Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 519: : Mercenary King Order [7]

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Chapter 519: Mercenary King Order [7]

A dozen young people seem to be young, but a dozen people dare to come to the floating forest, saying that the strength will not be weak.

The most important thing is that among those people, there is a strange black man with a ghost mask. Although he is just holding his hand and standing freely, there is still a kind of fear that he dares to approach, and he is very embarrassed.

This person is probably the leader of the mercenary group of these dozens of people.

The man in the green shirt walked a few steps forward and hugged his fist: "In the next four seas mercenary group Luo Wei, these are the people in our mercenary group, and many offended, please bear with me."

Luo Wei, this person appeared from the first time, Huang Beiyue recognized him. This person is the nephew of the head of the four-sea mercenary group who was with the Yuan boss in the foggy forest that year. Straight, good heart, once helped her once.

I don’t think that five years have passed. This Luo Yi also has no real power from that year. He can only follow the young man who has lived as a robber in Yuan’s boss and grow into the current mercenary group. He listens to the cold and talks with him. This person is in the four seas. In the Corps, it seems to be very prestigious.

And this person has a good vision, the person who clearly leads the team is Jike, but he still sees the important position of Huang Beiyue in the team at a glance, and those words are also said to her.

"It turned out to be the famous four-sea mercenary group, and it has been long-awaited." Huang Beiyue opened coldly, and there was no ups and downs in his voice, which was more in line with her cold temperament with a ghost mask.

"Don't dare to dare to ask you," Luo said that they did not bear the banner. It should not be a big mercenary group known on the mainland of Calta. This person looks strange and should not be a small role.

But the cold second class listened to him actually called a small role in a mercenary group as 'the lord', were surprised!

Huang Beiyue said coldly: "My name is Moonlight Night, I heard the Mercenary Union Conference, and I want to go to participate."

"Great, we are also going to the Mercenary Union Conference!" Luo Yi claped his hand and smiled.

"Oh? We came from afar. I don't know what the Mercenary Union Conference is doing." Huangbei Moon has a blank expression, and this kind of momentum makes people have no ability to refuse.

Luo Wei can only say one by one: "This time the Mercenary Union Conference is held in Beibei, and all the mercenary groups on the Carta continent will participate. At that time, the competition will be held and the major mercenary groups will be selected. Master, form an alliance squad."

It turned out to be a test, this is the battle of the strength of the major mercenary groups!

Huang Beiyue has some doubts: "What are the formation of the alliance squad?" Even the mercenary group began to cooperate. This world change is really three days in the sea!

“Have you heard of Shura City?” asked Luo Wei.

Huang Beiyue’s heart moved with a mask, no one could see the gloom that flashed on her face: “Nature knows.”

"In the past few years, people in Shura City have appeared frequently on the mainland, and their evil behavior has been blamed. This time, several big families and big mercenary groups decided together to send a master to form an alliance. city!"

"□□修罗城?" The expression on the face of Huang Beiyue is somewhat different, but no one can see it. "This is a small alliance."

“Yes!” Luo said with a confident smile. “This time, the Northern Kingdom’s royal family strongly supported it. When the battle was over, Qi Wang would be a judge.”

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