This book was uploaded on 1.28 and ended on 9.30. It has been serialized for eight months, which is really a big test for me.

When I typed the words "big finale", I was a little bit sad, but also relieved.

To be honest, appendicitis is serious, and after everyone finished talking, I stood up and prepared to be beaten.

Compared with Meng Wang's ending chapter where everyone unites to fight against the ultimate boss, the ending chapter of World Tree is too flat, and there is not even the slightest sense of climax.

There is no way to do this, after all, in the book World Tree, there is no such powerful boss as Thanos, the heart of the universe in Meng Wang.

And the world view of each dimension is not complete and unified, which is also doomed that the ending of this book is difficult to be like Mengwang, and everyone will work together to defeat a big boss.

If it is pulled into the Singer Protoss, it will be easy to please both ends.

Because, I set too high a standard for the singer protoss at the beginning, and it is actually not good to forcibly destroy this standard later on.

As for the germination of the seeds of the sacred tree in the end, and the protagonist's detachment from then on, I believe there is no suspense for everyone.

However, here is indeed the ending I had thought about a long time ago, although there are no surprises.

But it can be successfully written here, and this book can be considered relatively complete.

In fact, I didn't expect World Tree to be able to write 1.31 million words.

You may not believe me when I say it, but when my death volume was put on the shelves, I felt that the book had already collapsed.

At that time, I positioned the theme of the Reaper Scroll as "Keeping the Rage", which also made many book lovers feel that the pretense was blunt and poisonous. When it was on the shelves, I had no score at all.

Fortunately, the results of the book after it was put on the shelves were not bad, with about 1,600 first orders, which also gave me the confidence to continue writing.

After all, do you want to have a meal?

In my opinion, this book has a lot of problems, and there are many poisonous points. In the process of writing, there are various typos. I really appreciate the support and love of all the book friends who have read along the way.

Ninety degrees bow!

However, now that the book is finished, let me summarize the pros and cons of this book.

First of all, the positioning of my book is actually a bit wrong.

The idea of ​​this book was originally positioned on the easy acquisition of energy. The protagonist's mentality is—isn't it a humble tree planter?

I wanted to play a counter-routine at the time, and that's what I did at first.

But later, I found that I was too insensitive to numbers, and this routine was not successful.

Therefore, the further you get to the back, the lower the sense of existence of the system will be found.

Everyone must have noticed that I didn't even describe the protagonist's strength data later.

The real reason is that I initially set the energy too large and too easy to obtain, which made me collapse later.

I'm really sorry for not being a good student in mathematics!

Secondly, it is too "greedy".

When I give the protagonist the ability, I want everything. Sometimes I decide to give the ability to the protagonist with a slap in the head, and then everyone forgets that the protagonist has this ability.

The more typical ones are "Gravity Fruit" and "Full Numbered Ghost Road"...

This also caused behind me, the protagonist has too many abilities, too many choices, and even a little choice syndrome.

What the protagonist can do and what he can do, no one expects at all!

But once you set foot on this road, it is basically impossible to turn back later.

So, I can only continue to run all the way on this road.

The whole series of ninjutsu, all the blood succession limits... Khan...

I can only pay attention in the next book. In terms of setting the protagonist's ability, it must be more perfect and more cautious.

The third is story repetition.

This is actually the biggest problem in this book. Basically, it is to travel to a new world, and then beat all the famous people, forcing the famous people to pretend to be the first.


This is also the main reason for the sudden drop in the appeal of this book in the later period!

Well, this is actually one of the biggest advantages and disadvantages of fanfiction!

It is always inevitable to imitate, and it is quite difficult to conceive a story by yourself.

The writing ability of the young author really needs to be improved!

As for many readers who think that my writing style has dropped sharply after Ghost Slayer: Blade, this is actually related to the original stories of each volume.

Like the Demon Slayer Blade, when not fighting, it tends to be sensational.

In this point, I actually wrote it in imitation of Gui Mie, so I feel a little literary.

When it came to Reaper Scroll, I was actually imitating the style of Reaper, but the imitation was not successful in essence.

Because, the author of Grim Reaper, 98, is really a poet. Even with a few strokes after writing about fighting, he can write a character extremely brilliantly.

With my writing style, even if it is an imitation, it will only paint the tiger as a sick cat!

In the future, everyone thinks that my sword chapter is relatively good. One important reason is that my sword chapter almost resets the combat power, and my style tends to restore the sword as much as possible.

Everyone doesn't look so embarrassed!

Strictly speaking, the core of the book World Tree is unified, but the style is actually not uniform, and it is even a bit strange.

The main reason for this is that the writing style is a bit poor, and I can't write my heart with my hand!

Thank you so much for your patience along the way!

Bow ninety degrees again!

After talking about the "loss" of this book, let's talk about the "gain" of this book.

Finishing a book with 1.31 million words is indeed a very big test for me, and I also encountered many difficulties.

Writing more than 1.3 million words is a huge learning opportunity for me.

In this process, my writing has been greatly exercised.

In terms of storytelling, what are the minefields that must not be touched, I now have a greater understanding.

The second is to learn restraint, especially in terms of giving abilities and character positioning. I have a better understanding.

Finally, let’s talk about the new book.

Every fan author has an original dream, and Xiaoyu is no exception.

I have written two fanbooks in succession, and I also want to write my own story.

However, it is extremely easy to die suddenly when fan-posting originals, and the young author also has lingering fears.

So, the new book will be a half-fan.

The story is original, but the abilities and treasures in the book may be related to anime and movies.

At present, I have sent the manuscript to the editor-in-charge Boss Ruoye, but unfortunately, it is the National Day holiday now, so there should be no response in a short time.

I'm supposed to take a few days off next, but only a few days.

Boss Ruoye gave me feedback, and I will almost upload a new book.

I hope that everyone will not remove the book World Tree from the bookshelf for the time being, so that everyone will know as soon as Xiaoyu's new book is released.

I still hope that everyone can continue to support Xiaoyu's new book!

It must be quite interesting to witness the growth of a young author.

The mountains are high and the road is far away, see you in our new book!

Finished flowering.


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