Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 658: The Failed Trip to Xirob Village

After obtaining permission, Xiao Nami ran out of the orangery with a thick stack of nautical charts in her arms, not knowing where she was going, perhaps because she was worried that Bellmer would suddenly "go back on her word".

Accepting a gift is a "selfless gift" from a pirate.

Even if it was because of his precious cabbage, Bellmer's heart of naval justice that he had established for more than ten years was slightly shaken.

But facing such a guest...

Bermel couldn't say such rude words as "since you've finished buying oranges and delivering gifts, please leave as soon as possible".

The oranges just picked were transferred into Rumi's fortress one by one, and Bellmer immediately invited Adrian and his party to take a break at home and have a cup of hot tea.

'Inviting pirates to my house... I'm crazy! ’

On the way, Bellemel looked at little Nami, who had come out of nowhere and talked with the white ghost, and a very absurd feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

As soon as she entered the door, Nami enthusiastically introduced the last family member, Nokigao, to her "Big Brother White Ghost".

Adrian looked at the blue short-haired girl who was also dressed in old clothes and had slightly dark skin, and nodded politely but politely.

Noki high.

He was an orphan of war with Nami, and was adopted by Bellmer. After the incident of the Dragon Pirates, he supported Nami to become a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, and he continued to guard Bellmer's orangery...

No mission value!

Adrian made a brief summary of Noqigao.

The fragrance of tea is curling up, and some small talk...

It was mainly Nami who was chatting non-stop, and Adrian also casually pointed out the other party's knowledge of navigation. With his current knowledge of meteorology and oceanography, it was more than enough to point out the basic knowledge of the little girl.

When Robin and Perona saw the little girl who was so passionate about knowledge, they also presented two rare sailing books in the East China Sea, and received a lot of sweet praise from Nami.

Belmer didn't reject Robin and Perona's kindness either.

From beginning to end, she was just vigilant against the white ghost.

But for these girls who look very cute, Bellemel is not so vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, Adrian took the initiative to ask to leave.

He didn't intend to send Nami an invitation to board the ship.

Nami is no better than the rest of the boat.

Recall that Love was the cook who had been with Adrian for a long time, Robin and Perona both had a relationship with O'Hara, and Runti and Pejiwan were orphans of the ghost clan who lost their parents.

And Reiju and Sanji...

Maybe the Vinsmokes think they don't have a father...

Before, Adrian brought Guina out from the Yixin Dojo, but that was only at the initiative of Master Koushiro.

And what about Nami?

At this stage, little Nami has a happy family and complete family members, but she just has a dream of drawing a [Navigational Map of the whole territory] in her heart.

The most crucial point...

It was Belle Mel who would never agree to let little Nami sail with the legendary pirates!

Accepting gifts from pirates is already an act of departure for this strong woman who retired from the navy.

How could Bermel let Xiao Nami run away with the white ghost?

Of course, Adrian can also forcibly kidnap Nami, or even kidnap Nami's entire family...

But that would be forcing others!

Adrian is known to love being passive.

Before leaving.

Little Nami mustered up her courage and was about to take the initiative to ask "The sea is so big, can you take me to see it?"

"Brother Adrian, I can..."

"You're all right!"

Belmer quickly covered Nami's mouth and smiled at Adrian.

"This child... there are too many things! I will definitely discipline me in the future!"

Adrian didn't mind too much. It was surprising that Belmer was able to bring their group to their house for a cup of hot tea. The ideological confrontation between pirates and the navy was no joke!

"It's all right, Ms. Bellmere, we're taking our leave now."

For some unknown reason, Robin seemed to be very optimistic about Xiao Nami. Before leaving, he also gave a small phone bug to the other party, and carefully instructed the feeding method of the phone bug.


Still did not stop.

A female sailor with a tough personality, she thinks Robin is a well-informed, gentle and harmless literary girl.

If it wasn't because Robin was brought by the White Ghost, Bellemel would definitely encourage Nami and Nokigo to study with Robin.

As for the reason...

"Look at other people's children"!

Under the watchful eyes of the policeman Ah Jian and the Belmer family, the Phantom Heart slowly left the pier of Cocosia Village.

Nami, whose ears were "sticky" to Belle Meyer's fingers, could only watch her "dream ship" gradually move away from home with unwillingness.

"Brother Adrian, is it a pity that the cute orange girl didn't get on the boat together?"

On the deck of the Ghost Heart, Robin, holding a potted tree of omniscience in his arms, teased with a half-smile.

"I think you seem to be doubting my character!"

Adrian pressed Robin's head angrily without giving a positive answer.

Due to his generous plan of sailing across the seas, his "mighty image" on the player forum is also declining, and the problem lies in the beautiful girl on this ship!

Adrian just wanted to grab the players' collars and make them widen their eyes and take a closer look. There are two boys, Peggy Wan and Sanji, on this boat!

"Oh! Adrian!" Rumi stuck his head out of the rudder. "Which island are you going next?"

Adrian thought for a moment and then clicked on the next destination.

"Just... go and meet a famous sniper in the East China Sea!"


East China Sea, Xi Luobu Village.

To put it in a more familiar way: the hometown of Jesus cloth and Usopp.

This time, Adrian did not trigger any hidden dream tasks from Usopp.

As a sniper of the future Straw Hat Pirates, God Usopp's dream can be roughly understood as "wanting to become a brave sea warrior".

But now Usopp has both parents and a happy family. In addition to bragging, he is a very ordinary Donghai child.

Because of this, Adrian did not gain any new dream tasks.

However, he did have a "contest" with Jesus cloth.

As an elite crew member and sniper of the future Red Hair Pirates, Jesus Bu has a very high talent in the way of sniping.

This kind of talent can be classified as - the unique domineering arrogance!


Adrian can assure you that Jesus cloth's talent for seeing, looking, and domineering is outstanding.

Even though because of his origin in the East China Sea, Jesus cloth did not realize the name of the special power he possessed, and his use of knowledge and color was very simple and crude, but this did not prevent him from becoming a very outstanding sniper!

The "contest" between Adrian and Jesus cloth is a test between snipers.

In line with the idea of ​​​​not going empty, Adrian wanted to trigger the follow-up career upgrade task of [Sniper] from Jesus cloth, but unfortunately even if he defeated Jesus cloth with ultra-long-range shooting, he still failed to trigger the slightest task upgrade. signs.

The trip to Xilob Village can almost be declared a complete failure.

The task trigger of the East China Sea natives was not smooth.

Donghai players brought a different kind of surprise.

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