Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 644: For you

"My family has a famous instrument. This instrument is a collection of thousands of worms, and a scepter made of blood of thousands of wild animals. This scepter has the effect of changing the face, as long as there is this scepter, You can change your looks at any time."

"What do you say is the thousand-faced scepter?" Kong Xianhui Jiao Rong was slightly shocked.

Hearing this statement, Wang Zheng also stunned: "Yes, it is the thousand-faced scepter."

"Call..." Kong Xianhui held the chest and shouted: "That said, you are Wang Zheng?"

"Girl, do you know me?" Wang Zheng unexpectedly said.

&nb; pig; pig; island; novel www.zhuzhu+; Qin Shi is also full of wonder: "What is going on?"

"Three years ago, in a disordered domain, because of a sensational massacre in a famous device, the massacre killed thousands of disciples in the outer regions of the disordered area. This is the worst in the past hundred years. And this killer of thousands of people, if I did not guess wrong, should it be you?" Kong Xianhui stares at Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng’s look sank and he finally smiled without concealing: “It’s me.”

"Hey...!" Qin Shi took a breath of cold air and was able to kill thousands of people in this huge field of chaos. What is this Wang Zheng’s cultivation?

"Three years ago, Xu Yan, the beast, smashed my scepter, and married the elder of Xing Mozhen to frame me, and ordered me to kill in the chaotic domain. I finally forced me to kill. Wang Zheng resented.

"Xu Yan, Xing Mozhen?" Qin Shi is no stranger to these two people. If they say that they are framed by Wang Zheng, Qin Shi is willing to believe.

"So what do you want us to do for you?"

"I think, let the two help me to win back the thousand-faced scepter." Wang Zheng bit his teeth: "As long as the two are willing to help me, I am willing to pay all my worth."

Wen Yan, the two did not rush to promise, Kong Xianhui silenced for a long time, said: "Why do you choose us? The chaotic domain is one of the eight domains, the eight giants of the human world, want to recapture the thousand-faced scepter, then It can be said that it is more difficult."

Wang Zheng shook his head: "No, the two can do it." When he said this, he paused and stared at Kong Xianhui half-talking: "Although I don't know the identity of the two, I am sure that the two are not No name, I think that with the ability of two people, I want to be in the outer domain of the chaotic domain. It should not be difficult."

Being said this, Qin Shi was a little bit flustered. He did not wait for Kong Xianhui to agree. He patted his chest: "I promise you, just as I have some private enmity with Xu Yan and Xing Mozhen."

Kong Xianhui stunned her eyebrows and took a look at Qin Shi, but she did not refuse.

"Thank you for the two." Wang Zheng was very polite, and then said: "The two are waiting a little, this is a perspective of the chaotic domain, it took me three years to figure out, you may be able to hold Some help for you."

After taking the perspective, Qin Shi’s heart was overjoyed. This thing is very important to him.

Promise Wang Zheng, the two left, just left the tent, Kong Xianhui blamed: "Why do you promise him?"

"Please, can you be a little sympathetic?" Qin Shi did not agree with the grin: "Moreover, I was not prepared to let Xu Yan and Xing Mozhen, can earn some points from them, why not? ”

"You...!" Kong Xianhui was speechless and finally shook his head: "Then you will take it yourself, I will not help you."

"Who wants you to help, if you help me, I will finally give you Xuanjing, I don't want to, I can solve it myself." Qin Shi likes money.

Qin Shiyan, Kong Xianhui suddenly stood, very solemn rushing Qin Shidao: "You remember, chaotic domain is not as simple as you think, there is a careless, you will die!"

Unexpectedly, Qin Shi frowned, and also responded seriously: "Who said that I would think of the chaotic domain is simple? Since the chaotic domain is one of the eight domains, then I have never thought it is simple, but even if it is human The eight giants in the world do not mean that Qin Shi can bend my knees and let me surrender. On the contrary, it is because of his power that I feel full of motivation. As for my promise to Wang Zheng, it is not because I am small. Domain, but in my life, I will only do what I should do, do what I feel is right, I think it is right, I should do it!"

"You...!" Kong Xianhui was stunned. She stared at Qin Shi for a long time, and finally she swayed the dagger and did not speak.

Somehow, from Qin Shi's body, she actually saw a few points of gas that she was not aware of, and that gas field was the gas field exclusively for the king.

"Oh, what kind of person are you? What kind of things have you experienced?" Kong Xianhui's heart is full of curiosity about Qin Shi.

In this way, the two have been walking to the center of the black market, Kong Xianhui is directed at Qin Shidao: "You go shopping for yourself, I went there to see if there is any artifact that can block the spiritual power, so as not to be detected in the chaotic domain. ”

Qin Shizheng had this intention, and finally came to this black market, how can he go around and go around: "Well, gather at the door after an hour?"

