Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 603: Fusion


Qin Shi frowned, he once participated in the power of the soul in the spiritual power, but it was only to let the spiritual power have low-level mind, can become more autonomous and skilled, but now let him merge the two major martial arts, his heart It is full of doubts.

“Can this really be done?”

"What is impossible, you humans are like this, always willing to limit thinking, you have to know that the world is very large, nothing is impossible, the simplest example is you and me, what do you think of the world? It is also impossible to think that I will be attached to your little doll on an ancient demon, right?"

"Really (pig-pig-island) novel.zud.......!" Qin Shi nodded. There are many miracles in this world. He and the demon are the products of this world miracle, but he thought for a moment and suddenly felt wrong, angered: "Wait, what do you mean by this, it seems to be pinned on me, letting you suffer a lot of grievances!"

"Isn't it? I can't feed me every day, and 30 million Lingshi will make you feel so painful, oh." The demon grievances pouted.

"...!" Qin Shi mouth twitching: "Big brother, that is 30 million Lingshi, you are the cabbage in the vegetable market."

"Forget it, know that you are not very big now, and when you grow up, don't treat me badly." The devil's little child's beeping mouth immediately turned to a lot of openings: "Say business, actually in ancient times, there are A magician named Mud Bodhisattva, he used to combine spiritual power and spiritual power, but he combined the power of the attribute and the power of the soul. At that time, he was under the cover of me and the emperor. The strongest person on the ridiculous continent, he can do what you can't do? Don't you still say that you want to be my brother?"

The words of the demon made Qin Shimao open, and he was indeed confined before, but he only considered spiritual power or single spiritual power, but never thought about combining the two.

"Yeah, that mud Buddha can do it, why can't Qin Shi be?"

Qin Shi’s courage was big, and he took a deep breath, and the black scorpion slammed open and stared at the point.

"I will try to merge."

After all, he turned his left hand: "The word God, the spiritual power!"

The spiritual power in the sea was mobilized, and 10% of the mental power flowed into Dantian. The trend of the sea made his knowledge expand and the spiritual power began to boil.


In one fell swoop, Qin Shi broke through the three days.

"The desert is ridiculous!" Suddenly, Qin Shi seized the opportunity, the palm of the hand emptied, and a ridiculous pattern leaped from his fingertips, eventually forming a hundred-hundred lines, covering the half-walled Baizu. Holy land.

"He wants to make a move!"

When the absurd pattern came out, the audience held their breath, and they all wanted to marry. This Qin Shi, which can replace the Lin family and dare to be hostile to the dragon, can have much skill.

"It is the eighth-order martial arts? There is no blood of the Bai nationality, and it is possible to master the eight-order martial arts. This kid is not simple." The horror of the ridiculous pattern was sensed, and many small families praised it.

However, among the people who were surprised, Yin Lin’s **** four people were frowning.

"This is not the trick used by the stone brother and the front brother? Is it the martial arts when fighting with the dragon?" Yin Xueer shouted.

Yin Lin blood four people, are clear about the foundation of Qin Shi, knowing that this desert is absolutely not a full blow of Qin Shi.

"Oh, yes, this is the trick when I am fighting with me. What is Big Brother thinking about? How can I use this trick?" The blood dragon has woke up and squatted.

Yin Feng's eyebrows are heavy and can't understand Qin Shi.

Four of us are eyebrows, and anxiously said: "What kind of ghost is this Qin kid doing? There are strong tricks, how can I use this trick? He won't be deliberate?"

The Lin family is even more clenched. This desert is absolutely powerful, and it can defeat the blood dragon, but in front of Yin Feng, it is not qualified. If Qin Shi wants to rely on this attack, at most he can only get eight sides. Spirit shield.

Although the Eight-faced Spirit Shield is enough to win, don't forget that there is a dragon white behind it.

"Did you find out? The spiritual power of this kid is much thicker than it was three days ago. It seems to have reached the peak of the three-day situation." Xue Xiongfei himself comforted.

"Even if it is honest, it is only a three-day situation. How can it be compared with the four-day situation!" Hou Wanqian denied.

"Forget it, let's take a look. This kid has too many secrets. He should have other methods."

"Well, if it doesn't work, this attack item will first admit defeat, and there will be opportunities in the future."

A group of people shook their heads helplessly and was disappointed.


Unexpectedly, the arguments just fell, and the spiritual power that was originally whistling on the battle platform suddenly became even thinner. Qin Shi’s whole body was lightly golden, and the other hand was turned up in the sleeves.

"God word, reverse!"

The spiritual power in Dantian is counter-current, and it is forced into the sea of ​​knowledge like a spring.

Five percent, ten percent.


At this time, when the gods reached 10%, the meridian connected to the Dantian connection, suddenly heard the sound of the road, this meridian actually expanded several times, so that it has reached the limit, ready to return to the spirit of Dantian The force once again swayed and rushed into the sea.

This scene made Qin Shi’s blink of an eye reveal a shock that was unbelievable: “This is, fifteen percent? The gods are actually breaking through at this time?”

