Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 614: End of the event

"Really, for Long Baixiong, who can be without humanity and who is the father of his brother, I have never had a chip." Qin Shi nodded solemnly, and Guo Danyang immediately slammed his voice and said: "You In the future, I will not be able to protect you after handing over."

Wen Yan, Guo Danyang was a glimpse, this time she was silent for a while, but did not talk with Qin Shi, but a very docile step back.

Guo Danyang just retired, and Long Bairen had a glimpse of it. One step forward: "Now, the person who surrendered the qi beads should be you!"


Qin Shi condensed his spirits and quickly rolled a circle around the left side, escaping the attack of Longbai, and immediately-piggy-pig-island-small-say-www--the left hand manipulated the spiritual power, and the power of the soul was quickly injected into the spirit. In the force, hundreds of thundering tigers were formed, and they rushed to the dragon.

"Broken empty dragon!"

Dragon White tears open the space, and with the suction in the crack, hundreds of tigers are swallowed up.

Feeling the gravity of the space, Qin Shi wrinkled and frowned: "The blood wizard, this underground space is blocked."

The blood wizard screamed constantly, but soon the underground space was like a shield, and the dragon's claws could no longer tear the space.

Less trouble with space cracks, Qin Shi obviously eased a point, but the speed of Long Bai is extremely fast, even if he does not rely on the power of space in the five-day situation, the offensive is still extremely terrifying.

There is no demon, Qin Shi in his hand, the simple confrontation can not find cheap.

"Between this heaven and the earth, as the demon said, each layer is huge." Qin Shi was under tremendous pressure and lost again and again.

"Bad boy, do you think that our dragons have no space, will they be helpless? Innocent, I said, I want you to lose everything, all of which includes your life, stay here today."

The dragon and white rushed to pursue, such as the dragon claws of the giant ding, which caused a huge spiritual vortex from the sky, and immediately turned into five spiritual powers, which turned into five young black dragons.

"Hurricane Prisoner!"

Five black dragons, suddenly connected end to end, actually formed a huge circle, in this circle rushing into the rolling anger, whistling rolled up the boulder on the ground, causing cracks on the underground cliff, approaching Qin Shi .

Qin Shi’s heart was shocked, and the left and right hands were turned out at the same time. One was full of ridiculousness, and one golden light was shining: “Swallow the dragon!”


Hundreds of dragons and hurricanes collided to form a dramatic pressure.

At this time, hundreds of ethnic disciples poured into the ground.

I saw the colorful confrontation in front of me, and I couldn’t help but sip.

The black scorpion swept away in the crowd, and Qin Shi said: "If you want to be a person with a qi, you can shoot with me and hurt the dragon once, one yuan!"

The Baizu disciples heard that one by one was immediately spirited.

"Qin Gongzi, I will help you!" It is a man-made dead bird for the death. Under the temptation of Yuanqizhu, many people are still waiting to see, but soon hundreds of disciples all flocked to the battlefield.

Even if Long Bai is strong, he can't beat these hundreds of people.

Moreover, there are still many peaks of four days.

"Hey, Long Bai brother, it seems that this time, I am a high skill." Qin Shi back a few steps, could not help but relieved.

"Qin Shi, you **** it!" Longbai was furious.

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders. Do you have to make rational use of resources? Anyway, these yuan beads have been sold once, and now they are used to deal with Longbai. Why not?

Yin Feng’s several people were also attracted to the crypt.

I saw the shocking picture of the crypt, and the throat was dry. "Qin Shixiong, what did you do? How are these people crazy?"

"There is nothing, just use the yuan beads, buy these disciples, let them deal with the dragon white." Qin Shi smiled and said, immediately he waved his hand, will take out the space ring in the dragon tooth, six hundred yuan beads Glittering in his hand.

"Yin brother, this hundred you are holding, with these enough for you to surpass the dragon."

One hundred points were given to Yin Fengyi, and Qin Shi gave the waiting family a hundred. Finally, it was the turn of the blood family. The **** dragon smirked: "Big brother, you are too god, so diverse, how do you do it?" Got?"

"How to do it is not important, this is for you." Qin Shi smiled and handed the blood to the dragon ten yuan beads.

The blood dragon squinted and frustrated: "No, you give them one hundred, why give me ten?"

"The ten pieces are the ones that promised you before. This one hundred is for you to be a **** family." Qin Shi shook his head helplessly, and this **** dragon was satisfied.

Finally, he turned his eyes to Guo Danyang, hesitated a moment, and took out a hundred yuan of beads: "Miss Guo, these are for you, thank you for the speed of the Guo nationality before, to help the four people."

Looking at the strength of Qin Shi’s hands, Guo Danyang’s position trembled.

If you don't feel tempted, it is impossible to get it. You must know that with these hundred elements, it is enough for the Guo family to stabilize the second position. There is only one Lin family in front.

However, perhaps her previous attitude towards Qin Shi, let her reach for a long time embarrassed.

