Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 479: : Fengqi Linhuai [7]

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Chapter 479: Fengqi Linhuai [7]

After solving the previous group of people, Huang Beiyue immediately jumped into the carriage and smashed the carriage into two halves. The noble East Prince was being shackled by two beautiful ladies and gave a scream of fear.

"Rain! The high man is forgiving!"

"Your life, I don't bother to do it!" Huang Beiyue said disgustedly that such a person would become the emperor of the East after leaving the country, which is probably the biggest disaster of the East.

Keeping him is better than killing him.

Hearing her saying this, the East was too far from the Prince to reveal one eye, and looked at the mysterious man in the black cloak with fear.

"That, what do you want to do?" Is it trying to tie him up as a hostage?

The north corner of the phoenix moon was coldly hooked. "You go back and tell your general, Wei Wuchen. I have his head, and now it is temporarily stored in his neck. I will take it one day!"

East is stunned from the Prince, to take the head of the general Wei Wuchen?

"If you can't bring it, I will have to take your head!" Huang Beiyue threatened coldly and turned and quickly disappeared into the night.

Come to nowhere, go without a trace, so strange body!

The east stayed away from the prince for half a moment, only to return to God, and the small eyes on his face: "To take the head of the general, hey, hey, she knows what level the general is now, hehe....... ”

Huang Beiyue took off his black cloak, stood by the side of the spirit, and looked up at him and smiled.

"Master, I am a teacher, but I don't know what your name is?"

"Is it important?" Ling Zun glanced at her, his look cold and faint.

"It's very important! Know Master's name, I will pray for you every day!"

In the spirit of the scorpion, there is a cold light: "When are you dead?"

Huang Beiyue stunned and said: "I naturally don't give you a tablet. Just, I want to thank Master, always have a name."

Lingzun walked forward, and his back was solitary and indifferent. "My name, I am separated."

"昀离......." Huang Beiyue muttered a sentence.

Oh, daylight is also.

Leaving the light, forever dark, he lives in the depths of the seventh tower.

Why is someone’s name so dark and depressed?

Huang Beiyue felt that his chest was very stuffy and his breathing was not smooth.

Passing through a dense forest, they stand on a high hill, from which you can see everything in Linhuai City.

Silent in the middle of the night, only occasional lights, fluttering in the night.

Ling Zun, a black robe, standing with his hands on his back, looked far into the city in front, and the moonlight sprinkled with cold light, flowing around him, but unable to get close to him.

There is always a layer of indifferent alienation around him, no matter how close.

Huang Beiyue stood behind, looked at this back, and suddenly moved in the heart, took out the jade of Hui Wenchang princess, put it on his mouth, and slowly rang.

The snoring is low, like the soul of the other side of the shore, no branch to follow, wandering around.

The spirit looked silently at the front, and suddenly a wind blew, and the snoring of the snoring sounded with a long wind, thousands of turns, making people feel.

Today’s East Asian prince’s actions in the South Wing country will surely anger the South Wing country. I am afraid that it will not be even more peaceful between the two countries.

The ambassador, who was greeted by the ambassador, returned to the country, and was heard by a group of robbers on the road. The power king was seriously injured and the wind and wing were safe and sound.

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