Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 687: Property dragon claw

"Qin Shi, what did you do to him?"

Both Bening and Kong Xianhui jumped out of the golden pagoda and saw the sluggish ice dragon full of horror.

Qin Shi licked his nose, and he did not know how to explain to the two girls, vaguely saying: "Nothing is to help him cure a disease."

Starting from knowing Qin Shi, Kong Xianhui knew that Qin Shi was full of secrets. Some secret Qin Shi would tell her that some secret Qin Shi would not say, just as she also had many secrets that would not tell Qin Shi.

So I saw that Qin Shi was in trouble. She did not ask more questions.

$猪$猪$岛$小说(www).(zhu)(zhu)().() "That, are we safe now?" Donning did not have so many hearts, but now she only cares about this.

Qin Shi simply opened his hand: "It's hard to say that if this big man knows how to be grateful, we should be safe. After all, I have just saved his life."

"What if he doesn't understand?"

"If you don't understand..." Qin Shi looked a little low and suppressed: "I am afraid, we don't want to go out alive today."

"What?" The two women were shocked.

But at this moment, in the longan of the ice dragon lost, suddenly a slight convergence, before the magic of chaos spread out, revealing a clear light.

"Little guy, have you saved me?"

A thick voice spurted out of the dragon's mouth and echoed through the entire crypt.

In an instant, Qin Shi and the ice dragon look at each other, and an unprecedented tension rises in the bottom of my heart. The next step is to judge his life and death.


"Oh, I didn't expect that the old husband Long Qing, the first name of the world, was actually harmed by only a small little worm, almost never seeing the day, but I met you today." Ice dragon's rough laugh, he saw three People's worries, quickly said: "Little guy, don't be afraid, although the old man is not a good person, but it is not a beast who does not understand gratitude. Since you saved the life of the old man, the old man will not hurt you."

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi shouted, and the hanging heart finally fell.

He smiled and shook his head: "It seems that I am bet on it."

"Say, what do you want, as long as the old man can do it, he will do his best to help you do it!" This dragon, the character is very straightforward, the huge dragon head rises high.

Qin Shi heard it, and he was excited.

Just kidding, with the character of Qin Shi, there is no cheaper than the bastard.

But he hesitated for a while, he seemed to have nothing to do, just as his eyes suddenly fell on the quenching method behind the dragon, and he took the opportunity to turn: "Predecessors, then I want to quench the body."

Long Qing smashed the gods, and immediately swung the dragon claws directly, and threw the sacred body to Qin Shi: "This? This is not counted. This is the body of the gods. It is not my thing. If you want, take it. But I don't owe someone else's feelings, you say something else, I will help you."

After picking up the body of Quenching, Qin Shi shook his head: "Predecessors, you are polite, there is this quenching body, the younger generation is very contented."

"Are you sure?" Long Qing frowned. "You have to think clearly, my promise promised by Long Qing, but it is very precious. If you miss this time, you will have no chance in the future."

Qin Shi nodded affirmatively and smiled: "I am sure."

"Okay, follow you, but I am hurt, I will not leave this crypt in a short time. If you have any difficulties during this period, you can come and look for me. As long as I am still here, I will help you. Long Qing sighed and shook his head.

This time, Qin Shi did not refuse. After all, he is now in a chaotic field. It is really not very peaceful. Besides, there is a Kong Xianhui around.

It is inevitable that one day, you will be in danger.

See Qin Shi got the body of Cui Shen, and the lips of Bing Ning were slightly opened, but in the end it was just a slap in the powder. There was no opening. This is the gift she gave her master, but she thought of Qin. Before the stone was born and died for her, she was too embarrassed to go back.

"Forget it, he has helped me so much. I will give it to him. I am thinking of a way to find a gift for the master." She thought so.

But when she was returning to God, Qin Shi suddenly walked up to her body and handed her the body to her: "This, for you."

“Well?” Bunning pointed out that he was not convinced: “Give me, give me?”

"Yeah, are you not wanting this?"

Qin Shi smiled calmly, although this quenching body is extremely precious, and he also hates Yu Wenzhao very much, but he is full of love for him, he found that the character of this girl is particularly straightforward, and there is a bit of jade in the book. Similar, coupled with her relationship with Kong Xianhui, he feels that this body is still good for the original owner.

Domining slightly lost: "You, are you sure? This is the body of the gods, and it is the baby who makes the wilderness crazy. If you take the auction in the inner domain, it will definitely not be less than five million contribution value, even if it is a contribution list. The number one treasure may not be worth it. Would you give it to me like this?"

"There is no uncertainty about this. Gentlemen love money and take it for granted. This method of quenching the body is originally found through the secret volume in your hand. It is not my thing. I don't want it." Qin Shi smiled and tried to refine the body. Chong Doining pushed.

This time, Do not know how to be good.

