Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 655: Tiger whistle

The enslavement banquet ends.

Qin Shi will wear the Chinese-style Xuan Jing and Du Dandan on his body, and rushed to the outside for a long time.

The robbery was surrounded by a cloud on the outer Tianshan.

The robbery of the chaotic domain is very large. It is several times stronger than the four-image array that the jade once arranged in the book. The surrounding area is made up of Xuanjing. The top has a disc, the central cloth of the disc. Full of ancient lines, Qin Shi just swept through the lines, and could not help but feel the mysterious and deep.

"The handwriting of this chaotic domain is really not small. This is the top grade in the array. It can offset the huge thundercloud. It seems that this time, you can | pig | pig | island | novel www.[zhu][ Zhu][] There is a lot of trouble left." The demon praised it.

Qin Shi nodded. When he first entered the big battle, he felt the strong internal fluctuations. This wave of stagnation firmly guarded him.

"let's start."

Qin Shi’s big hand waved, and the golden awns spread in the palm of his hand.

"Shelley clothes!"

First, the Golden Pagoda was unfolded. Immediately, he was in the Golden Pagoda. He swallowed the Dandan into the abdomen, and the Dandan melted into a very warm force along the throat. This force is like a worm, and his Dantian Locked with the nine spirits.

Next, he merged Zhongpin Xuanjing into a smaller version of the hurricane.

When everything is ready, Qin Shi is not in delay, his fingers are concealing in his chest, and his eyebrows are flashing in the blink of an eye. A strange mark floats in the air.

Imprinted in purple, with a trace of lightning in the center, lightning is instantly entangled by the intense spiritual power, and the whistling thorns to the sky.


Under the guise of the imprint, Scorpio became dark immediately, and the night of the stars was covered by a cloud of thunderclouds.

Ten thousand meters, 20,000 meters, 30,000 meters.

50,000 meters, 100,000 meters, 150,000 meters, 300,000 meters.

In the end, the huge Thundercloud enveloped the clear sky of 300,000 meters. Even the demons could not help but frown. "Drink, good boy, only four days, even led to 300,000 meters of thundercloud?"

In the face of the admiration of the demon, Qin Shi was screaming: "Mom, the last time I went to 150,000 meters, I almost wanted the life of Xiaoye. How can this be broken once and doubled directly?"

"Drink, do you still disappoint? You know, the power of Thundercloud will directly affect the purity of your spiritual power after the breakthrough. The Thundercloud of 300,000 meters is almost the same as the five-day environment." The demon is white. A glance.

This point Qin Shi himself is also clear, just complaining verbally.

Although this time Lei Yunzhao doubled the previous time, he was not as savvy as he was last time, but he was full of enthusiasm. He has prepared too much for this breakthrough. He believes that he will succeed.


Indifferent, violently running like a giant rushing through the clouds, a rough madness like a dragon like a sea of ​​lightning, in the sky, straight down the mountain.

At the same time, in the periphery.

Numerous enslavements were horrified, and the window was revealed to the thunderclouds of the sky.

"Who is this? Has it brought such a big movement?"

"I heard that it is the childhood of the moon, the boy named Qin Shi."

"Qin Shi? Isn't he only three days?"

The enslavements were curious about the discussion. Kong Xianhui was hand-held on the window, and the red lips were slightly lifted out to reveal the smile. After these days, she had seen too many incredible things in Qin Shi, and she had become accustomed to it.

In the next few days, Kong Xianhui worked as usual. When she was free, she would also go to Tianshan to see the progress of Qin Shi’s breakthrough.

In this way, the blink of an eye is over seven days.

The 300,000-meter Thundercloud faded away, and Kong Xianhui completed the output of three thousand yards in the morning. The beautiful Dan Fengyan looked toward the sky: "Looks like it, is it successful?"

At this moment, a large group of slavery gathered in one direction, watching the direction of the flow of people, Kong Xianhui stunned: "Is it the location of the robbery?"

At the thought of this, her jade face was gloomy, and asked for a nearby slavery: "Hello, ask, what are you going to do?"

"Monthly month?" Apparently, this person asked by Kong Xianhui is also one of her pursuers. When she saw the goddess personally talking to herself, she could not find the north and shivered: "You still don't know? Just simplify Shouted a group of people to the position of the robbery, saying that they are going to kill Qinshi."


Kong Xianhui Yu Yu was a cold, and the powder boxing smashed up, and immediately she ignored the enslavement next to her. She stepped on the jade and leaped in the direction of the robbery.

At the Tianshan Mountain where the robbery was rushed, it was densely crowded with tens of thousands of people.

Before the robbery, the two brothers, Simplified and Jane, were headed, followed by hundreds of servants who had been qualified for more than two years. The group’s cultivation was extraordinary, and there were also two days of simplification, which had even reached five days.

"Second brother, no matter what you say, you can't make this kid better!"

“Is it better?” Simplified and smiled: “He has no days to pass, and today I let him die.”

"Yes, kill him!" Jane excitedly screamed.

"Almost, the thunder and robbery, now is the time when he is tempering the spirit, the brothers will work with me for a while, as long as this time disrupts him, even if you don't have to do it, he will be smothered by thunder!" Prepare early, take out a horn like a horn with one hand.

