Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 650: Indiscriminate enslavement

But just after Liu Ming just gave instructions, an angry roar rang in the crowd.

A young man wants to split, and when he gets up, he will rush to fight.

This young man has a clear eyebrow, a refined and elegant style, and a few books are angry. No one can think that he will make such crazy things.

Suddenly, I was shocked by everyone present. Everyone said, "Who is this person? Is he crazy? Dare to dare to act in the chaos of the chaos."

"Is this not to die?" Ten thousand people held their breath.

Liu Ming wrinkled his frown [pig_pig_island] novel w.zhhuo.m, one-handedly slammed out, the air in front of him instantly solidified, and the youth suspended in the air was suddenly held in place.

The gap between the two is too great. Liu Ming’s early seven days of cultivation, and this scholar youth is only two days, and there is no resistance in Liu Ming’s hands.

"Little guy, are you very courageous? I dare to start with me here? Do you know what the result is?" Controlling the youth, Liu Mingsen cold drink.

"Liu Ming, you are a beast, don't you remember me? I will never let you go in this life, I want you to return my wife's life!" The scholar was furious and did not have a timid roar, as if he had already lived disregard.

This screaming made Liu Ming seem to think of something, and suddenly realized his head: "Hey, I seem to think of you, you are the man who was the blind man? Is she dead?"

"The beast! You **** beast, I want you to pay for my wife!"

"Repaying? Oh, I am afraid that you are not the one, but if you don't say it, your wife is really good. I was struggling with a charming look. Now I still want to linger. It’s a pity that it’s a pity. I will send you to see her, and it will be fulfilled." Liu Ming’s cold-spoken chuckle, his palm began to force, and every time he used force, the youth was compressed in the whistling airflow, and soon Blood splatters from the pores of the youth.


In a few short-distance breathing, the body explosion of the young man exploded.

Throughout the process, countless people are in the same place.

Liu Ming is calm and abnormal. If the young people are pinching a cockroach, they will be cold and cold. "The guy who knows the dead and the dead, the people present are reminding me that this is a chaotic domain, as long as you have not become a foreigner disciple, I am your king. What I say is destiny. Whoever dares not to follow, who dares to disobey, he is your end!"

After finishing the conversation, Liu Mingchong pointed to the **** rain of the sky.

After all, he turned indifferently and ignored the more than 20,000 people on the field.

When Liu Ming’s back disappeared, the two disciples who were always behind him took a step forward. The two disciples had a bitter smile and one said: “From the middle, the left person follows me.”

Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui were all on the left side, and the crowd followed the disciple toward the west side of the chaotic area.

In this way, I walked about half an hour.

The minds of countless people in this half hour were suppressed because of the young scholars, as if they saw the state of the crowd. The leading disciple looked back and smiled: "I advise you not to think too much, otherwise you will not know what Liu Ming’s deacon knows. What are the good results."

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere in the crowds eased a lot.

They all understand that in the chaotic domain, they want to mix out some famous places. The first thing to do is to work honestly here, don't think about doing the right thing with people in chaos.

"Oh yes, I haven't introduced myself to you yet. I am called Dong Qing. After that, your affairs will be under my control. Don't give me trouble." Compared with Liu Ming, this Dong Qing is very sunny, big boy. Smiled.

Taking advantage of this effort, the demon yelled from the heart of Qin Shi: "The little guy has entered the chaotic domain. Be careful in everything. I can't easily help you here. I feel a few pounds in this chaotic domain. The power, if I shot, is easy to detect, then it is troublesome."

Qin Shi nodded, he knew this.

Like the demon, Kong Xianhui does not forget the rushing Qin Shidao: "When you enter the chaotic domain, don't always make troubles in the future. Here my spiritual power can't be used, otherwise it will be discovered by the old guys in the inner domain."

Just after hearing the demon, Qin Shi was no different, but after Kong Xianhui, his face was pulled down: "No, I said that I am more likely to cause trouble, you are so one by one."

"You thought that you had less trouble." The demon did not have a good look at Qin Shi, saying: "The soul of the young man was taken over by you? Do you know how dangerous it is to do this? It’s not that I used the suffocation to disturb the fluctuations in the surrounding atmosphere. You have already been aware of it.”

Qin Shi was shocked. He thought that the clothes he made were seamless.

Yes, just at the moment when the young scholar was destroyed by Liu Ming, he took his soul back with the power of the soul, and like the blood wizard, he was hidden in the heart of the heart.

