Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 1040 For Companions

Not only Fatty Bear, but the entire universe was in grief. Although Thanos' purpose was to save the universe and make it run better, the damage to living bodies was too great to be accepted. Countless people collapsed. Fallen, even superheroes are wallowing in the pain of losing their companions.

Only Tony and Nebula were left on Titan, and everyone else suffered. The death of Spider-Man Peter Parker was a huge blow to Tony, causing him to fall into deep self-blame. He regretted letting the little spider go on this journey. On this path, I regretted not stopping Thanos. They were only a little bit closer to taking off Thanos's gloves. Although they failed because of Star-Lord, Tony kept blaming himself in his heart. If he could have gone faster, , you can succeed before Star-Lord wakes up Thanos.

But there were never any ifs. Tony still remembered his companions on Earth. With the help of luck, the two of them drove the Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft to return to Earth.

It's just that they encountered a serious problem. They didn't know the specific location of the earth. The spacecraft did not have the coordinates of the earth. What's even more unfortunate was that there was not much food and fuel on the spacecraft. In other words, even if they knew where the earth was, they still couldn't. There is not enough fuel to return to the earth, so it can only drift in the universe.

On Earth, the government is already in a state of paralysis. Too many people have been lost at once, causing the government to be unable to function. Many places in the world have fallen into chaos, and the entire world is in a state of desolation.

Steve, Thor, Natasha and others returned to the Avengers base after the Great Annihilation. They forced themselves to be busy and tried not to think that this disaster was caused by their failure.

Just when Steve and others were still in an unacceptable state, a person unexpectedly appeared at the Avengers base. She was Captain Marvel Carol Danvers.

Carol accidentally obtained the power of the Space Stone before, making her the most powerful superhero on Earth. However, before that, she had been fighting the Kree in space and had been away from the Earth for many years.

Only Nick Fury on the entire earth knew of Carol's existence, and before Carol left the earth, she left Nick her contact information so that he could contact her when he encountered unsolvable difficulties.

When Nick was about to turn into ashes when the Great Annihilation approached, he pressed the communicator Carol left for him and sent a message to Carol for help.

After Carol received the distress signal, she immediately rushed to Earth because she knew that Nick would not contact her unless he encountered a devastating disaster, not to mention that Carol saw Scrooge following her. People turned to ashes, and Carol immediately thought it had something to do with Nick's cry for help.

Carol, who returned to Earth, followed the distress signal to the Avengers base, learned what happened from Steve and others, and stayed on Earth temporarily.

Banner informed everyone that Tony and others might be on Titan. Currently, only Carol can travel through space. The task of rescuing Tony can only be left to Carol. Steve and others can only I hope Tony and others are still alive, after all, the chance of survival is 50%.

Fortunately, Carol met Tony and Nebula's spaceship on the way to Titan. Tony and Nebula were in very bad condition at the moment. If Carol had found them one day later, they might have died.

Carol carried the spaceship directly back to the Avengers headquarters on Earth. Tony's unexpected return gave everyone in grief a glimmer of comfort. Rocket and Nebula became the only two survivors of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Not long after the Great Annihilation, the Avengers once again detected a powerful wave, which was exactly the same as the previous Great Annihilation, indicating that Thanos had once again used the Infinity Stones. No one could discuss what Thanos' purpose was this time. , but they understand that the reason why Thanos can wipe out half of all life in the universe is the function of the Infinity Stones.

Since the Infinity Stones can wipe out half of all life, they can also bring back those lives destroyed by the Infinity Stones. They will challenge Thanos again. This time, their hopes are much greater because of the addition of Carol.

Among all the people, only Nebula knew Thanos best. Lucky also learned from Thanos about his retirement plan after completing the plan. Lucky informed Thanos' planet, Captain America, Black Widow, Rocket Raccoon, Captain Marvel, Nebula, and Thor. , Colonel Rhodes and others went to the planet to prepare to kill Thanos.

It was discovered that Thanos was seriously injured and dying because he used the power of the gem to destroy the gem. Thor first cut off his arm and then directly decapitated him, but it was already too late. The Infinity Stone had disappeared. Those who died had no way to return, and everyone could only live with this unimaginable pain.

Five years after the Avengers had adapted to their current bleak life, an accident happened. Ant-Man, who was accidentally trapped in the quantum realm, appeared.

Scott Lang's ex-wife and friends were reduced to ashes. Fortunately, his daughter was still alive. After Ant-Man learned what happened from his daughter, he thought of someone who might be able to bring back those destroyed people, that is Making a jump to the quantum realm to achieve correction is the idea of ​​a time machine reversing the future.

After bidding farewell to his daughter, Lang came to the Avengers base to find Steve, and told the Avengers his idea. After discussion with the Avengers, they felt that this method was very feasible, but they were not good at the quantum field. Tony is good at it, but Tony is unwilling to make risky attempts anymore. He doesn't want to lose everything he has now, especially his daughter.

Everyone had no choice but to go to Banner again, and Banner could already coexist peacefully with the Hulk, possessing both wisdom and strength.

Unfortunately, Banner is not good at time, and several experiments failed.

When Tony found a photo of himself and Spider-Man at home, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion. He also conducted modeling research and finally determined the feasibility of time travel in the quantum realm from the simulation level.

Ant-Man brought back the particles studied by Dr. Pym, explaining that the amount for each person was only enough for one round trip. Hawkeye took the lead in trying it, went back to the past, and brought back something to prove the feasibility.

Captain America and others studied where the gems were previously distributed, planned to collect them all and bring them back, snap their fingers to rescue everyone, and then return the gems without affecting the timeline at that time, and divided into teams to perform their respective tasks.

The Avengers have gathered together again, including Thor, who became a fat man because of jealousy and self-blame. There is only one chance. They can only succeed but not fail. In order to save their companions who disappeared in the Great Nirvana, they will try their best to save their companions. Bring them back.

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