Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 598: 0 family holy land

The frenzied spiritual pressure made the sky dim, and everyone looked back and looked out of the kilometer.

In the north, dozens of figures galloped like a sword, leaving traces from the vain air, and headed by the name of the old man, the old man is the owner of the dragon: Long Xuan.

Behind Longxuan, there are dozens of dragon disciples, and several of them are also known by Qin Shi. It is just a few people who met in the cold spring waterfall.

"It seems that the coming is still coming." Qin Shi’s nose was scorned, and the black scorpion suddenly condensed, and a fierce corner of the dragon’s body was explored. In that position, Chu was separated from an ordinary young man. The youth’s sense of existence is very weak, and ordinary people can’t notice him at all, but he is firmly attracted to Qin Shi.

&% pig% pig%%% novelww.nbsp; I don’t know why, although this young man did not speak, he brought an unprecedented sense of crisis to Qin Shi, which made him frown: "It seems that this person should be a hundred people." Genius: Dragon White?"

As if I felt the eyes of Qin Shi, the youth greeted me, and the moment of Qin Shi’s confrontation, she showed a light smile.

With this laugh, Qin Shi’s heart was cold.

The appearance of the dragons, the atmosphere on the field is very strong, even if it has been in seclusion for a hundred years, the people present can still not forget the horror family who dominated the Baizu 100 years ago.

"Dragons, how did they come?" The Yan people next to the Lin family frowned.

"Don't they come back?"

"If this is the case, this time it will be lively."

A group of small families talked constantly, but these snorings dissipated as the dragons approached. Long Xuan is still wearing a quaint robes, but even so can not block the compelling breath, just gently dry cough two, the audience cleared: "cough! You, long time no see?"


Yin Hong’s old face was embarrassed, and the fist squeaked: “Oh, it’s the owner of Longxuan, I don’t think you will come?”

"Of course, today is the most important day in my own ethnic group. How can I miss this excitement when I am also a Baizu?"

"If you look at the excitement, then look at it, but before that, please hand over the dragon's dragon spoon." Lin Yi and Yin Hong side by side, it is a stance.

Under the joint of the two owners, Longxuan did not change color: "I used to watch the excitement in previous years. I am not going to watch it this year. There is no one in the dragon race of the Dragons. There is really nothing to look at."

"Long Xuan, what do you mean by this?" The patriarch of the Yan family was furious.

"It doesn't mean anything. This year, our dragons are also preparing to participate in this hundred races. I don't know what you mean?" In the anger of the Yan people, Longxuan is not warm, it seems to be the opening of the inquiry. It is full of command meaning.

"Dragons also want to participate?"

The words came out and the atmosphere was boiling.

"Sure enough, the Dragons are going to come back. Who can get the top spot under this one? It seems to be an unknown number."

"Well, although I don't know how the dragons have developed in the past 100 years, it is only the first day of the Bai family that it is only white. It is estimated that it will be able to sweep the audience. This time, even if it is the Yin people, I am afraid that it may not be able to get the benefits?"

In this regard, Qin Shi is stunned, I do not know why he hates this old guy.

"Kid, don't underestimate this old guy. In these people who are currently present, he is a strong one. Even if the owners of the four families of Yinlin Blood are united, they may not be his opponents."

The demon suddenly opened, so that Qin Shizhen squeezed his eyes and looked at Long Xuan unbelievably: "You mean, this old guy, has such strong strength?"

"Well, and I can feel that there is a more terrifying power than the old guy, not just showing up."

"What? More horrible power than Longxuan?" Unbelievable and turned into a stunned, Qin Shi was aware of the bad situation: "So, isn't that dangerous?"

"Well, though, there is one thing you don't have to worry about. The guy who hasn't shown up is at least a hundred-year-old demon. It's definitely impossible for you to be a contestant in the hundreds of races. You will first settle your mind and train the hundreds of races. The champion was taken down, and it was not too late to think of it."

Without help, Qin Shi had nodded, but his heart was inexplicably depressed. It seems that he still smashed the Baizu. I thought that among the hundreds of people, the five-day situation is the limit. He can’t swipe with the evil spirits, at least It won't be threatened, but it seems that he is whimsical now.

Feeling the strangeness of Qin Shi, the demon did not go without an opening, because he knew that this kind of thing may not be a bad thing for Qin Shi, at least to allow Qin Shi to converge.

"Dragons are a hundred people, naturally qualified to participate in this hundred races, and hand over the dragon spoon." Yin Hong took a deep breath and gradually adjusted the mood, which made him smile.

"That is the best."

Long Xuan smiled gently, stepping on the heavy pace alone, step by step to Yin Hong, next to the last small square on the board.

Stopped here, his dry hands emptied into the air, and the space in front of him actually produced several cracks, and a key engraved with the ancient dragon pattern was sacrificed from it.

"This is... the power of time and space?"

Throughout the whole process, Qin Shi was shocked by the side. He was familiar with Long Xuan’s ability. Isn’t it the trick used by the blood wizard?

"Little guy, don't be excited, he doesn't really control time and space. It's just a quick attack, tearing up the space, and it is essentially different from the empty ancient demon." The demon sees Qin Shi's worries. .

