Pet King

Chapter 783: recording

No matter what Zhang Zi'an thinks, this large group of baleen whales will definitely become a major political achievement project of the city government. Besides, they will travel thousands of miles to take refuge in China. It is not good to drive them away.

The point is that in addition to this group of whales, there must be more aquatic creatures also coming near Binhai. What should these creatures do? You don't have to explain it with all the initial results of pollution control?

"By the way, Shihua, there are a lot of aquatic creatures following you to the coastal city. Can you let them leave? Or you can stay close to the sea," he asked.

"Most creatures other than whales can't hear that far," she pursed. "It's okay near me. There's nothing you can do any further."

She meant that most aquatic creatures couldn't hear low frequency sound waves, and high frequency sound waves couldn't travel too far.

Zhang Zi'an thought about it, took out his mobile phone and said, "It's okay, I'll record your voice. I'll figure out other things."

"What way?" Shihua asked with curiosity.

"I bought an underwater speaker online a few days ago. I recorded your voice and went to the beach to play it," he said.

The denser the medium, the longer the sound travels through it. For example, the sound travels farther in metal than in water, and travels farther in water than in air.

He bought an underwater speaker and played Shihua's songs in the water, which can cover a wide range, as long as he does not let aquatic creatures near the sea, especially those large and medium-sized marine creatures that are easily detectable by humans.

Shihua stared at his cell phone. "This is a cell phone?"

"Yeah, you should have seen it before." Zhang Zi'an thought that she had seen so many Korean dramas and would not have seen her cell phone.

"The noisy woman the other day just kept talking to her cell phone?" She asked again.

Very noisy woman?

Zhang Zi'an took a moment to react, and Shihua meant something.

"Yeah, she is a anchor, and her usual job is to chat with netizens on her mobile phone." He explained, then awakened: "Is there no internet anchor in Korean dramas?"

"What is a webcaster?" The innocent on her face didn't seem to pretend.

In the same way, the male and female protagonists in Korean dramas seem to be prosecutors, judges, heirs of large enterprises, lawyers, doctors and other high-level people, and they are not related to the webcasters.

In addition, webcasting is not as popular in China as in other countries.

What is a webcaster?

This definition seems very difficult.

Zhang Zi'an pondered for a moment, trying to explain: "The webcaster is to broadcast to the audience what you are doing. If they are interested, they will keep watching and become your fans."

"What is being done on the live broadcast?" She heard a little shudder. "Can you do anything?"

"Of course not. It must be of interest to others!" Zhang Zi'an laughed. "For example, if you play well, you can play games live; you have outstanding talents, you can sing and dance live; you are more brave, Can be broadcast to death, such as extreme sports or haunted house adventures "

Shihua looked down at her light blue fish tail and translucent tail fins and said unconvinced, "What is that woman doing live? I don't think she's good at it, just talking there babblely."

"She is an outdoor anchor, introducing viewers to the distinctive sights and shops of Binhai City," he replied.

Shihua pouted his lips and said disdainfully, "What's the point? As long as you have two legs, can it be an individual?"

"That's not necessarily the case. It's not that simple." Zhang Zi'an dragged it. He used to think that live broadcast was very simple. It was lying down and counting money, but it turned out that the hot anchors had their elements of success.

"Do you think it's easy to be an outdoor anchor, just wander around and eat and drink? It's not ≥ I don't know. Generally, some shops should be inspected before, and if they think a certain shop is good, they will broadcast live there, often ten No one in the store can meet her standards-it is because of the strict selection criteria that her live broadcast is trusted by others. "

"She will carefully plan the live content before the live broadcast, collect the audience's opinions and feedback, create topics, mobilize the atmosphere, and occasionally sell it properly. In addition to these, she must have her own characteristics and tags. For example, her tags are not at all Many people talk about the local tyrants in the live broadcast room. Many people heard that they came to see the fun after being curious, and then she was circled. "

Zhang Zi'an told Shihua unreservedly what he had known from his observations.

"Ah, that sounds troublesome!"

Shihua was immediately discouraged, and she slammed her head on the edge of the bathtub, her two arms dropped weakly, swinging like a pendulum.

"So, it ’s unfortunate that someone's success is definitely the reason why someone can succeed." Zhang Zi'an ended this topic and raised his mobile phone to urge: "Come, speak or sing into the mobile phone, let the aquarium who hear the sound The creature returns to its original place. "

Shihua glanced at him in a boring and lazily glance, suddenly squinting his body, raising one hand high, saying like the effect of applying for a speech: "So boring! I want to watch TV!"

