Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 580: wedding

Looking back, Wang Lihao looked directly at Qin Shi: "I am not afraid, you will not."

Qin Shiyi: "Oh, are you so sure?"

"Well, I believe that if you are such a person, you will not apologize to me just now. Although Wang Lihao is stupid, I can still distinguish between right and wrong. What I just pointed out is your mistake. You also have something worthwhile. Dear place, this is undeniable." Wang Lihao's honest road.

Listening to this is not flattering flattery, Qin Shi can not help but laugh, satisfied with the shot of Wang Lihao's shoulder: "Well, a good sentence to distinguish between right and wrong, I like you, you are not wrong, do not manage yourself The people under my hand are indeed my mistakes, but the management of a large gate is far from being as simple as you think. Moreover, when the tigers also have wars, the pigs, pigs, islands, and novels w.zuzd are not as good as the next one. I manage?"

"I?" Wang Lihao pointed at himself silly.

Qin Shi nodded seriously: "Yes, it is you, or just the sentence, join me Qin Zonglai, these medicinal herbs are for you, and the legal department of Qinzong will be handed over to you for management."

"Sovereign, give it to him? This is not ah." Many of Qinzong's elders were shocked and quickly said.

"I am the Sovereign, or are you the Sovereign?" Qin Shi frowned, and glanced at him fiercely.

"This...!" A few people dare not say more.

Seeing a few people shut up, Qin Shi continued to Wang Lihao: "How, do you have the confidence to manage for me?"

"I, I can't, I am a rough man, there is no talent, you let me fight and okay, I am not good at managing this kind of thing, you still please Gaoming." Wang Lihao stepped back and was flattered.

"Oh, who said that you have no talent, maybe you have not discovered it yourself, but you are by no means incapable, and on the contrary, the talents in you are not worthy of many people in this world, that is, sincerity." Qin Shi firmly believes: " I believe that the Ministry of Justice will hand you over, you will be able to manage for me."


"Big, this is what I am, I believe you so, and I promised to come down, I told you that I have passed this village, but there is no such store." Xiaomi Cai snorted.

Qin Shi added: "I believe that you must also have a so-called, not willing to take a walk on this dust, but it has ended up being inactive, right? And this should not be your ending, now the opportunity In front of you, opportunities are not always there, sometimes you have to seize them, I hope you can join."

Everyone focused on Wang Lihao.

No one expected that Qin Shi would value Wang Lihao so much.

Under the eyes of the public, Wang Lihao turned blushing, which made Qin Shi laugh, but it was precisely because of this that he believed that he did not read the wrong person.

A person can pretend to be a lot, but the true temperament is not disguised.

"That, then I will be more respectful than my life." Wang Lihao finally promised.

Looking at this shy big man, Qin Shi sat patted his shoulder with satisfaction: "Good, good, good, I believe, with you, Qin Zong's ethos will be changed soon."

Placed Wang Lihao, Qin Shi and Ling Xiao side by side.

Ling Xiao’s low-pitched question: “Sovereign, are you really going to hand over the Ministry of Justice to this Wang Lihao? We don’t know about the background of him.”

"Oh, rest assured, I have never seen a missed person." Qin Shi confidently rushed Wang Lihao and glanced: "In today's world, it is covered by a false veil, and there are not many people who dare to do it like him." Qin Zong needs someone like him."

Qin Shi said this, Ling Xiao is silent for a while, it is not good to say anything more. He knows what Qin Shi decided, except for a few people, no one can change.

The few people who can change him are nothing more than his mother Qiong Shuyao, and Xue Xuexin, Yu Luozha, and the book of jade in the life of the red dust woman, but these people have always been unconditional to him. Support and believe.

"Well, I know." Ling Xiao promised.

"Qin, Qin Zongzhu!" At this moment, a bang sounded from the side: "That, you see if we can join Qin Zong? Just let us join Qin Zong, go to the fire, and do not leave."

The patriarchs of several small families took the road and watched Wang Lihao enter Qin Zong and said that he also became the deacon of the legal department of Qin Zong, and the intestines of repentance were all green.

At the beginning, they are the same starting line, but they are eager to smoke, one by one only wants to join Qin Zong, but it is not as good as Wang Lihao, so sincerely natural.

Do you want to say that things will be reversed?

Wen Yan, Qin Shi frowned, did not respond to several small homeowners, cold words and cold words said: "Elder Ling Xiao, I remember I just said that except for a few Qin Zong disciples, the rest of the people Pull out here, how is the ear still so noisy?"

"Go and do it right away." Ling Xiao smiled and yelled at the next Qin Zong deacon: "What are you doing, clear people."

Soon, a group of rabble was cleared.

Without the noise of the hustle and bustle, the roots of Qin Shi’s ears were only a few clean.

"The bride is here!"

A high song, like a whistle outside the mouth, sounded from the door of the Nangong family.

Immediately, a red sedan chair was carried by eight people. In the tablecloth on the sedan chair, a beautiful shadow was sitting. Qian Ying just saw Qin Shi, and Mei Xiyi said: "Qin Shi?"