"Yes." Kong Xianhui promised to go to the pavement in the distance.

The rest of Qin Shi, who stretched out his body alone, began to walk in this black market. On the way, he mainly searched for herbs that could heal the soul. He never forgot to restore the jade in the book these years.

In the black market, he found three six products, and one of the seven herbs that healed the soul, and he could not help but feel happy.

"I hope that I can do this, I can let Yujie recover soon." Qin Shi took a deep breath, then he wandered for a while, and just in boring, the demon's voice awakened him: "Little guy, go to the left to see There is something on the other side that can heal my wounds."

"Well?" Upon hearing this, Qin Shi no longer talked nonsense. He promised that the demons would help him to recover, so he went all the way along the left side.

"That's it." At the door of a pavilion, the demon said: "Is there to see the dark beast? Help me buy him."

Qin Shi bowed his head and scanned it in the shop. He saw the beast of the demon, and there was a faint glow on the beast. He could feel it, and the halo was a sigh.

"The beast of the devil's wild beast?" Qin Shi thought in his heart, and asked the owner of the beast Dan to ask: "Boss, how is this beast sold?"

The boss is a fat man with a slight edema. He sees Qin Shi immediately excited and smiles. "This son has a good eyesight. This beast Dan is the best beast of my character. It is from a four." The black panther in the sky..." First, a bragging, the boss finally said: "If the son likes it, you must have 30 Xuanjing."

"Thirty Xuanjing?" Qin Shi blinked and angered: "Why don't you steal money?"

Just kidding? Thirty Xuanjing is equivalent to three hundred million Lingshi, just a four-day beast Dan? Want three hundred million?

But when Qin Shi was preparing to bargain, the demon suddenly said: "Little guy, don't argue with him. Someone came to this side, and this is also the beast, and the strength is very extraordinary. You can help me with this beast first. Dan bought it, and thirty Xuanjing turned back and I tried to make it to you."

"It’s not a mysterious thing!" Qin Shi’s heart was awkward. He didn’t care much about Xuanjing, but he wanted to spend something worthwhile, but since the demon said this, he had to bite his teeth and eventually he said it according to the demon. Thirty pieces of Xuanjing were pulled out, and his pockets shrank again.

Indignantly accepting the beast, Qin Shi took a look at the **** fat man, and then walked away in the distance, and sure enough, he did not go far, looked back and saw a large group of people The pavilion went on, and after asking about it, the leading man suddenly swept toward Qin Shi.

Qin Shi was shocked. The man just looked at him and even let him feel the bottom of his heart, as if he was transparent in front of this person.

"A terrible sense of oppression." Qin Shi continued to breathe a few mouthfuls of gas, this sense of oppression is such a long time, he only felt the existence of Xing Mozhen.

"Come on, they locked you." The demon warned.

Qin Shi nodded and sneaked into the crowd without thinking. Then he rotated for the third round of the third round of the black market in the black market. When he was determined that no one was behind, he was relieved.

"Really dangerous."

With a sigh of relief, he counted the time. There was still half an hour from the agreement with Kong Xianhui. For this reason, he began to look around.

At this moment, his gaze suddenly surprised, falling on the side of the shop a strange eyeball, yes, it is the eyeball, is a fist-sized eyeball, what should be the eye of the wild animal.

"The demon eye of a one-eyed illusion?" The demon also noticed the eyeball, showing a bit of shock.

"One-eyed magic demon? What is that?"

"It is a kind of wild animal that is good at illusion. With its extraordinary mental power, it is concentrated on the eyes. It can produce very horrible illusions. The star that you cultivate is a master, and the fourth layer is not a refining god? You can Buying this demon eye should help you to open this fourth layer of refining."

"Really?" Qin Shi was overjoyed. His star-studded tycoon has stopped for a long If this one-eyed demon's demon eye can really open the fourth layer, it can be said that he is more A big boost.

In particular, he still remembers that in the book, Yu and he said that the fourth layer of the star-studded martial arts is to cultivate spiritual power. Such a statement may make his spiritual strength improve.

In this way, Qin Shi walked to the front: "Boss, how does this demon eye sell?"

"One hundred Xuanjing." This boss is a famous old man. He always keeps his eyes closed and does not look at Qin Shi.

Qin Shiyi, his face immediately fell down: "One hundred crystals?"

This has exceeded his ability to pay.

But just as his heart was unwilling, a wonderful shadow came to him, and a handful of jade crystals were handed to the boss: "This one-eyed demon, I want it."


Qin Shi frowned, and this time he first discovered that Qian Ying is Kong Xianhui, who picked up the one-eyed demon eye, smiled very earnestly and handed him: "Give it to you."

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