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Chapter 72 The Book Of Darkness, A Reminder From The Ancient One Magician! (Please Collect And Subsc

"I am useful, I am still useful, I know many, many secrets.

"You can't kill me."

As soon as Wanda landed, Agatha, who was imprisoned in the Chaos Rubik's Cube, spoke quickly.

"Quiet, I didn't let you speak!"

Wanda grasped it with her right palm, and the Chaos Rubik's Cube shrunk again, scaring Agatha into shutting up.

The longer you live, the more you fear death. This is the normal state of most people who are destined to survive.

Such is Agatha.

"Sir, what do I do with her and this now?"

Wanda placed the magic condensed body in her hand and the Chaos Rubik's Cube that imprisoned Agatha on the table.

Bright eyes stared at Mo You, seeking Mo You's opinion.

Mo You glanced at it and then said: "This is your trophy, just use it for yourself."

"When absorbing this magic condensation, remember to use Chaos force to filter "600" to ensure the purity of the magic power, otherwise it may affect your mind."

"As for Agatha"

"ladies and gentlemen!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Agatha said with a flattering face:

"I definitely have what my husband needs in my collection, and I can give it all in exchange for my life.

"She will definitely need the Book of Darkness."

Wanda holds Chaos force, and no artifact is more suitable for Wanda than the Dark Book.

At least that's what Agatha thought.

The situation is stronger than the person. Now she is a prisoner. Only by showing corresponding value can she have the possibility of living.

After living for so many years and spanning several centuries, she was naturally unwilling to die just like that.

"Book of Darkness?"

Listening to Agatha's words, Wanda frowned slightly:

"Could it be the black magic book compiled by Sithorn, the expelled ancient evil god?"

"that's it."

Agatha turned her head slightly, with a slightly flattering expression: "Maybe you don't know what you represent yet, but no matter what, the Dark God Book is the most suitable for you."

"What do I stand for?"

Wanda frowned and subconsciously looked at Moyou with doubtful eyes.

"You are the holder of Origin Magic Power, it's that simple." Moyou gave the answer softly:

"If you want to know more, grow up as soon as possible. At that time, your destiny will be decided by yourself.

The Scarlet Witch thing involves multi-universe, and it’s hard to say clearly right now.

Moreover, the world line has already changed countless times under the influence of Qunhe.

It doesn't matter what happened in the past, because nothing in the past can affect Wanda now.

As for the future...the future is already full of fog.

So what is fixed?

It all depends on Wanda’s choice.

Hearing this, Wanda also nodded and temporarily suppressed the unnecessary thoughts in her heart.

Only Agatha still had some doubts in her heart.

But obviously, disrupting the government at this time is undoubtedly a stupid move that will lead to self-destruction.

She was very sensible and said nothing.

Having said this, Mo You stretched out his hand and threw it into the space next to him.

When he pulled out his palm, there was already a hard-bound book exuding a rich dark aura on his right hand wrapped in purple light.

"This is the Book of Darkness..."

Mo You: "You are not suitable for contacting it now. Wait until your power is immune to its corrupting influence before learning, lest your cognition and soul be distorted by the power above and you lose yourself."

"Then I'd better not touch it. Whoever likes this crappy book wants it."

Upon hearing that the power of the Dark God Book may distort cognition and soul, and even make people lose themselves, Tian shook his head decisively.

There was already a hint of disgust in his eyes as he looked at the Book of Darkness.

Life is very good now, and she is also very good now, and there is no need to change anything.

Thinking of Agatha's ghostly appearance being eroded by the dark book, Wanda shook her head.

The Book of's best not to touch that kind of evil thing.

Moyou nodded slightly and sealed the dark book in his hand with the raw stone of power.

Just wait until Wanda has the ability to be immune to the corrosion before taking it out.

"Then, sir, how to deal with this guy?"

Pietro next to him pointed at the trapped Agatha.

"Let Wanda decide for herself."

Moyou shrugged.

"Let me think about it..."

Wanda thought for a moment, then slowly stretched out her right hand, with a slight light shining on her fingertips, and tapped it gently.

The cage with Agatha imprisoned on the table disappeared together with Agatha and the rabbit in Pietro's hands.


Wanda clapped her hands 0....

"I thought I could have braised rabbit tonight..."

Looking at his empty hands, Pietro shook his head in disappointment.

This rabbit is so fat, it must taste great.

Wanda smiled and said: "If you want to eat, can you just go down and buy it?"

"By the way, remember to buy more other ingredients, there aren't many left in the kitchen."

"OK~ I'll go right away." Pietro nodded quickly and disappeared into an afterimage.

"Sir, today is worth celebrating. What would you like to eat tonight?"

Seeing Pietro disappear, Wanda looked at Moyou expectantly.

"Just the same as usual." Moyou responded with a smile: "You decide, I'm usually not picky about food."


"Then, sir, I'm going to practice first. Just look forward to the big dinner in the evening."

Wanda nodded slightly, then picked up the magic condensation on the table, put her hands behind her back with a smile on her face, and walked slowly to her room.

After watching Wanda leave, Moyou changed his eyes.

A familiar voice rang in my ears.

‘She is very good. She is growing faster than expected. It seems that you have taught her well.

"I didn't do much, it was Wanda who worked hard enough."

Ability and hard work are indispensable, but if there is no one to guide you, you will inevitably take many detours and even go astray. ’

'Come on, Magician came to me today not just to talk about this, right?'

‘Indeed, according to the observations of today’s 4.8 days, there are abnormalities in all major dimensions, especially the hell dimension and the dark dimension. I think... there will be a turmoil soon. 7

'My reasons?'

'One thing, but not all, is that Dimension Mephista has been coveting the earth for a long time, and today is just an excuse to take action. Being a straggler is useless and makes no progress at all.

It's actually a bit boring.

Oh, by the way, I have observed a lot of time fluctuations recently, and they are most likely targeting you. Be careful of being erased from time when you are weak. "

Are you careful about being erased from time?

Time management?

That's kind of interesting.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Magician for reminding me."

‘After all, you are also one of the guarantees, no need to thank me.

Give me back my emotion, Gan!

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