"Save a life, win a seven-level floating squad, I can feel it. The scholar loves his wife very much. He is not an impulsive person. He can make him like this. Liu Mingding is doing something to him. He shouldn't have died like this." Now that the little action has been discovered by the demon, Qin Shi has to scratch his head.

"If you decide your business anyway, don't make any trouble at the end." The demon stunned and said no more.

At this time, the crowd has been led by Dong Qing to a 10,000-meter open space, surrounded by tens of thousands of rooms.

"This is where you live. Go and find a room you like. When you come here in the evening, I will distribute the slavish costumes of the chaotic domain and the contribution cards of the chaotic domain." Dong Qingchong When I waved, I turned and left.

When Dong Qing left, the atmosphere in the square was very active. A group of three people gathered together and discussed each other.

Many people have just come to the chaotic domain and want to find a few reliable friends here. In the future enslavement career, they can support each other.

Many of them also found Qin Shi, but they were all declined by Qin Shi. He already has Kong Xianhui and does not need others.

He and Kong Xianhui chose two of the most remote rooms on the left. After all, the two are now in a special status, and they must reduce the number of appearances in the chaotic domain.

Entering the room, Qin Shi first began self-reorganization, he cleared the floating ash in the room, and then sat down on the bed.

"Drink, really hard." Qin Shi could not help but complain.

"The place where you are enslaved, what do you want? It is already very good to have a bed. Do you think that you can not give me a gift?" Kong Xianhui also arranged the room and came to Qin Shi. he.

Qin Shixiao smiled and shook his head. The two stayed in the guest room for a while, and the night gradually came. In the evening, the two gathered at the central square.

Dong Qing came here early. Some disciples from the big family took this opportunity to plead with Dong Qing. For this unspoken rule, Dong Qing also smiled and accepted it with pleasure.

When the crowd gathered, he coughed a few times.

This time, there were several chaotic domain disciples behind him. The disciples’ identity was obviously low, and they had been well-behaved behind Dong Qing.

"Well, then I will distribute the costumes of the chaotic domain to you. I have placed amulets on these costumes to avoid the group attacks on the periphery of the chaotic domain. If you don't want to die, I advise you to wear them every day. It." After finishing the conversation, several disciples behind Dong Qingchong recruited.

Several disciples distributed the costumes.

Get the costumes, Qin Shi looked around, and suddenly expressed his ecstasy, this dress is also a dark black robe, I do not know when to start, he already likes a black dress.

The distribution of the robes was over, and several disciples distributed a card with a faint lustre on each of them. The words on the card were engraved with a sloppy word, which was very domineering.

"This card is your contribution card. You will inject your spiritual power into it. The contribution card will be recorded automatically. Your daily contribution will be recorded in this card. As long as you have enough contribution, You will be able to switch to a variety of treasures in the domain, including some of the Horcruxes, famous instruments, and precious Ling Dan herbs, including your most desired foreign field test places, and when the contribution reaches 10,000, you can go to the chaos. If you can successfully pass the test, you will become a formal disciple of the chaotic domain." Dong Qing explained.

Many slaves are eager to try. Their purpose here is to join the chaotic domain. Even Qin Shi has begun to yearn for it. Of course, he is not joining the chaotic domain. This is a must for him, and he is really heart-warming. The name is the name, and those of the Ling Dan herbs.

"Next, I will tell you about your daily work and the acquisition of contributions." Dong Qing's gas field is magnificent: "Your daily work is to inject spiritual power into the peripheral array, and you must inject 3,000 every day. The code's spiritual power, this code number will be recorded in each array can get the three-point contribution value, and inject one thousand yards per day, you can get one more point, more work and more In addition, in the periphery, there will be some Zongzhong tasks that you can take, such as hunting wild animals and searching for spiritual grasses. You can also get the contribution value when you complete this task."

"Of course, the chaotic domain will not bury any genius, so in the peripheral performance field, you can win the contribution value by means of squatting, but the premise is that you can not delay the daily work, you must agree, you can not make a noise. Human life."

"Remember, in the chaotic domain, there is only contribution, no Lingshi, no Xuanjing, and if you want to develop here, you must have a contribution."

Dong Qing’s voice changed: "Next, do you have any questions?"

"No!" everyone excitedly promised.

"If you don't have one, rest for one night and start working tomorrow." Dong Qing arranged everyone and left alone.

Among the people left, one momentum has soared.

Qin Shi’s slightly raised mouth: “Delivery? This way, I like it.”

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