Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 553: : Shura City [1]

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Chapter 553: The City of Shura [1]

Her eyes swept over the faces of the masters on the table under the ring. Those who were seen by him had taken a step back and saw that she had dealt with several masters of the Firefighter Mercenary. I know that this woman’s means is too embarrassing. If she loses to her, she will be humiliated by her. What does it mean?

"Honglian, forget it." Meng Haotian said that he was not salty and said a word. It was persuaded that everyone could hear it. In his tone, it was only a faint reminder.

How could Meng Haotian get the red lotus? Unless Moline says one thing, Honglian will not listen at all!

Dean Canghe and several judges looked at each other and finally said: "Lord Honglian, this time to deal with Shura City together, you need a lot of masters, please let us know."

Hong Lian turned his head and said with a smile: "The dean of Canghe said it makes sense. If I defeated the master, who else can go to Shura City? But" she turned and took a bit of ridicule. "These I can't even beat the master. What is the use of going to Shura City?"

These words have a very serious incitement. When they say it, the mercenaries whisper.

Although this red lotus is arrogant, she can make a point in this sentence! If even Honglian can't beat it, go to Shura City, isn't it dead?

"Hong Lian, are you deliberately going to break our business?" Meng Haotian's tone was finally a bit serious. If these masters were scared away, their plans to study Luocheng would also fail.

The red lotus snorted and said nothing: "If they don't go, we can go by ourselves!"

"We don't know Shura City. Because of this, we have to cooperate with them. Don't be a bad thing, let's go. If this plan fails, going back to the Holy King will not let you go!" Meng Haotian took out the holy king and finally let red Lotus is a little scared.

"Okay." Red Lotus took up the weapon and came down from the ring. Some boringly sat down and turned her head, but saw the strange ghost faceman sitting not far away. She just wanted to challenge her, but I heard her. In the previous few tests, I was injured by a fledgling seven-star master and lost interest in the challenge.

She always likes the strong, I thought that this ghost face will be very strong, but even the seven-seater summoner can not beat, it is too disappointing.

Huang Beiyue noticed her gaze, and looked at her with a look. Her eyes were cold and faint. The mouth of the red lotus was slightly squatting, and she snorted. For the weak, she has never had any interest.

"What are you looking at?" Meng Haotian laughed.

"How can it be so weak that month and night?" Red and blue seemed to be very disappointed.

Meng Haotian smiled: "I don't think she is weak. I just wanted to ask you to try her. Why don't you challenge her?"

"She?" Red Lotus dismissed. "She lost to a seven-star gimmick. I challenged her and won't win!"

"It doesn't matter if I win or lose. I want to see her strength." Meng Haotian smiled. "But now, there is still an opportunity."

Honglian is also lazy. Yesterday, after she knew that the ghost face was lost, she was very happy. It’s really boring. It’s a bit fun to come back later!

The north of the moon was a little bent at the corner of the mouth, and it smiled quite deeply.

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