Pivot of the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Ignition


The two silently walked through the jungle in the dark, and touched the location of Lucille's camp. In the middle of a hill, the fire in the camp was already visible. They stopped to take a break, and when a gust of wind blew, Medanzo sucked his nose and whispered quietly: "This is the flesh of the scorpion-tailed dragon. They went hunting in the swamp during the day, and came back to eat barbecue at night. It's cozy, it doesn't look like a war at all, it's just an outing! "

Amon suddenly turned around and asked very solemnly: "In your heart, there has always been a thrill of adventure and a desire to create unknown miracles. We are definitely taking risks this time, and we will create a miracle. What do you think? "

Medanzo pressed his chest with his hand and said, "God, Amon, you really know me so well. Taking me to perform this task completely fits my mind! My blood is almost boiling, full of enthusiasm and longing. But inwardly calm, waiting for your order. "

Amon nodded: "Think about the possibility of failure and prepare for it before you start, and once you really act, you can only think of how to succeed. If we can really succeed this time, it will be incredible. Adventurous miracles, you have witnessed, experienced, and accomplished all of them in person. Maybe it is an opportunity to break through to the seventh level of achievement. I have already said that this is a sublimation of spiritual power.

Medanzo nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "According to the results of your investigation a few days ago, there are about eighty guards around the king. How many masters do you think?"

Ammons yelled: "The guard who can become a king is at least a mid-level warrior. There are strict rules on weapons and equipment. To meet the requirements of ceremonies, they are all uniformly distributed. They should be quite good, but they are mainly prestige."

Medanzo: "How much do you think can be a great magician and a great warrior?"

Amon: "It would be difficult to say if you were in Wangdu in peacetime, but the situation is special now. As far as I know, there are four nine-level great magicians on both sides of the main battlefield. The elite masters must be on the front line. It is impossible for too many people to accompany the king to this safe rear for hunting. The main force of the Enril Corps has also been led away by us. It is impossible for the battlefield in the middle of the war to have no masters. The captain of the king ’s camp here must be a big one. Samurai, there may be a big samurai guard next to Lucille, and as for the great magician, there will be no more, these forces are already quite strong. "

Medanzo moved his shoulders subconsciously and whispered, "God Amon, can we handle it?"

Amon: "We have already come, and we will face it anyway. It is naturally impossible for the two of us to fight against them, but my purpose is only to hold the king, and King Hatti will be our bodyguard."

After saying this, Amon put his staff on the ground, reached out to take out his bow and asked in a deep voice, "Are you ready?"

Medanzo replied in a deep voice: "Ready, you can do it." He pulled out his long sword, walked out of the shadow of the trees, and came to the eye-catching place on the hillside and under the starry sky. Said to himself: "God bless!"

Amon heard this and smiled: "Why are you looking at the sky calling my name? I'll stand behind you!"

Medanzo also laughed: "Sorry, I'm used to it."

Talking and laughing, Amon stretched his bow and took an arrow. The speed of plucking the bow strings was as fast as a flying wheel, and an arrow flew towards the king's camp one after another in the night sky. The trembling bowstrings and flying arrows barely made a sound. No one can describe the weirdness of this shooting technique. The first arrow was obviously not moving off the string very quickly, while the arrow that was coming out was getting faster and faster. The arrow came from the hillside. It took a certain distance to reach the camp, and Amon shot fifteen arrows in one breath, hitting the target almost at the same time.

I am afraid that the king's guards would never dream of it. Someone would sneak into such a distance across the front and suddenly and silently launched an attack on His Majesty's camp. Who can have such courage?

The king's resident seemed to be heavily guarded, but the guardian's mentality was quite lax, just maintaining routine vigilance. There are strict rules for night guard tasks. The position of the outpost must meet the requirements. Each guard must be within the sight of at least two other guards to form a cross-monitoring state to prevent people from sneaking into the whistle. If something unexpected happens, the entire camp will soon be alerted.

Even the most stringent regulations need to be implemented by people. If someone occasionally walks away, looks at the ants on the ground, looks at the stars in the sky, or turns his head to sneeze, he will be out of cross-monitoring status in an instant. At this time, a guard was in a daze, probably eating too much barbecue at night, could not help but took a nap, handed both the shield and the pistol to one hand, rubbed his belly, and glanced down.

At that moment he suddenly felt his chest was cold, an arrow flew from the dark night, penetrated the breastplate, and moved the front heart. The shaft with the tail feathers was still shaking. His eyes widened as if he saw the most incredible thing in the world. He stared at the half-arrow in front of his chest and yelled, but couldn't make a sound.