She wants to reach out and take it, but the hurdle in her heart can't cross.

Kong Xianhui smiled sweetly beside him and advised: "Ninger, he said to you, you will take it, you don't have to be polite with him."

"Hey, what is not to be polite with me?" Qin Shi, who was originally generous, was not happy when he heard this sentence. He is bleeding, is it good?

Do not bite the bite of the lip, struggling for a long time before the quenching of the body of the body, she really needs this quenching body, grateful to Qin Shidao: "Thank you, this grace, I wrote down."

Immediately, a sly emerald green book emerged from her hands and handed it to Qin Shi: "This is the practice of the Holy Spirit of the chaotic domain. Although I know that he may not be useful to you, I still hope that you can accept it. It’s a little bit of my wish. If you take the auction, you can sell a lot of price.”

"The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit?"

Qin Shi’s heart was shocked, and the black scorpion flashed a few points.

Do not be wrong, this chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit, may not have any effect on anyone, but it has a very large use for Qin Shi, after all, there is a holy spirit flower in his body that has been quiet for a long time.

"Then I will be welcome."

He was full of joy and excitedly took over the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit.

Holding the chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit in his hand, Qin Shi’s heart is inexplicable when he thinks of the never-ending power of Bening.

"With this sacred spiritual body, even if I encounter the power of six days, I will not be helpless. At least, I can easily win over the endurance."

This unexpected harvest made Qin Shi feel very happy.

Kong Xianhui looked at the harmonious two people and smiled: "Well, forget it, the sky is not too early, let's leave this?"

Qin Shi looked at the time and said bitterly: "Well, it is not too early. I hope I can catch up with the final auction. Otherwise, I will lose the ten-day contract with Ning Yu. I don't want to put my waist card. Give it a year."

"What is the tenth day of the covenant?" Bunning asked from the side of the curiosity.

Kong Xianhui took a look at Qin Shi and explained: "This is not him. He gambles with others. He said that he would live in a foreign area within ten days. I will accompany him to the wilderness mountain refining magic, ready to proceed. Go to a district after the auction."

"Outside a district?" Beding first was a glimpse, and immediately smiled: "This is a good point, I happen to have a three-story house in a district. I bought it before I entered the inner domain. It is now free. For a long time, I will give it to you."

"Really fake?" Qin Shi is a big black.

Don't lightly dagger, smiled and waved the jade hand, and a golden key was thrown to Qin Shi.

There is a small line on the key: a chaotic area, No. 20, Sidao Street.

“Really a district?” Qin Shi’s excited heart jumped, but he hesitated and shook his head: “No, I just said that the gentleman loves money and takes it. How can I fake it? Ah, I can't ask for your things."

"Blowing!" Bunning was teased by Qin Shi and shook his head. "You live, anyway, it is empty. If you really can't go, it's good that I rent it to you. Every minute contributes. Value, okay?"

"Well?" Qin Shi thought for a moment and quickly nodded: "This way, so I am not a cheaper one."

"Hey!" Kong Xianhui shook his head and couldn't stand it: "One month's worth of contribution is not too cheap, white is good for you."

"She gave it to me, I didn't want it, I am not that kind of person." Qin Shi said with a strong smile, attracted the silver bells of two girls.

The three of you, my mouth, are ready to leave the crypt.

But did not take a few steps, the three faces were embarrassed.

A thick layer of ice sealed the three.

"Rely, just patronized and excited, and left the enchantment left by Ren Guodong forgotten." Qin Shi screamed.

"This enchantment, I will help you break it."

Long Qing smiled slightly at the rear, and immediately his dragon claws lifted up in the air, and the cold current in the thousands of feet quickly gathered, causing his dragon claws to be densely chilled.

This cold current is terrible, and the power of anger is like the collapse of Mount Tai.


Longqing dragon claws explore, the thick ice layer is directly shattered drink, the power of horror! ”

Qin Shi was slightly surprised. He remembered that Long Qing had attacked the ice layer several times. He had never penetrated the ice layer. This time, even a single blow broke open.

"Is the Dragon's character dragon claw? I did not expect that Longqing's predecessors have reached this level?" Kong Xianhui was slightly surprised.

"Property dragon claws, what is that?" Qin Shi is a bit puzzled.

"Property dragon claws are the exclusive attacks carried out by the dragons after they reach a certain level and their own attribute forces are run on the dragon claws. This kind of attack is very powerful, just ordinary ordinary attacks, even many weapons of creation. Speaking of this, Kong Xianhui smiled ironically: "Ren Guodong is lucky. Just before the Longqing predecessors were unconscious, they only attacked him blindly. Otherwise, if they use this exclusive dragon claw, one You can tear him off."

“Is it like this?”

Qin Shi is so stunned, so it makes sense. Why did Long Qing’s attacks fail to break the ice, and this time it was only used with a blow, and it was broken.

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