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Chapter 31: Frightened And Worried About Gains And Losses, Funina Dropped Her Little Pearl! (Please

"Water God???"

After getting the answer from Yingmei, Nasida couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Obviously, this answer surprised her.

It was a candidate she hadn't considered at all.

She was still guessing that the fourth person would be one of the people of Xumi.

As a result, Yingmei's selection range went directly to Fontaine?

How can she guess about this kind of thing?

After calming down for a moment, Nasida said curiously:

"According to the information I have collected, Traveler, you were still in Daoji before, and it seems that you have not set foot in Fontaine.

"Will the current Water God... accept your invitation?"

"Furthermore, is it necessary to have any contact with the Fengdan Water God about rescuing the Great Ci Tree King?"

"Originally, it was outrageous to hear you talk about saving the Great Ci Tree King, but now you are talking about the Fengdan Water God..."

She didn't even know if she should believe "780".

In everyone’s understanding, the Great Loving Tree King, King Tree King, has passed away.

Although what Yingmei said was a little outrageous, Nasida chose to trust her intuition.

But, how does this matter have anything to do with Fontaine Water God?

"No no no~"

Yingmei raised her index finger and shook it: "Let Nasida join the team to save the Great Ci Tree King."

"The purpose of letting Funina join the team is to solve a prophecy and save the water god!"

"These are two completely different things!"

"A prophecy..."

Nasida fell into deep thought: "You are referring to... [All Fontaine people are born with "sin", which cannot be eliminated no matter how much the justice country Fontaine conducts trials. Until one day, the sea level in Fontaine will begin to rise, and the sinful people will gradually be submerged in the sea. Eventually, everyone will dissolve in the sea [Song left the water god himself crying on the throne. Only then will the sins of the Fontaine people be washed away. "Is this a prophecy?"

"Does Nasita actually know that too?"

Paimon's eyes widened, and then he suddenly realized: "That's right, after all, you are the God of Wisdom, and you often catch other creatures and sneak out. It's not surprising to learn this."

Nasida blinked: "Traveler, do you believe this prophecy?"

"What do you think~"

Yingmei shrugged: "If this wouldn't happen, I wouldn't want Ravnina to join the team."

All these nonsense have been spoiled long ago.

It's hard even if she doesn't want to know.

Besides... family members, who knows how she feels when she is holding the mobile phone Gan Yuanshen and controlling 'herself'?

It’s very strange, very strange, super strange!

She really wanted to come to the door with a bladeless sword and put the edge of the sword against the neck of the screenwriter and planner to question him.

Ahem, I’m off topic! I’m off topic!


Nasida nodded: "Although I don't know the truth of the matter for the time being, but... I am willing to try to believe it."

"Very good, next stop, Fengdanting Momang Palace!"

Seeing that Nasida chose to believe it, Yingmei narrowed her eyes and held her hand a little.

A door opened silently.

"Let's go~"


Nasida hurriedly said: "Let's just go like this, is that okay?"

"In the eyes of outsiders, I am the successor of King Daci Shu and the God of Sumeru Grass. If things go by like this, will it be..."

"Don't worry~"

Paimon put his hands on his hips with confidence: "We already said hello to Funina before we came back.

"That's it~"

Nasida nodded: "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Let's go~"

At the same time, the judge

In the room belonging to Funina.

Lady Fu Nina, who had been sleepless all night, was restlessly wandering around the room.

In her hand, she clutched tightly a piece of paper that had appeared inexplicably next to her pillow yesterday.

The expression on his face was full of anxiety and panic.

The content of the note was simple.

Just a short sentence.

[Dear Lady Funina, I can solve Fontaine’s prophecy, and I’m currently looking for helpers. I’ll discuss it in detail tomorrow! Traveler, stay!]

But such a short paragraph frightened Lady Funina so much that she couldn't sleep all night.

My mind was in a mess.

Her first reaction was that she had been exposed...

In fact it seems to have been exposed.

But she didn't dare tell Navilette about it.

Can't even talk to anyone.

A series of negative emotions occupied her brain.

Obviously no one can know these things.

Where did you expose your flaw?

What if I didn’t play the role well, what if I messed up everything...

What if the prophecy really can't be stopped...

Is what the note says true?

If the other party can really prevent the prophecy, but misses the opportunity to save it because of his distrust...

But...if the other party is just talking nonsense and wants to take advantage of it...2

No, no, the other party is the hero who saved Mondstadt, Liyue and Dao's wife.

It's very likely true!

But what if this is just someone else pretending...

Restless, worrying about gains and losses.

In this short night, I thought about far more things than before.

It can be said that I am exhausted.

Dong dong dong~


Funina, who was in a trance, was awakened by a knock on the door: "Who?"

"Lady Funina, the trial at the Opéra Opéra is about to begin... Do you need to leave now?"

"Oh~ I understand, let's go down first."

"Yes, coax Lady Ningna!"

Funina, whose heart was beating rapidly due to the fright, slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

But then his expression became tangled again.

Judgment and prophecy are closely related...

For five hundred years, she never missed a trial.

Because she had no idea that that trial would be the end.

Therefore, she did not dare to miss a game.

What if it’s just the next one?

As a result, I missed the trial because I happened to leave the meeting, and the prophecy came true...

You cannot leave early, you cannot leave voluntarily on 4.8, and you cannot miss a show!

Therefore, day after day, every trial in the past five hundred years, she must be present.

but now...

Should I go to the Opera House Opécle, or should I choose to believe the content on the note and wait for the arrival of the traveler?

Choose to believe in the traveler who defeated the Wind Demon Dragon, fought with Mephista, and liberated Inazuma...

Or go to Opéra Opéra?

What if it's true...

No, no, what if it’s fake?

Fufu's expression became a little downcast because of her confusion.

'What should I do...

Glittering tears flowed down her cheeks.


Slight footsteps sounded suddenly in the room.

Funina was shocked and raised her hand to quickly wipe away her tears.

Turning his head suddenly.


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