"Oh, beautiful woman, it’s been a long time since I saw it."

"How come you?" Tai Shihuan is still the female man's posture, rushing out the curtain directly, and the bride does not look like.

Qin Shi reluctantly greeted: "Come and drink wine, after all, you are together, I am also a half matchmaker."

"Half matchmaker?" Tai Shihua spent his eyebrows, thinking about the original sigh: "Oh, well, I remembered, I said, Xiao Bing was even arrogant when I talked to me, but I left. After the hall of the mysterious hall, it became a slick tongue. There was nothing to pay attention to me. It turned out to be your trick, and fight."

"Hey! This is going to be a wife, how is the temper still so explosive?" Qin Shi flashed behind, avoiding the jade hand: "How? I am not willing, I don't want you to marry, Anyway, I have a lot of single girls in Qinzong. I can’t introduce one to the Nangong brothers."

"You dare!" Tai Shihua spent a red-hot, screaming at Qin Shi: "You think, Xiao Bing is like you, you introduced him and promised?"

"Haha, this ice kiss by Xiao Bingxiaobing, will you know that you can't bear it?" Qin Shiyi smiled and suddenly sighed. "No, what is it like me? What happened to me?"

"You are lacking in morality, and you are ignorant of ignorant girls."

"Fart!" Qin Shi is arrogant and eloquent.

Nangong Bing is next to the black line. He still wants to be the groom's official. This makes the two people quarrel. Today's marriage is not used. I quickly hold the two people: "Okay, don't stand outside. Now, everyone is coming into the house, don't miss the time."

Tai Shihuan’s abdomen reveals a bit of free and easy appearance: “Hey, today is the day my sister is overjoyed, not with your rogue general knowledge, good women don’t fight with men!”

After that, she turned and entered the hall with Nangong Ice.

The Qin Shi left by the disciples, the big eyes and small eyes for a long time, and finally could not help but scream: "Rely, it is no wonder that the Nangong brothers said her tiger! This tiger girl!"

At the beginning of the wedding, seeing a couple of newcomers, Qin Shi is sincerely happy.

The heart can't help but think of the snow heart, the blue-green blue silk that is full of the ocean, the black scorpion is lost, and the bitterness: "Snow heart, where are you, are you waiting for me?"

"Are you looking forward to the same as I am, looking forward to our wedding?"

"Believe me, wait for me, one day, the day I am jealous of you, I will use this endless river to make your face, and make you the most beautiful bride in this world."

Looking straight into the West, Qin Shi became decisive.

This night, everyone drank a lot of wine. Qin Shi completely removed the responsibility and pressure of the sovereign. He was really tired in the past few months. He really didn't like the position of the sovereign.

At the wine table, Qin Shi also blocked the spiritual power, and the Taishi 葶花 released the wine, have to say, this woman must not drink, once drinking wine, really not a man can compare, late Qin Shi almost did not drill Go down to the table and say nothing.

By the end of the wedding, Qin Shi organized the disciples of Qin Zong to make a room for the cave. In short, I had a very happy night.

Relax, the next day.

Qin Shi and everyone rushed back to the empire, and there are still many things waiting for him to deal with, not to be slow.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to leave the eastern region, Qin Shi’s galloping body suddenly stopped, and his brow wrinkled and looked back.

"Lord, what happened?"

Qin Shiyi looked at it: "Someone is following us."

"Someone is tracking?" Ling said strangely: "No, how can I not notice?"

"The people who track our strength are extraordinary. If I didn't inadvertently put my mental power out, I didn't even notice him." Qin Shi raised his smile.

"What do we do then?"

"Don't sing, pretend not to know, I would like to say, who is tracking us." Qin Shichong several people recruited, so casually continue to move forward.

Ling Xiao several people looked at each other and quickly kept up.

All the way, a few people move forward at a constant speed, not fast or slow, deliberately let the people behind them follow.

In this way, it lasted for two hours, until the border of the eastern region, tracking their figure suddenly accelerated.

Qin Shi mouth corner pick: "Is this hard to bear?"

Immediately, the black robe creaked in the wind, and he put one hand behind his back, and a stunned palm thunder burst and burst, and in a flash his eyes blinked, rushing through a vain space behind him.


The empty space trembled in the Suddenly emerged from above, this space was torn apart?

In the rip, a phantom quickly fell back.

When I noticed this person, Ling Xiao’s old eyes were horizontal: "Don’t let him run!"

In the end, he was the first to explode, and his hand caught like a talon in the chest of the phantom: "Say, who are you? Why should we follow us?"

Under the urgent offensive, the phantom is silent, keeping the high-speed movement, suddenly changing the direction of advancement, moving to the bottom about ten meters, taking advantage of the offensive of Ling Xiao, and lending a force to the sky Black swordsman.

"Hurry...!" Ling Xiao looked tight.

Fortunately, Xiaomi Cai shot in time, a colorful Xiaguang to protect Ling Xiao.


The two forces collided in a collision, and the mixed Yuwei took advantage of the kilometer to make the Qin Shi eyes in the distance surprised: "Is this power, is he?"

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