Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 524: : The old man reunited [2]

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Chapter 524: Reunion of the old man [2]

Everyone was stunned, and the mercenaries immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Young master, there are personal troubles here, and hurt our people."

"Hey! He doesn't put our Bugier family in the eye! It's awful!"

Listening to the sound of grievances and sorrows, there is a slight sigh of phoenix moon, and it will be such a scene if you don’t think of meeting.

Asare came up and whispered: "Wang, it seems to be a very background person. I also heard Grandpa said that the Bugier family is very strong. Are we retreating first? There is no need to offend the big family in this place. People, delay time."

"Wang, it's my fault." Aria whispered in her face, and her heart was really embarrassing, because she was provoked.

Huang Beiyue raised her hand and wiped the tears from her eyes. She said softly, "Don't cry, there is me." He said, his body lazily turned to the stairs, and the cold scorpion lifted up and looked at the stairs. Handsome teenager walking down.

After five years, Lolo grew up and she couldn't recognize it. It was still handsome, and her eyebrows were still the same. It was just a little less gentle, and a little more condensed and noble.

He wore a beautiful gray robes, a dagger with gems in his waist, and a pair of buckskin boots on his feet. The 18-year-old boy grew tall and sturdy, and his temperament was calm.

Lolo looked at this side and suddenly touched the cold scorpion of Huangbeiyue. After a moment, he strode over.

Huang Beiyue sat there and did not move, holding the table with one hand, the action was a little lazy and proud, as if the first family's young master was not in the eye.

The other people in the restaurant saw her acting like this, and they secretly squeezed a sweat for her. Just a word from Huangbei, let these mercenaries who have been home for the whole family add a bit of goodwill to her, so now How many people want her to suffer.

Therefore, some people around have whispered in a row: "It is clearly the first thing that the Bujier family has to pick up. Now it is full of nonsense, it is really shameless!"

"Yeah, can the people of the Bugier family turn black and white upside down? I want to be more bully than people!"

The mercenaries of the Bujier family, who had a few picks, heard a red face and shouted to those who spoke: "What do you say nonsense? Believe it or not"

"Enough!" Lolo, who was halfway through, suddenly screamed. I knew that these people liked to make trouble. Just now I saw a girl with a red eyes standing there crying. He knew what was going on.

Now I hear the opinions of the people around me, and my heart is more certain!

The mercenaries immediately snorted and stood in front of him. Lolo glanced at them coldly and said, "How do I tell when I come out? If you don't listen to me, let's go!"

"Young Master!" Several mercenaries immediately squatted down. "Please ask the younger brother to open the side, we are also for the Bugier family."

"Dare to make trouble with the name of the Bugier family. It is already an unforgivable crime. If you don't roll it, don't blame me for not talking about it!" Lolo did not allow people to resist the command.

The few people instantly looked like a dead gray, looked up and hated and glanced at Huang Beiyue and others, and they quickly got up. They didn’t dare to delay for half a second, they ran out!

The mouth of the phoenix moon mask slightly tilted a bit, it is really three days, when you look at it!

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