Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 461: : The world is the enemy [29]

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Chapter 461: The enemy is the enemy [29]

Look at him, between the vague faces, it seems to bring a smile: "It looks very different like you."

His voice is of the kind of gorgeous feminine, not feminine, only one can not tell the feeling of strange evil.

Huang Beiyue held his hand and his mouth swelled evilly: "Old monster, don't look at me, or else, finally, I don't know how to die."

The black condensed cockroach leaned over the head and smiled softly. Suddenly the body fell down. Huang Beiyue was shocked. He didn’t expect him to be an illusory shadow. He reached for help.

"Hey!" The fingers passed through the black air. She was shocked. The black gas that had just condensed into a human form was scattered into a ball at this moment. It was slowly, along her hand, from the beast of the beast. Go inside.

The last time I came out, I was a little weak with Sima Guiyan. This time, I came out and ran rampant in the sky like the one just now. It was so powerful that it took too much energy, so now I am so weak.

The spell on the black water banned the flash, which aggravated the power of the ban, and as soon as he entered, he silently silently went down.

"Hey?" Huang Beiyue tried to scream, although he always bicted with him, but this time he helped her solve the problem, it is also a comrade in the alliance.

"In the black water imprisonment, as long as you don't die, I won't have anything to do," he said softly.

This voice is completely different from what he had just done. In the black water imprisonment, the sound of the cymbal is more strange and cold, and when it comes out, it is a feminine and gorgeous voice.

"It's best not to die, you old monster is a little useful, I don't want you to have an accident." Huang Beiyue smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He snorted and said: "You saw it just now. Where am I old? When I come out, you see me, and you don't want to jump."

Huang Beiyue smiled two times with disdain: "If you look good again, it is also a monster."

I didn't talk to the gas, and I went to the deepest part of the black water forbidden to heal myself. The North Moon laughed loudly and ended up with nothing.

She jumped to a tall tree and looked at the direction of the seventh tower. The smoke that had filled there had slowly dissipated, and the battle seemed to calm down.

How is the spirit respect? Let her wait here, why not come now?

There is nothing to worry about in her heart. He is not a arrogant person. If she waits here, she will definitely come back, so she just has to wait.

Huang Beiyue jumped from the tree and rushed in the direction of Dongling.

And she did not know, at this time in the foggy forest, the singular ink lotus that wants to kill the red hair of the red lotus is being led by Xiao Yun, step by step towards her.

In the smoky forest, a more dangerous person is also rushing here.

"I said Honglian, if you let the Holy King know that you have lost the ink, you must punish you after you go back." The cold male voice with a hint of gloating.

"Oh, it’s not that I lost him. It’s he who lost himself! It’s weird, people who know nothing, they have to run away, and I’m running around to find him!”

The black-haired girl raised her face, and the too delicate and flamboyant face appeared in the gleam of the floating light, which was fascinating and atmospheric, and the arrogance that was revealed between the eyebrows was also timid.

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