.

In this new world, there are two people he hates the most, one is the Pluto of the underworld, and the other is the witch who sealed him away.


The underworld is completely isolated, but it is obvious that the power of the underworld is not something he can resist now.

And about the bellflower.

She also fell into the crack of hell in the previous Battle of the Three States, just after she shot an arrow that purified the world, which was seen by everyone.


"The demon is from the same world as the witch, and you want to use it to find a way to rescue the witch."

"Or do you want to break into hell and forcefully find Frost Moon Ryoma."

Moonlight Moria had already understood the purpose of Hawkeye, and their interests did not conflict.

The Jade of the Four Souls belonged to him, and the Frost Moon Dragon Horse belonged to Mihawk. I think this should be the best choice.

"I don't know, let's talk about it after cutting it."

Mihawk leaned back in his chair, he was not interested in the food at the banquet table, he just drank Perona and poured him wine.

"Hehehe, as expected, then...Walong, what about you?!"

Moria and Mihawk reached a consensus, so the next one is the third one.

"I have no objection, besides...if I connect to hell, I do have some troublesome things to deal with."

"This is really giving me a headache."

Valon said helplessly.

If it is troublesome, he is the troublesome guy, and he is cursed by the king of devils.

The sealing spell was used at the last moment, and Mephisto's limbs were scattered, at the cost of Valon's soul.

He is actually working for Scarlet Devil now, but not only will he not be paid, but he may lose his life at any time.

And if you want to settle his debts, there is an old saying that you must use magic to deal with magic.

the same way.

To go to hell to find hell, to use demons against demons.

Now I have a good opportunity to target the monster who controls the jade of the four souls, and see if I can find a way to contact the witch who fell into hell.



This should probably mean the same thing. Anyway, dealing with demons and evil things is more professional than Valon.


In the banquet hall, singing and dancing proclaimed the sky, and doll zombies celebrated for their masters.


One is for the jade of the four souls, the other is for the duel of peerless swordsmen, and the other is for solving the curse of the devil.

They reached a consensus like never before.

"That's good, the first order of Shadow Realm is confirmed like this."

"For our common good, cheers."

Moria took the lead in toasting, and Mihawk and Varon also gave him face.

Just gulp it down.


The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground boldly.


The master of the shadow, the strongest swordsman, and the terrifying black hand have reached a complete alliance among the three.

A new organization looms over the New World, where Shadowlands is born, and their first goal.

"Hey hee hee."

"Go, my shadows, my cuties! Go and find the demon named Naluo."

The black shadow behind Moria surged like a wave, and the doll zombies under him were even more excited to the point of madness.

"Ha ha."

"The Shadow Corps will also help, they are the most outstanding helpers."

The passage to the Shadow Kingdom opens.

The best minion that will never let the master down, ninja soldiers leap out from it.


Only Mihawk was resting with his eyes closed, he didn't need to look for anything, the cross black knife was beside him.


I really want to cut a knife and try it out, I shouldn't have to wait too long.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Da da da."

Fingers flick on the keyboard, and the mechanical clicking sound makes this rhythm feel very pleasant.

When the navy took action.

When the natural returners formed an alliance.

And in this old house that belongs to Craig, there are still familiar rooms, and there are still lonely brothers and sisters.

Empty and white!

Even though the outside world is tumbling like raging waves, it is like a calm sea here.

But under the surface of the sea, there are hidden undercurrents and turbulent currents.

This moment.

On the screen located in the very center, with the joint input of Blank's brother and sister, Yikong's mental calculation ability and Baiku's super-computing brain.

A pitch-black humanoid entity is appearing on the screen.

Is the apostle of death.

It is also a visitor from the universe who lived in the big house after experiencing Mephisto, in order to better observe the changes of Craig.

And now.

As two mediocre human beings, Blank actually tried to analyze the behavior template of the apostle of death.

"You really are a guy who is not afraid of death. I really can't imagine how the brains of the two of you grow?!"

The door of the room opened.

He came uninvited and casually stepped into the territory of the brother and sister, which was different from his crazy side.

This time it was the calm and elegant Lan Yu who came.

"So... when are you two going to hand me over?!"

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