Seeing her embarrassment, Qin Shi smiled: "Hold it, this is what you deserve, but the girl should still smile more, why bother to pretend to be a rejection of thousands of miles away."

Qin Shi opened, Guo Danyang finally nodded, and took a hundred yuan of gas beads to reveal the smile of the smear, said: "Thank you."

The people took the yuan and Qin Shi looked ahead. He had to admit that the strength of Longbai was terrible. He was still invincible among hundreds of people, and he also seriously injured dozens of disciples.

"It seems that they should give them some more power."

Qin Shi smiled slightly, and the remaining two hundred yuan of gas beads in his hand suddenly suspended, and he was thrown away by his fierce rushing dragon white: "You, two hundred yuan of gas beads are there, if you want, you will do your best." Go grab it."


Seeing the qi beads, hundreds of people’s eyes are red.

The dragon and white look sank and angered: "Qin Shi, you will kill you sooner or later!"

"Hey, wait until you have a life to live and talk about it." Qin Shi shrugged and walked silently next to the play.

The power of two hundred yuan of gas beads has made hundreds of disciples excited again, one by one crazy, and constantly rushing to attack the dragon.


The dragon and the white bite the broken teeth, and the dragon claws quickly trembled in front of the chest. A touch of invisible force shook the hundred people in front of them, and the feet rushed out of the crypts.

"Want to run?"

Qin Shi’s eyes sank and he went out personally.

He just chased out, three hundred dragon beads condensed, facing the back of the dragon white: "swallow the dragon!"


At this moment, the enchantment violently shook, and began to smash from the center of the sky, and eventually disappeared completely into the holy land of the Baizu.

The enchantment disappeared, symbolizing the end of the event.

"Damn, is it too late?" Qin Shi snorted, he knew that this was the last chance to kill Long Bai. For this reason, he slammed his foot hard, and the speed was increased several times by him. .

call out!

At this time, an old body crossed the sky, and the hand was stopped in front of Long Bai.

"Little guy, the game is over, don't overdo it!" Long Xuan's old eyes blazed, and a wave of Qin Shi's empty space, an invisible spurt of life to the Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s reindeer shrinks, and the fingerprints are quickly kneaded: “Shelley clothes!”


When the Jinta was just out, the horrible air would devour it.

The huge golden pagoda was actually born in the hands of Long Xuan to shock the crack, making the inner Qin Shi a surprise.

call out!

Fortunately, at this time, the four heads of the head of Yin Hong quickly poured into the enchantment, blocking in front of Qin Shi: "Long Xuan, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? He wants to kill my grandson, can I still stand by and watch?" Long Xuan is in front of the four people, but the momentum is not weakened by the cold road.

"Grandpa, he killed the dragon tooth!" After Longxuan, Longbai painfully pointed to Qin Shi.

Long Xuan heard the sound of the five senses: "What?"

Qin Shi’s heart sank: “This animal is actually falling into me!”

"Bad boy, I want you to die!" Long Xuan was completely angry because of the death of Longya, and a horrible force emerged from the body, causing Yin Hong to tremble, and quickly stepped back a few steps. .

Yin Hong’s four hearts sank.

"Long Xuan, you don't overdo it, the game is in the game, it is the rule, even if Qin Shi killed the dragon tooth, this is also within the rules!" At this time, Guo Yilong also jumped forward, ranked in the four main body before.

Five people in five days, this is reluctant to compete with Longxuan.

Long Xuan 眸呲 眸呲 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Start."

After all, he turned back and wanted to leave with the dragon.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to leave. Qin Shi was not very happy. He scattered away the Jinta Road around him: "Long Lord, what do you seem to have forgotten, our previous gamble, a hundred million Lingshi? I am still waiting for you. Give me Lingshi and then pay dividends to the rest of the family."

This test champion has already made a foregone conclusion.

"You...!" Long Xuan’s fist was tight, but he didn’t wait for him to get angry. Suddenly he felt that in the stands, nearly a hundred eyes were locking him, causing his heart to sink and eventually rushing to Qin Shi’s point. Underneath, throwing a black card at Qin Shi: "Good, good, good, good boy, I will give you this billion Lingshi, but you remember how you took it, I will let you know how to vomit. Come out, of course I will leave you some, let you buy coffins!"

After picking up the black card, Qin Shi looked at it. It was just a hundred million Lingshi, which made him smile and smiled: "Yes, but before buying the coffin, did Long Xuan's owner first exchange this for me? ”

Qin Shi’s big hand waved the dragon’s bill written by Longya to Longxuan: “A big dragon, won’t even have this credibility? If that’s the case, who will dare to join you in the future? Dragons do business?"

After receiving the bill, Long Xuan’s heart sank.

This bill, all previous owners have seen it in the stands.

Invincible, Long Xuanyuan's pinching fist, once again throwing a black card at Qin Shi: "Kid, you remember, these things you owe the dragon, one day, one day, I will let you spit it out!" ”

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