Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 521: : Mercenary King Order [9]

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Chapter 521: Mercenary King Order [9]

"I am only a little skeptical. This mercenary league meeting is like a trap. Let's be careful when we get there." Huang Beiyue explained in detail, "And, the people of Guangyao Temple, don't easily provoke."

Asare immediately nodded and said: "I heard Grandpa said that this Guangyao Hall is the only powerful organization on the mainland of Karta that can compete with Shura City. It is a master, and all of them are metamorphosis!"

"I don't want you to say that five years ago, I was beaten by the red lotus of the Guangyao Temple." Huang Beiyue said that she did not think it was a shameful thing to tell the history of the past defeat. Candid.

Everyone took a sip of cold, and everyone’s look showed a hint of fear.

Even such a powerful night-time king can only be beaten by Honglian to escape? that

Huang Beiyue looked at their panicked look and couldn't help but smile. He continued: "But five years ago, my strength was only nine stars, only the ice magical bird, and it would not be a spell."

Everyone was stunned, and Qi Qi ‘ah’, Asaray smiled and said: “Wang, it’s not so scary! We’ve all been nervous!”

"Yeah, if even the current king can only be escaped by her, then we will go back to the floating forest!"

"I don't know what the current king is fighting against the red lotus. What will happen? Wang, this time, let's go to the league meeting and revenge!"

Everyone laughs and is happy.

Jick grabbed the back of his head and ‘咦’, he asked, “Wang, you mean, in five years, you have grown from the nine-star summoner to the present.”

He really didn't want to say that he was a metamorphosis level, but he couldn't help but swallow a sip of water when he remembered the day and the hundred eyes.

This language awakened the dreamer, everyone stopped talking and laughing, and stared at the North Moon.

No, five years, it only took five years!

Generally speaking, on the mainland of Calta, the nine-star summoner has been capped. If you want to go further, it is almost impossible to go to heaven. There are many genius summoners who arrive at the nine-star summoner when they are young, but if they want to go further Before entering the prefecture-level summoner, it was a few decades, and many people could not break through the bottleneck for almost a lifetime.

Therefore, the prefecture-level summoner is called the 'devil level' because it is a world that ordinary people cannot enter at all!

And their king, five years ago, was only twelve years old, and he is already a nine-star summoner!

And now, five years later, her strength has broken through the prefecture level? Moreover, she also has the mysterious spell of the mystery!

God, how did she cultivate?

Asare fell to the ground and grabbed his heart and grabbed the lungs: "Oh, ah, it’s too bad! It’s too hitting people, ah ah!"

"Wang, teach some experience, we also want to upgrade quickly!"

Huang Beiyue holds his hand and is sitting in danger, saying: "Diligence!"

"Diligence!" The crowd said in unison, then nodded, "understand!"

Huang Beiyue stretched out a finger and shook it. "Is it heard? Genius is one percent hard and ninety-nine percent luck."

Everyone glimpsed, then collectively fell to the ground!

Aria ‘has slammed’ and laughed, and her face was red.

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