Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 512: : The King of the Night [20]

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Chapter 512: King of the Nights [20]

There are young girls in the tribe, and she is envious and admired when she looks at her. She is beautiful, generous, powerful, and domineering. In their hearts, who is not eager to be such a person!

In a short while, Asare led a fifteen-year-old girl to come over. The little girl had an apple face, her eyes were round and a bit fat, and she was red when she saw her face, very shy and timid.

"The night king, this is my sister Alia, she is very adoring you." Asare loved her sister's shoulders and gave her support.

Aria looked at Huangbei month with a pleasant look. Huang Beiyue smiled at her. She immediately lowered her head and opened her mouth, but did not dare to say anything.

Asare laughed and said: "Alia is timid since she was a child, but she is also a talented soil property summoner. My mother hopes that she can follow you like me."

"She is so small." Huang Beiyue has the same feeling of looking at the neighboring sister, "follow me to suffer."

"I am not afraid of suffering!" Aria looked up, her voice weak, but she was determined.

Huang Beiyue bites a green apple, sees Asare’s look, and the next Genoa patriarch also said: “Block the night king, let Aria follow you!”

Huang Beiyue sank for a while, threw a handful of apples in his hand, and smiled: "Follow me, but I always like brave people. Are you brave enough?"

"I" Aria is not enough to say that in the battle, there have always been the protection of parents and brothers, and she also wants to be brave.

"Let me see your courage." Huang Beiyue pointed to the direction of the bonfire. "You go down, sing a song to your favorite teenager, dance with him, remember to sing loudly, I can't listen." If you arrive, you can't go with me."

Aria’s face immediately became red: “I didn’t like it”

"That sings to Jike!" Huang Beiyue waved and let Jike go down.

Jike grabbed his head and smiled a little thickly: "This, this makes you embarrassed."

Asare patted Aria's shoulder and said, "Go, let the night king look, our children of the Genara are brave people!"

Aria held her fist and put it on her chest. She was so confused that she was afraid to breathe. She made up her mind and decided to bite her teeth and go on.

The young man next to the bonfire saw Aria coming down and spread out automatically, watching her smile friendly.

Aria looked up and glanced at Jike, who was standing next to the campfire and smiling at her. Her face was red and she had the courage to finally open her mouth. She sang and sang, waving a beautiful color. The sleeves danced around Jick.

The people around me probably heard Aria singing for the first time. It was the first time I saw her dancing. This timid little girl showed her beautiful face for the first time in front of people!

At the beginning, Aria's voice was still very small and soft, and later, it slowly became high and excitable.

She sang a song from the warrior, the wife’s song to the husband, the grand ambition of the husband in the song, the pride of Wan Lifeng’s pride, and the sympathy of the wife’s reluctance, waiting for her songs. .

Many young people in the tribe decided to follow the phoenix moon to go out to the outside of the floating forest. Their family heard the songs and they were moved to tears, and the young people were full of enthusiasm!

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