At the thought of this, Qin Shi looks great.

"This is simply helping me!" In the excitement, Qin Shi quickly grasped the spiritual power in the sea and made the spiritual and spiritual powers merge.

It is precisely for this reason that Qin Shi’s spiritual power has been continuously falling from the three-day environment to the two-day environment, which has made the people present not only frown.

"Two days? What is going on?"

"Don't he use martial arts to improve his cultivation before? In fact, he only has two days?"

"No, then if this is the case, the Lin family can be hung up. The two-day environment cannot use the power of the property. I am afraid that even the two shields cannot be destroyed!"

Many small families have been stunned.

Lin Yi’s face was purple, and he angered: “Is this stupid kid playing me?”

Before, if it was said, several people still comforted themselves because of Qin Shi’s spiritual strength, and now the last hopes are shattered.

Lin Biao is also very puzzled, maybe others are not clear, but she knows that Qin Shi is absolutely three days, but how can it fall to the second day?

"Haha, Lin Jiazhu, this is the backing you are looking for? It seems that you are old-fashioned, and even found such a kind of goods." The sixth-ranked Huo family leader in the last session provoked.


Hey, clenched his fist, Lin Yi bite his teeth: "Take your own."

"Yeah, take care of myself. We are working hard, maybe we can squeeze into the top five, but the top five looks like you want to bid farewell to your Lin family." Huo Jiazhu laughed.

"I didn't expect that the Lin family would give Lin to such a waste."

"Oh, is the old man, and then it is not his daughter's brother-in-law, how can I take care of it, right?"


The laughter is almost filled with the holy land of the Baizu, and Lin Yi’s old face can’t be hanged.

The only one who didn't laugh was the Dragon. Instead, he showed a bit of dignity. Both Long Xuan and Long Bai looked at Qin Shi.

"Dragon Baige, this kid is so wasteful, it seems that our dragon family has won, and as long as you go up and attack freely, we can be the first dragon." A dragon disciple has a dragon white road.

"What do you know!" Unexpectedly, Longbai was angry and glanced at him: "This kid is the one who is the most likely to be my opponent."

"Well?" The disciple yelled, "Oh, what about the two days?"

"Two days? Do you really think he has only two days?"


"Of course not, you wait and see, you will know it later!" The calmness of Longbai was lost and his heart was upset.

This disciple did not understand the retrospection. How can he see that there is something terrible about Qin Shi.

At this moment, the Scorpio suddenly dimmed.


A stunned thunderous bang, opened from the palm of Qin Shi's palm, I saw him always closed black scorpion, such as a sturdy sword, carried out in the scorpio.


A few breathless efforts, the air around Qin Shi suddenly jumped.

puff! puff! Puff puff!

A muffled sound, two muffled sounds, continuous muffled sounds, after every muffled sound, there must be a purple smoldering fire in the air, this smoldering fire just overflowed, making the Yan people under the field stunned. The eyes are filled with fear.

They are extremely sensitive to the flame, and they are very aware of the horror of this flame.

"What is this?" When the purple fire came out, many people yelled at it.

And just as they were puzzled, a touch of golden light rushed into their eyes, and an unusually strong force was pressed from the sky, just like the collapse of the sky.


In the purple smoldering fire, the golden light of the homeopathic emerges. Each golden light is composed of a relic. In the blink of an eye, three hundred golden light relics make up the sky.

"Yes, is it spiritual?"

"No, it is the power of the soul, this kid is the soul charm magician!" Indifferent, Yan disciples open, I do not know why they seem to have a kind of congenital fear of Jinguang relic, the subconscious retreat 100 meters.

"It turned out that this kid is ready to use the power of the soul to shoot?" Lin Yi in the stands, the heart falling into the bottom of the valley ignited hope.

"No, you look closely. In addition to your mental strength, the eighth-order martial arts is still there. Is this kid using both the power of spiritual power and the power of the soul?"

Everyone heard the words and looked up.

Sure enough, the ridiculous texture of the sky is still suspended in the air, which makes everyone shocked.

"This, is this possible? At the same time, using two completely different forces, is this kid still a person?"

The previous scorn all became awe.

Lin Biao also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the high-profile Qin Shi on the battle platform. He complained: "It's a little guy who doesn't make people worry. Every time I have to make things so thrilling!"

"Huo Jiazhu, it seems that you have no fate to squeeze into the top five." Qin Shi's changes, Lin Yi's heart to restore the sigh of relief, with his people's way to cure his own body, the rushing home sneer.

The Huo family’s look was tight, and he could see that his mouth was twitching: “Hey, let’s walk!”

Three hundred relics, three hundred ridiculous, the demon can not help but praise: "little guy, yes, the first time you can reach this level."

Open your eyes, Qin Shi's forehead has already appeared cold sweat, the body under the black robe keeps shaking, and the horizon is even blurred.

"Oh, while manipulating the two forces, it really can't be eaten." Shaking his head secretly, Qin Shi bite his tongue and restore calmness by **** smell: "Now, it's the last step."


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