Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 660: Was pitted

Going back to the room, Qin Shi didn't know that he was going to kill him tonight, and he didn't know how dangerous he was. If it wasn't for Dong Qing and Tian Yang, he was afraid that he had already explained it here, or that the demon and Kong Xianhui were at the same time. Exploding all efforts, and eventually became one of the eight domains, the wanted criminals in the chaotic domain.

He just sat on the bed with ease, with his hand on his knees and his chin on his own.

"There is still one month to go outside the assessment of the foreign domain. During this month, let me try to break through the fourth layer of the next star." Qin Shi snorted and said in his heart: "Demon, not forgotten." Have you promised me?"

"No, look for a chance tomorrow, you and Dong Qing take a vacation, find a quiet place, it is best to be isolated from the world, I will help you to be fierce [pig] [pig] [island] novel www .huhu.m konjac claw activation." The demon is arrogant.

Qin Shi smiled and said: "I haven't forgotten."

The next day, he got up very early and came to Dong Qing’s room early.

He knocked on the door, Dong Qing opened the door, and yawned with a sleepy eye, and saw Qin Shi screaming: "Bad boy, do not rest early in the morning, run to me to do this? Is it necessary to find another? trouble?"

"Hey, that's not there, but I want to discuss it with Dong Qing boss. Can you please take a month off?"

“A month's vacation?” Dong Qingyi said with a big eye: “What are you going to do? Will you just break through and break through?”

"That is not, it is a little private." Qin Shi smashed his mouth, and the contribution value of five thousand was assigned to Dong Qing: "Boss, I know you can help me."

After accepting five thousand contributions, Dong Qing was silent for a while, and finally smiled with a smile: "Let's go, look at the face of your kid's sensible things, I will accept the five thousand contributions, but you What to do this month? You have not been working in the periphery for three months and cannot go down the mountain."

"I don't go down the mountain." Qin Shi nodded, his eyes turned, and asked: "To the boss, we are outside, is there any place suitable for practicing martial arts? It is the kind that can be isolated from the world."

"Cultivating martial arts?" Dong Qing discretion, he went to the mountains outside the Qin Shi without apocalypse: "You go to the mountain, there is a stalactite hole in each mountain, in these stalactites The enchantment in the cave is able to isolate the inner spirits, which is the place where enslavements practice martial arts."

"Wholesale cave?"

Qin Shi’s heart is overjoyed. He wants this kind of place.

For this reason, he was not delaying and bid farewell to Dong Qing.

Looking at the distant Qin Shi, Dong Qing’s look was slightly moving. After a long time, he showed a snicker: “This silly boy, because he happened so big last night, he is just like no one.”

"That's good, I think Daxu trusts him very much. He is at the side of Daxie, and he can restore the feeling of Daxie." And just how far away Qin Shi did not go, a refined young man drifted with the wind, God did not know the ghost. Unconsciously, it appeared next to Dong Qing.

Dong Qing frowned. Looking back at the young man, he was shocked. The next one showed a smile that could not be covered: "Second brother?"


The young man smiled. His breath was very weak. He was so weak that he couldn’t feel a little spiritual power. Even so, from his body, he still exudes the spirit of the king. This breath is not spiritual, not attribute. The power, but an innate domineering.

If we say that Tianyang is debauchery, this young man is as stable as Taishan, and there is a clear contrast between the two.

"How come you?" Dong Qing was very excited.

"Dayu was rescued and returned to the chaotic domain. How can I come over and see?" The young man waved his hand and said: "The things of these days, Tian Yang went back and said to me, I came over except Look at the big brother, is ready to tell you, big brother wants to go out!"

"Big brother wants to go out?" Dong Qing's cousin shrunk.

"Well, three days, the big brother's field fluctuations have spread in the inner domain. I think that the big brother should break through at most three months." The young man smiled slightly, and the smile brought a few sighs: "This time, the big brother Guan, will be disturbed by the chaos, we are in the quiet days of chaos, I am afraid that it will end."

"Yeah, the character of the big brother, if you know that the old guys have treated Dalat in the past three years, they will set off a huge wave in the chaotic domain." Dong Qing smiled.

"I Zhao Xin, you Dong Qing, and Tian Yang, all three of us have been blessed by the big brother, this time is the time for us to return him! I don't care what the chaos, as long as it is a big brother, I will not back down. "The youth speaks. From his words, he can know that he is called Zhao Xin.

Listening to Zhao Xin’s words, Dong Qing’s nephew flashed a few minutes: “Our four brothers have been calm for a long time. It’s time to gather again and have a good time!”

"These days, I have suffered you. In the next March, you should be careful, then I will arrange it. When I am going to enter the foreign domain, I will find someone to transfer you to the foreign domain." Zhao Xin nodded. Immediately, he took a heavy shot of Dong Qing. The next time he was in a cold wind, his figure had disappeared with the wind and disappeared.

