Pirates: The biggest scum in naval history

Chapter 51 The name of that knife

Yes, Darren came to visit Huoshao Mountain.

In that battle in the training camp, the determination shown by Huo Shaoshan was to Darren's liking.

Besides, he was injured by himself, so it makes sense for him to come and visit.

"Brigadier General Darren!?"

Huo Shaoshan looked at Darren who was carrying a fruit basket. He was stunned for a moment, but then he immediately reacted.

He smiled sheepishly and introduced to Darren:

"Brigadier General Darren, this is my dad."

"Dad, this is Brigadier General Darren."

Darren smiled politely at the grumpy uncle:

"Hello, excuse me."

There is a maple tree planted in the courtyard. The fiery red maple leaves are falling in the cool wind, which is extremely beautiful.

"Why don't you stay in the hospital for a few more days?"

Darren put down the fruit basket and sat casually on the steps, looking at Huo Shaoshan who was bandaged like a rice dumpling and asked.

The Navy Headquarters provides free medical care to all navies, and officers above the school level can enjoy better medical and rehabilitation conditions, such as independent wards.

Huo Shaoshan smiled and scratched his head and said:

"The injury is not serious, so it won't cause any trouble to the doctors and nurses."

He pursed his lips in the direction of the kitchen,

"And I'm not too worried about the old man being alone. As you can see, his eyes are not very good."

Darren nodded.

He briefly glanced at the neatly repaired yard. There were several dirty kittens dozing with their eyes narrowed under the fence and shade of the trees.

At this time, a yellow-haired native dog sprang out of the house, came to Huo Shaoshan and licked his hand, wagging its tail like an electric fan.

Darren suddenly understood where the cat scratch marks on Huo Shaoshan's arm came from.

"You like animals?"

Huo Shaoshan rubbed the yellow dog's head and said with a smile:

"Not really, it's just that sometimes I see them wandering outside, missing a meal, and it doesn't feel good."

Darren was silent, took out a cigar and handed it to Huo Shaoshan.

"Can I smoke it?"

Huo Shaoshan looked at the golden cigar, was startled for a moment, and then took it calmly.


So the two of them sat on the steps and started puffing away.

"Young man, please stay and eat. The meal is already ready."

At this time, the blind uncle came out of the kitchen and shouted to Darren.

"It's rare for this stinking brat to have a friend come to visit, so don't refuse."

Darren smiled and did not refuse.


The dishes were simple and home-cooked, but Darren ate happily and enjoyed the warmth he had never experienced before.

After finishing the meal, Huo Shaoshan automatically took over the dishwashing duties, leaving only Darren and his father at the dinner table.

"My brat has caused you a lot of trouble, hasn't he?"

The blind uncle suddenly broke the silence, took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes, and handed one to Darren.

Darren shook his head and said:

"Actually, it's just the opposite. I was the one who caused a lot of trouble for Colonel Huoshaoshan."

As he spoke, he briefly looked at the old man with a vicissitude of temperament in front of him.

He is about fifty years old, but his face is full of traces of time.

The skin is dark, the hands are covered with calluses, and there is a shocking scar on the face, which spreads diagonally from the left eye to the right side of the face.

As if aware of Darren's gaze, the uncle pointed at his face and grinned, with a fierce and evil spirit hidden in his smile.

"Don't worry, I didn't make it easy for that pirate either."

Darren was speechless.

"Young man, from the sound of your voice, you should be a tough and decisive person... which is good."

The blind uncle was smoking and suddenly sighed.

"My boy is too soft. You said that he is obviously a navy man. He brings stray cats into the house every day. I want to throw them all out... Young man, you said that my brat has such a temper. Kill pirates?"

Darren blew out a stream of smoke,

"You are worrying too much. Colonel Huoshaoshan is a very good navy man."

"His determination to defeat pirates is stronger than anyone else's."

He paused, smiled and said:

"And you probably don't know, right? In this training camp, Colonel Huoshaoshan won the fifth place."

The blind uncle was silent when he heard this.

By this time Huo Shaoshan had finished washing the dishes and came back.

"Young man, let's talk." The blind uncle said firmly, then stood up from the chair, turned around and walked out of the room.

Huo Shaoshan smiled awkwardly and said:

"Sorry, the old man's temper is... a little weird."

Darren smiled and said it didn't matter:

"No, uncle, he has a very good character."

Huo Shaoshan was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked:

"Darren, during that battle...you didn't use all your strength, right?"

He stared at the Commodore with burning eyes, expecting an answer.


Darren speaks his mind and doesn’t hold back.

Huo Shaoshan sighed with regret.

"I thought I had learned a brand new swordsmanship and could keep up with monsters like you..."

"you will."

Darren said seriously, not stingy with his praise.

A person who dares to wield a sword against the strong is always worthy of respect.

"That knife is already very strong."


Huo Shaoshan's eyes lit up.

He thought for a while, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said to Darren with great interest:

"Well...you know my dream is to become a hero like Mr. Karp, a famous man!"

"A hero's moves always have a cool name, but I've been thinking about it for a long time in the past two days and I can't think of it... Darren, can you help me give that knife a name?"

His expression was filled with the passion and innocence of a middle-aged boy, which made Darren couldn't help but smile.

To put it bluntly, Huo Shaoshan at this time was just a young man under twenty years old.

"You feel……"

Darren recalled the decisive and stunning firelight of Xiaochang Mountain. After pondering for a second, he smiled and said:

"The name of that knife is 'Huoshaoshan', how about it?"

After chatting briefly for a while, Darren did not stay long and said goodbye to Huo Shaoshan.

When he walked to the door of the yard, Darren noticed Huo Shaoshan's father walking out of the kitchen, holding a large pot of steaming chicken and rice in his hand. He was cursing and bending down to share it with the cats and puppies.

Darren smiled when he saw this, turned around and waved goodbye to Huo Shaoshan.


After walking a certain distance, the roar of burning mountains suddenly came from behind.

Darren looked back.

I saw a short-haired young man with bandages all over his body, standing under the fiery red maple tree, punching himself vigorously in the sunshine.

"I will continue to work hard. One day, I will catch up with you monsters!"

His eyes were high-spirited, glistening with sweat and sunshine.

"I will let that knife, along with my name... resound throughout the world!"

Darren was startled, then laughed wantonly.

"Okay, I'll wait."

Every glorious and heroic life,

Every mature and old soul,

There was once a young boy who sweated and punched wantonly under the scorching sun.

This vast and endless sea has become magnificent and shining precisely because of such fiery youth and simple dreams.





The transition chapter is also a little easter egg.

Ask for everything and be grateful.

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