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned: "by attack, tearing up the space?"

"Well, ordinary people, when they reach the heavens, use the power of attributes as the medium, they can have the power to tear open space." The demon does not care.

"Isn't that said that this Longxuan has the cultivation of ascending heaven?" Qin Shi's black shackles can no longer be calm, and it is necessary to know that the ascension of heaven is a seven-day state, and that level is said to have the power to transcend the Scorpio.

"How is it possible that you are so easy to break through when you ascend to heaven? This Longxuan, but just broke through for six days, and the spiritual power has not yet stabilized."

"How can he tear open the space?" Qin Shi said that he could not understand.

"I am not very clear, but I feel the strong blood from the body of this dragon. If I guess it is correct, the body of this dragon should be inherited by the blood of a few dragons, so they are The attack was very sharp, and it was able to tear open space in Qitian." When it came to this, the demons suddenly said: "You must know that the real dragon is the head of the wild beast, and they have the ability to tear the space innately."

"The true dragon blood?" Hearing this title, Qin Shi could not help but accident: "It turns out that the family in this 100-nation family is strange. It seems that the singularity of this dragon is the blood of this dragon." ?"

The space is torn open, the dragon emptiness trembles, the dragon key is like a hand from the mysterious arrow, and the small square that runs through the center of the chessboard is cut through the sky.


The square was shattered, and the caves were immediately stunned. A terrifying force was encircled from all directions, and hundreds of different forces eventually gathered at the cave entrance.

These hundreds of different forces come from the hundreds of keys that the Baizu sacrificed. These forces and the dragonflies on the grottoes form an inexplicable opportunity.


Just at the moment when the power of the hundred powers was poured into it, the infinitely dark hole suddenly burst into a strange whirlpool, and the vortex merged hundreds of forces to form a deep white light group.

"The Baizu Holy Land has opened."

As soon as the light group came out, the crowd smashed, Yin Hong and Long Xuan were the first to get up. Yin Hong and Long Xuan did not let each other, and the light rushed into the center.

More and more people are disappearing on the light group.

Qin Shizhen opened his eyes: "Is it a hundred people's holy land?"

"Well, let's go in too." Yin Fengyi and the other two participating disciples gathered at Qinshi, which naturally included Hob Meat: Blood Dragon.

Sixteen people gathered again, and Qin Shi’s mouth rose slightly, rendering a strange atmosphere: “Well, let’s make a good fight in this holy land.”


Passing through the light group, the interior is 10,000 meters of birds and flowers.

In this enchantment, there is almost no difference from the outside world. The Scorpio is also azure blue, but the spiritual power of this is extremely rich and profound, so that Qin Shi is shocked.

"Remember that the last time, in the quaint jungle enchantment, the central even half of the spiritual power is not, I did not expect this space enchantment, even mixed with such a profound spiritual power?" Qin Shi sighed.

Among the hundreds of holy places, there is a very old battle platform. This battle platform was established for the Bai ethnic group. In previous years, the battle against Taiwan was carried out.

All the Baizu entered the Holy Land, and Yin Hong stood on the stage and cleared his throat.

"Presumably, you all know that this year's Hundreds of Hundreds of Races is slightly different from the previous Hundreds of Hundreds of Races. It is a four-item competition. Then I will not go nonsense. The first is the attack competition. Please prepare with me."

Yin Hong’s voice was very loud and resounded throughout the Bai people’s holy land. After that, he let go of the position behind him, and beside him was the owner of the remaining Baizu.

Hundreds of homeowners stood on the ringwalk. It is obvious that they have planned clearly before, and they form a circle with each other. At the same time, they will sacrifice their spiritual powers, and hundreds of heavens will exert their strength at the same time, resulting in fluctuations in the stocks. The fluctuations will soon form. A vortex, and in the center of this vortex, is a clear point of force. Behind the point of force, there is a whole thousand iron shields formed by spiritual everything is ready Yin Hong then turned back and conveyed the rules of the game: "The younger disciples, the next thing to do is to attack the individual items. Everyone has seen this point of force, and the iron shield behind the point of force. You should have discovered it. On these iron shields, there is a spiritual line connecting the points of force. When you are competing, you only need to attack the point of force with full force. The power will be transmitted to the rear iron shield according to these spiritual lines, as long as you The power is enough, the iron shield will be destroyed, and finally calculated according to the number of iron shields destroyed by each person, destroying the largest number of iron shields, winning!"

I heard that many disciples began to try.

Qin Shi calculated from the surrounding, the spiritual power has already spread invisibly. When the spiritual force touched the iron shield, he could not help but frown. "Drink, these iron shields are all doped with attributes, ordinary The three-day world wants to penetrate three sides, it is already difficult. It seems that this time, the Baizu also made a **** book in preparation for this hundred races."

"That is nature. This time, all the rules were decided by many homeowners for a long time." Yin Feng nodded.

Just as many disciples were amazed, suddenly a figure slammed into the battle platform like a ghost: "Oh, it's that simple? Let me let the dragon teeth try the water for you."

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