Dong Qing, who left alone, slammed his fists.

"Three years, finally have to wait for you? Big Brother!"

He looked up to the clear sky, and his heart was silent for three years. If he met dry wood, it would burn violently.


Saying goodbye to Qin Qing of Dong Qing, he went back to the room with Xiaoqu all the way. He didn't know what happened later. He wanted to say hello to Kong Xianhui now, and then went to the outer mountain to retreat.

Passing through the room, Kong Xianhui just woke up. She pushed the wooden door of the boudoir and saw Qin Shi smashed: "So early, what have you done?"

"Nothing, I am looking for you. I just used a contribution of five thousand and Dong Qing to take a vacation. This month I am going to retreat and tell you." Qin Shi’s joy explained.

But without waiting for his voice to fall, Kong Xianhui's beautiful exaggeration, so hard to slap it, and she didn't listen to it later. She went to the position of five thousand contributions, and stayed stunned: "What did you say? What did you do with five thousand contributions?"

"Please take a vacation." Qin Shi licked his nose.

Time, Kong Xianhui's delicate and embarrassed: "No, I said that you are not a person like money? How can the five thousand contribution value be used?"

Qin Shi shrugged indifferently: "Yes, I am addicted to money, but the reason is because I spend money like water, anyway, so much contribution value can not be squatted."

Qin Shi also felt that he was quite arrogant, but Kong Xianhui’s next words completely maddened him: “ really don’t know what to say, how much is it to spend money? Don't you know that once you apply for slavery in a foreign domain review, you don't have to work in the periphery?"

“啥?啥啥啥?” Qin Shi’s joy instantly solidified, and his mouth was so large that he could directly swallow a fist, and his eyes beat: “What did you just say? Can people who apply for foreign assessments do not have to work?”

"Yeah, so I said, what fake do you ask!" Kong Xianhui shook his head helplessly.

This time, Qin Shi wilted, pointing to himself: "I mean, my five thousand contribution value, is equal to the water drifting?"

"Otherwise, do you still want to find Dong Qing to come back?"

"I!!! I rely on!" Qin Shi grabbed his head with great strength: "What is this?"

Looking at the angry Qin Shi, Kong Xianhui sighed and pointed to the head: "Do you want to know what this is called?"


"IQ is a bad injury!" Kong Xianhui was disgusted.

Qin Shi touted his mouth, and suddenly it was like a child. He was a man who was so addicted to money. He knew that he was wasting 5,000 contributions, and after the exchange of foreign countries, the only remaining five thousand contributions. He is completely troubled.

"Forget it, I will tell Dong Qing about this, and sooner or later, I will hang back from him!" Qin Shi shook his head unhappy, punching and swaying, and never want to say goodbye, and leap in the direction of the outer mountain. .

On this road, he pulled his face and never looked at the elegance of Xiaoqu.

When I came to the foothills, Qin Shi was suspended in the air. The extraordinary vision could make him see clearly. In this mountain range, there is a stone cave on the mountainside of each mountain. The stone cave is set up firmly. Enchantment.

"Is this the case?"

"Well, this enchantment is good, although it can't completely block internal and external fluctuations, but as long as I control it better, it should not be discovered." The demon responded.

Qin Shi just nodded with satisfaction, ready to find a no-one stalactite cave leap forward.

But he squatted in the mountains and his face slowly gloomy.

Between the hundreds of mountains, all the stalactite caves were occupied by people?

"Mom! Even these broken mountains are against me?" Qin Shi gritted his teeth, and his heart was angry, relying on a ridiculous mountain peak to slam a punch.


Unexpectedly, this fist slammed out, and it was actually sucked by the scorpion, Qin Shi fiercely frowned, and the black scorpion fought back, only in the position where he punched, there was a very hidden stalactite cave. This stalactite cave was covered by messy branches, which made him not noticed before.

"Is there another one?"

Qin Shi excited about the first few steps ~ ~ big hands wiped on the stone door of Zhongyue Cave, this stone door has a thick layer of floating ash, it can be seen that no one has practiced here for a long time .

"It should be here that it is deserted, plus the previous occlusion, it was forgotten by people. Fortunately, the enchantment of this stalactite hole is still there. Just input some spiritual power into the eyes and you can continue to work. Little guy, you will Practice here.” The demon spoke in the bottom of his heart.

Qin Shi nodded, and now it can only be like this.

His mental power spread slightly, and a heavy rock was found around the stalactite cave, which was engraved with ancient veins.

"This should be the eye?"

Qin Shi walked to the rock and waved with a big hand.


Spiritually just entered the rock, the rock suddenly burst into a glaring light, instantly forming a barrier to the sky, and the Qin Shi and the stalactite cave were firmly enclosed in the barrier.

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