"This we have said before, for the time being you haven't reached the standard for watching TV." Zhang Zi'an said, avoiding the drops of water she threw up.

"Then I won't sing!" She put her arms around her chest like a grumpy look, and made a look of talking.

Zhang Zi'an: ""

"Let those weird sea creatures all gather in Binhai City, it will cause a lot of trouble. Don't let yourself be alone with the party and the people," he warned.

Shihua's answer was rolling her eyes, "It's okay not to give me a TV, but to give me a mobile phone, I also want to watch live broadcast!"

Watch the live broadcast on your phone?

Zhang Zi'an considered it a little bit, and thought it was not bad.

Shihua stayed in a smashed square, and she could only see a corner of the outside world through a small window. It was really boring. It was no different from being in jail, even if she had time to go out to let go.

The more exciting the outside world, the more helpless the world inside.

Most of the elves were downstairs, and the only elves upstairs were her and π.

π can't talk, even if he can talk, Shihua can't talk to it.

Although Laocha went upstairs to chat with Shihua from time to time, after all, it opened up a variety of avenues. Shihua's filial piety cannot be understood thoroughly.

In this way, the elves who interacted most with Shihua turned out to be Fina

Thinking of this, Zhang Zi'an couldn't help but move in her heart. Did Fina think that Shihua was too lonely, so she would try to trick her all day?

Is that right?

He thought he might be thinking too much. How could that Fina, who had a higher eye, be able to observe the mood of others?

Compared to watching live TV, watching live TV should be more grounded, and are all things that young people like, and many things on TV are too far away from reality.

Buying her a cheap mobile phone without any other software and only installing a live broadcast app with a good reputation should let her know what the real world looks like, not the world of domineering presidents in Korean dramas, nor is it a tear in domestic TV shows Devil's Power World

No matter what, it's always possible to try.

So he nodded and agreed: "Well then, I'll buy you a mobile phone. You sing first to let those marine life go."


She asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true, the monk doesn't slang!" Richard knocked the bathroom door with a bird's beak. "Are you two OK? Uncle Ben is going to the toilet, is that Uncle Ben can **** outside?"

"You are a monk!" Zhang Zi'an scolded. "Wait a few more minutes!"

"Can't wait! Uncle Ben can't help it!" Richard tapped more frequently.

The same is true. It's too difficult to make birds shit.

Zhang Zi'an reluctantly opened the door.

Richard couldn't wait to land on the edge of the toilet lid and point the bird's **** at the toilet.

"Gaga really wants to see Uncle Ben shit? Does he really want to smell it?" He stared at him narrowly. "Uncle Ben heard that there is a disease called" odour ", and some people like to smell gasoline. Some people like to smell camphor, don't you just like to smell bird feces? "

"I don't want to visit or smell!"

Zhang Zi'an showed her disgust ~ ~ Put the phone with the recording on the countertop of the smashing cabinet, and said to Shihua, "I'll go out first, and call me after you finish recording."

Shihua nodded happily, then plunged her nose into the water, lying on the bottom of the tank.


Something seemed to fall into the toilet water.

Zhang Zi'an took three steps and made two steps, grabbing the door out of Richard's wild laugh and closing the door with his backhand.

Fina is no longer on the second floor, nor is the Snow Lion. She should go to the cat climbing frame on the first floor and go back to sleep.

π was typing attentively, and Zhang Zi'an asked embarrassedly, "π, did we disturb you in the bathroom?


π turned his head, waved his hand with a grin, and typed in a Word document: This is good material.

Zhang Zi'an looked up in awe, feeling that π already had the style of a home, but reminded him, "Remember to write me handsomely."


The toilet door was knocked from the inside.

"Open the door! Uncle Ben is finished!" Richard muttered.

"Did you clean your butt?" Zhang Zi'an asked across the door.

"Quack! Clean it up, do you want to verify it?" It chewed again.

"I'm not interested! But warn you, if you dare to poke bird **** into the house, I'll scoop you out of shit!"

He opened the door and Richard fluttered out with wings flapping.

"Quack! Uncle Ben makes a suggestion, how about installing a smart toilet cover? The type that sprays and dries chrysanthemums, saves Uncle Ben always to wipe on tissues!"

"Just as much as you do!" Zhang Zi'an stared.

"I'm done recording!" Shouted Shihua.

Zhang Zi'an walked in and listened to the recording again, always feeling that Shihua's singing was mixed with strange things.

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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