Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 642: Recalling the soul

The giant hand turned into a sky fireworks.

Qin Shizhen’s big eyes, stuttering: “Xianhui?”

Yes, this is the shadow of Tian Xian, which is Kong Xianhui. At this time, her jade face is slightly reddish, without the paleness of the past, the red lips under the nose are also lustrous and attractive, and the three thousand hairs have no wind fluctuations. Tsing Yi’s regular swing is so moving.

She was originally a beautiful woman. Now she recalls her soul. It is like a **** help, and the beauty is a mess.

"Are you okay?" Kong Xianhui held Qin Shi, and the clothes were fluttering.

Qin Shi smashed the mouth of the dried [pig_pig_island] novel w.zhhuo.m涩, the heart was shocked.

When the two people touched the skin, Qin Shi could clearly feel that a very terrifying spiritual power was born from Kong Xianhui's body, and this spiritual power made him tremble.

“Let's rise to heaven?”

Yes, Kong Xianhui, who had never been repaired before, was the body that exuded the spiritual power of ascending heaven?

And this power, even if it is Yuyue, it must be inferior to it. If Qin Shi guessed it correctly, she should have reached eight days and will soon enter nine days.

The existence of the peak of the heavens.

In the face of the shock of Qin Shi, Kong Xianhui smiled and said: "Thank you, then, give it to me."

Immediately, she swept the old man who was beautiful in the wild, and when she finally fell on the blue Linger, she trembled slightly, but she said nothing, saying: "You let yourself go, or Want me to do it?"

Kong Xianhui recovered, and the old man and the others lost their hearts.

"She, she recovered? Finished, finished, we are all finished." The old man screamed, and it was like a sky.

Under the pressure of Kong Xianhui, the six-day world and the power of two five-day worlds have shrunk, and the calmness of the previous face disappeared and was strained.

"I didn't expect that the repair of the little girl, even to the extent of this horror?" The six-day man was low.

Three years ago, when the chaotic domain handed over Kong Xianhui to them, Kong Xianhui’s soul had already gone out, and there was no repair. Now that Kong Henghui has recovered, they are all stupid.

"Can't let her run, otherwise the chaos will not let us go!" The old screaming, shouting to the people around him: "What are you doing? Just fight, and leave her."

The rest of the people heard that they bite their teeth. They know that the old man said yes, and even if they can escape the chaotic domain, there is still an unknown large force behind Kong Xianhui. If she really leaves her alive, they are all Got dead.

"There are dead in the horizontal and vertical! Fight."

The man in the six-day world smiled bitterly, but he also saw it. The first punching Yin Hui launched a storm. He controlled three giant hands and attacked Kong Xianhui from the three sides.

"I won't let it go? Then I personally let you let it go." Kong Xianhui smiled slightly, her movements looked very slow, very gentle, but she was lifted by her jade hand, and the three giant hands touched by the whistling When they touched each other, the three giant hands suddenly stood still, and turned into powder on a piece of vain power, and they collapsed.


At the moment when the giant hand was shattered, the air formed a violent shock wave, and the carpet-like sweeping crypt.

"Drink, the power of horror." Several of the old men quickly retreated, and the six-day man and two five-days were in front.

However, according to their cultivation, in front of Kong Xianhui at this time, it is as weak as the ants, and under the violent oppression, the spiritual power in their bodies cannot be sacrificed outside the body.

"Stacked in the sky!"

Suddenly, on the rock wall between the crypts, the violent spiritual power was motivated. Every inch of space between the crypts seemed to be under the control of Kong Xianhui, and the pressure of a rising temper was fierce. The people are all still, and no one can move.


The strength was strengthened again and everyone was fainting.

The eight-day situation is too strong, far from the wild beauty night, this group of people can be embarrassed, Qin Shi in the back are all blink of an eye, heart and soul.

Shocked everyone, Kong Xianhui did not kill them, and the rushing Qin Shi stone stood up and said: "Let's go."

Qin Shi nodded: "Yeah."

When the two men stepped into the blue Linger, Kong Xianhui could not help but pause, revealing a sense of sadness.

"Yu Wenzhao is, Blue Linger is also, why can I always encounter this kind of thing?" She seems to be talking to herself, and she is asking Qin Shi.

Qin Shi sighed, and he knew that the feeling of being betrayed was definitely uncomfortable: "Don't think too much, people are different, not everyone is like you think, and some people care about your feelings."

“Is it like you?” But at this time, Kong Xianhui suddenly became serious: “Would you like to sell me one day?”

Qin Shi seriously shook his head: "No."

As for the two words, but it contains too much, Kong Xianhui's slight loss of consciousness, nodded to Qin Shi: "Well, I believe in you."

"How do you deal with her?" Qin Shi pointed to the blue Linger.

Silenced for a long time, Kong Xianhui's expression changed several times. After a few times, he almost fell to his heart, but in the end he shook his head: "Sisters, let her fend for themselves."

"You, the heart is too soft, like this kind of person you don't want her life, she will sell you a second time sooner or later." Qin Shi helpless, but he also knows that he said nothing is useless, Kong Xianhui finally I will definitely let go of this blue Linger.