This arrow hit the body and opened with a strange impact. His whole body, including the throat knot, couldn't move, but he didn't feel the wound was painful. A kind of itchy and crisp feeling spread, and then the body changed again. It was freezing cold, gradually getting hot in the cold, and couldn't even move a little finger.

The guard's involuntary hands loosened, the shuttle gun and shield fell to the ground, and the person fell to the ground softly, and the armor and the weapon made a frivolous collision. The sound didn't just come from this place. The sounds of weapons falling and guards falling from the positions of the sentries on the camp side were issued at almost the same time. Amon fired a poisonous arrow made of scorpion tail crochet needles, which not only claimed lives instantly, but that strange power also made people unable to shout for help.

But the sound of the guards falling to the ground and the collision of weapons and armor could not be controlled by Amon. Such a large movement must have alarmed other guards in the camp. I only heard a loud shout: "There are assassins on the mountain! Protect the king, and the guards follow me!" A samurai with a shawl rushed out with a group of guards without even wearing armor.

This man is the Captain of the King ’s Temporary Camp, Aruka, a seventh-level warrior. He was rewarded by the king at the dinner. He drank a few more glasses of wine and fell asleep. Na also issued a warning order in time. He didn't even wear his armor, so he picked up the sword and rushed out with the guards. The soldiers just looked up at Medanzo on the hillside in the distance and heard a sharp howling that cut through the night sky.

Amon stood behind Medanzo, and he could see clearly in the shadow of the height. He knew that the fifteen guards would stun the people inside, and there would definitely be a character such as the captain of the guard leading out. . As soon as Aruka's figure appeared, he sent out an amazing power.

This time, it is not a poisoned arrow, but a heavy arrow built by Ma Ge, covered with heavy silver and engraved with the pattern of divine magic array. Amon once shot an air shuttle in the army. At this moment, An arrow was stronger than the original, with a dazzling silver light slamming at lightning. The arrows reached Aruka's eyes before the soldiers on either side heard the sharp howling that cut through the air.

After all, Aruka was a great warrior. When he rushed out, he was vigilant and responded in a hurry. He yelled and shook out a pair of lights with a double-handed epee. The shuddering sound opened with a dazzling silver light burst, and several soldiers around were toppled to the ground by the turbulent air waves. Although Aruka blocked the arrow, her figure was knocked out and smashed over a tent backward. She spit out blood and jumped again, apparently injured.

Amon made a full-strength shot, so that Aruka, who was caught off guard, suffered a lot, and her body disappeared in the dark. Only the majestic Medanzo stood on the hillside. When Aruka flew out and hit the tent, more soldiers rushed out of the camp and ran towards the hill in a formation. When no one arrived, more than a dozen arrows shot with a bursting sound. To Medanzo.

Mei Danzuo didn't even dodge, rushed down the hillside with a long sword, and shouted, "I'm Mei Danzuo!"

The arrows trembled on the scorpion shell, and the black scales on the armor were rippling and the arrows slammed to the ground. The ordinary arrows fired by ordinary warriors are not strong enough to penetrate the protection of the scorpion shell, and the impact is scattered by the defense effect of Medanzo's moving magic.

With such a swift effort, he has already rushed down the hillside like a stringed arrow, and the guards on the opposite side are too late to shoot a shot, and can only raise his weapon for melee combat. The guards were horrified. The assassin was absolutely crazy, and he dared to attack the king's camp alone, and he was definitely a great warrior, but he couldn't be better than the king's guard. !! Is this assassination or death?

Regardless of how much Medan Zoco had, he wanted to make a big noise. The best effect was to attract the great wizard and another warrior beside the king to cover up Amon's sudden action in secret. He wielded the long-handed epee with his right hand. The spurs also had the strange effects of distorted space, scattered cracks, and bursts of energy. He pulled out the serpentine short blade in his left hand, and screamed with a fearful roar between the thorns.

As soon as he rushed into the enemy line, Medanzo cut down seven or eight guards. He had never been so prestigious. These people are all intermediate warriors, and their weapons and armors are quite good, but the damage of Medanzo's short-edged sword and the protection of the scorpion shell are really good, not to mention that he is not only a peak sixth-level warrior, Also has the peak mana of a level 6 magician.

Medanzo almost didn't rush into the camp, but after all, the king's guard was not vegetarian. After cutting down seven or eight people, his right hand trembled with a shocking sound and shot a distant shot. Shuttlecock, stepped back halfway to fight the cross attack on the left and right, the big warrior Aruka, who was hit by a fly just now, rushed up with a tomahawk again.


***: Qingfeng push, continue to double change today, the next change is 18.58 :)


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