When they saw the horn, everyone could not help but be surprised.

"Is it the top of the soul, the tiger's silver corner?" Many slaves recognized the simplification of the horn in the hands.

"Really? That is the contribution of Zhaizhong, the number one Emperor Horoscope, to make a full contribution of 30,000. I did not expect this simplification to be so wide? In order to deal with Qin Shi, even this baby has been exchanged?"

"Well, this tiger whistle silver horn is said to be able to produce the roar of the king of beasts. Once it is blown, even if it is a squad, it can't resist the subsonic waves it emits. They are really preparing for the life of Qin Shi. !"

The enslavements took a few steps back and forth.

Simplify the first two steps, control the tiger's silver corner, and aim at the central ferry.

call out!

But at this time, a wonderful shadow of the leaping jump, grabbed a simplistic hand on the tiger's silver corner, Lingbo microsteps fell in front of the robbery.

"Monthly month?" Jane's thief's eyes condensed, revealing the color of greed.

"Oh? You are the woman my three brothers are watching?" Simplified mouth slightly raised: "Yes, it is a bit of a good look, can be my Jane's wife."

"Who is going to be your daughter-in-law? I said that I am Qin Shi's fiancee, we are childhood friends!" Kong Xianhui chilled.

Her words suddenly spurred and simplified, and his eyebrows sank: "Little girl, don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, look at my brother's share, you hand over the tiger's silver horn, and then live with my brother, I I can consider not considering it with you."

Speaking of this, his voice suddenly became cold: "Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite to you, don't say that I don't understand pity and jade!"

"It’s ridiculous, you want to kill my fiancé, and then I want to let me escape?" Kong Xianhui was so cold, she didn’t expect it, the simplification would be so despicable, and the Qin Shi breakthrough made it difficult for Qin Shi.

Almost, she wants to come a little later, Qin Shi will definitely make a big deal, and it is a big taboo in the breakthrough. I think that the resentment in her heart has skyrocketed several times.


Simplifying the look of a change, in the five-day world, he emptied to Kong Xianhui, and the space around Kong Xianhui quickly solidified, making her petite body tremble and fiercely tightened.

"I finally asked you once, are you paying or not?"

"Do not pay!" Kong Xianhui eats a low pain.

"Looking for death!" Simplify the coldness of not being bored, and then immediately waved at the next few hands: "Hands, be careful, give her a lesson, don't hurt her face, if it breaks, it won't match me." Brother."

Several slaves nodded and nodded from the two wings toward Kong Xianhui.

Kong Xianhui’s jade face is embarrassing. With her current spiritual power, she can’t resist the hundreds of people. In desperation, her beauty is behind the scene, and she prays in her heart: “Qin Shi, hurry up!”


The first attack, like a sword, has already pierced Kong Xianhui's waist.

Kong Xianhui's charming change, a broken step moved to the left.

However, the number of opponents is too much. Kong Xianhui has evaded three attacks in a row. The fourth attack has already forced her to a dead end, but she has to turn her wrists and jade fingers.


The two forces slammed into the air, and she quickly stepped back a few steps, and the pain came from her fingers.

"Simplify the brother, then!" and take advantage of Kong Xianhui's loss of God, a dexterous figure looking forward, grabbing the tiger's silver horn in Kong Xianhui's arms, and throwing it away at the simplification.

Simplified to catch the tiger's silver corner, the sinister eyes are like a sword, the rolling spirit pressure gathers on the wrist, and rushes into the tiger's silver corner: "No one can save this kid today, he must die!"

"Qin Shi!" Kong Xianhui's heart is like a dead, beautiful and fierce.

Her delicate body tried her best to lean forward and quickly penetrated the two slaves around, trying to recapture the tiger's silver horn from the simplified hand.

But at this moment, the three figures leaped forward, and the three men's cultivation was in the middle of the four days. The pressure of fury made Kong Xianhui's foot tremble, and the hard life was shaken back several steps.

Kong Xianhui’s heart is anxious, her cat flashed over one One step and the second person opened the distance, but when she was in front of the third person, she was already exhausted, unless she unlocked The left leaning limit, otherwise she could not cross the figure in front of her eyes.

"No, I must save him!"

A thought, flashed in the heart of Kong Xianhui, her white jade fingers held high, full of stab to the third person.

In this person's view, Kong Xianhui's attack is full of loopholes, he just moved a little, and easily evaded.

But the next picture made him a glimpse, Kong Xianhui hit a shot, the cherry lips smugly rose slightly, and immediately took advantage of this effort, she continued to step under the feet, squatting through this person, fierce and simplification In front of him, Jade Hand held the Tiger Horn Silver Corner with all his strength.


At this time, the versatile Lingwei has already poured into the tiger's silver horn, a shocking humming sound, and instantly from the horn of the tiger's silver horn, with a little bit of momentum, the rapid flooding, out of control.

The huge Tianshan solidified, and the shrouded air waves waved over 10,000 meters. The hearts of all people sank, and some weak enslavements were directly shaken to the blood of the Seven Miles.

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