But put it back, Xuan Jing can't be cheaper for her. This is the only thought in Qin Shi's mind. She went alone and unloaded the space ring of Lan Linger, the old man and the rest of the people.

"Now, no more than that year, I am a poor ghost in this place, can't let them go." While collecting the space ring, Qin Shi, while meticulously calculating the internal Xuanjing, said with satisfaction: "Yes, there are more than 50 pieces." Xuanjing."

From the side of Kong Xianhui weird look at the Qin stone, the beautiful bend into a crescent.

"You want Xuan Jing, I can give it to you." Kong Xianhui whispered: "You help me find my soul, I can give you a lot of Xuanjing."

But upright back, Qin Shi rushed to Kong Xianhui and shook his head: "Your Xuanjing is even, I only earn the money that I earn. I help you not for Xuan Jing, purely for friendship, we are Friend."

Kong Xianhui was slightly lost, sweet smiled at Qin Shi, and did not insist on anything. She believed Qin Shi’s words. After all, when they knew each other, she was only a son-in-law in the wild night.

"Let's go, just now you shot, it is estimated that you have been disturbed, and then stay for a while, you can't go." Qin Shi waved his hand.

Kong Xianhui just returned to God and nodded.

The two left the crypt and did not go far in the distance. The skyline of the beast was eclipsed. The figure led by Xu Yan quickly rushed to the wild night, from a golden pagoda not far from the wild night, Qin Shi and Kong. Yinhui hides it, and Qin Shi screams: "Fortunately, go fast, otherwise you will be discovered."

After saying this, he punched Xiang Xianhui and said: "Okay, now your soul has been recalled, no longer have to stay in this place to be wronged, where is your home? I will send you back?"

"I don't go back." Kong Xianhui shook his head.

"Well? You don't go back? Where are you going?"

"I want to follow you to the chaotic domain." Kong Xianhui took a faint sorrow and smiled: "I am going to find him, I want him to regret it!"

Feeling Kong Xianhui's decision, Qin Shi opened his mouth, but in the end it was dumb.

He couldn’t help but think of himself four years ago. At that time, he was like Kong Xianhui. He did not give up all the costs to let Lin Liner regret, but in the end he still put more than Lin, but not because he could not bear it, but the opposite is true. Because I don't love, if I don't love, I won't hate. Yu Liner has nothing to do with his life.

"Oh...!" sighed, Qin Shi knew that Kong Xianhui still did not forget the Yu Wenzhao, so he would be shrouded in hatred. This kind of thing is not because he can persuade a few words to persuade him, only let her go in person. After the experience, he nodded: "Then you can think about it."

"As long as you don't give up, take me with this big trouble." Since the soul recalled, Kong Xianhui's personality is much more cheerful, and the beauty is not as empty as before.

"I want to dislike you, I have already given you a slap, how can there be so much trouble now." Qin Shi did not sigh grumpy, it was a reply to Kong Xianhui.

In this way, when Xu Yan and others returned without success, Qin Shi dismissed the relics, and the two reappeared in the rock of the animal farm.

"Since the companionship, then it is up to you to lead the way." Qin Shi clapped his hands, he did not know the location of the troubled mountain.

Kong Xianhui smiled and said: "Don't worry, there are still half a month to recruit slavery from the chaotic domain. During this period, we will prepare something first."

“What are you going to prepare?” Qin Shi’s incomprehensible blink of an eye.

"Don't ask, you will know when you come with me." Kong Xianhui did not explain, pulling the Western leap of Qin Shichao's animal farm.

On this road, she deliberately lowered her cultivation, tried to make her own spiritual power not spread out, and the speed was not very fast. It took about three days, and the two talents came to a city in the beast of a million meters away.

This city is called Yingcheng. It is a wild city that is not controlled by the imperial city. It is very grand from the outside, and even can compete with the imperial city of the Chiyan Empire. Enter the Yingcheng, Kongkong Yin Hui took Qin Shi around for a few laps, avoiding the sight of the people in the city, and finally came to a very remote alley. After entering the alley, Kong Xianhui looked around and made sure that no one noticed and pushed a house in the alley.

The house was very deserted, and there were deciduous sandstone scattered in the yard. It has been seen that no one has lived for a long time. For this reason, Qin Shi blinked: "I said, what did you take me to this ghost place? You will not want to Sell ​​me? I am not worth it!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I know that you are not worth it! Don't deliberately emphasize it." Kong Xianhui didn't give a face to his mouth, and immediately took Qin Shi around the yard and went to a dilapidated stone house.

Entering the stone house, there is old furniture, but just swam in this circle, Qin Shi’s black scorpion suddenly stunned and could not help but frown.

He found that on the wall of the stone house, there was a scroll that was incompatible with the surrounding. This scroll is very old and gives a sense of mysterious deepness. It is a secluded tsunami, the central hollow of the tsunami. Next to a woman with a piano, the woman's jade hand was placed on a slender string, revealing a faint glow around it.

"This is it."

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